Authors reused images in three papers, concludes journal probe

Biologists are retracting three papers after the journal concluded they contain reused images, designed to represent different experiments. The authors stand by the conclusions, some of which they say have been “extensively validated.” The Journal of Biological Chemistry used image analysis software to evaluate the images, first published at least a decade ago. Unfortunately, the raw … Continue reading Authors reused images in three papers, concludes journal probe

Authors retract non-reproducible Cell paper

Authors have retracted a paper from Cell after they were unable to reproduce data in two figures, compromising their confidence in some of the findings. The authors revisited their experiments after another lab was unable to replicate their data, about proteins that may play a role in lung cancer. The first author told Nature News in 2013 that … Continue reading Authors retract non-reproducible Cell paper

NEJM corrects 3 papers after prominent cancer scientist left off credit for breakthrough

The New England Journal of Medicine has corrected three highly cited papers to credit researchers who played a role in the work. The papers describe a treatment in which engineered T cells fight leukemia, originally hailed as a “major advance” in the New York Times. Since the first paper appeared in 2011, co-author Carl June at the University of Pennsylvania has received more … Continue reading NEJM corrects 3 papers after prominent cancer scientist left off credit for breakthrough

Popular paper by famous longevity researcher gets mega-correction

A highly cited paper by a well-known scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who studies longevity could have aged better: The ten-year-old paper has earned its second correction. It’s one of multiple papers by lead author Leonard Guarente that have been questioned on PubPeer. Guarente has already retracted one, and plans to address another.

Seralini paper claiming GMO toxicity disappears after journal domain expires

A paper claiming genetically modified corn may be toxic over long periods has disappeared one day after it was presented at a press conference, after the journal’s domain name expired. The paper, co-authored by Gilles Seralini — who has published controversial research showing harms of GM food — appeared in the Scholarly Journal of Agricultural Sciences (SJAS). On Tuesday, … Continue reading Seralini paper claiming GMO toxicity disappears after journal domain expires

Publisher error removes industry conflicts in vaccine paper

An article about the use of vaccines against pertussis — also known as whooping cough — didn’t include the fact that the author has received grants and consultancy fees from three pharmaceutical companies that help make or sell the vaccines. The correction to “Pertussis in young infants: a severe vaccine-preventable disease,” published in Autopsy and Case Reports just a few … Continue reading Publisher error removes industry conflicts in vaccine paper

“[W]e can learn from these bad actors:” Trail of retractions follows former Vanderbilt researcher’s fraud

Authors have retracted three papers from the Journal of Physiology because they contained “falsified or fabricated data.” The papers, which address calcium signaling in heart muscle cells, are among the six pegged for retraction after an Office of Research Integrity (ORI) investigation into one of the authors, Igor Dzhura, formerly of Vanderbilt University. The ORI … Continue reading “[W]e can learn from these bad actors:” Trail of retractions follows former Vanderbilt researcher’s fraud

Nature Cell Biology insulin paper retracted over antibody problems

A Nature Cell Biology article on insulin regulation has been retracted after scientists noted that the antibodies used in their research were not as specific as they had previously believed. The notice is clear on the problems with the science, which together “call into question the main conclusions of the paper.” Three of the paper’s five authors were … Continue reading Nature Cell Biology insulin paper retracted over antibody problems