That new beetle? Actually, it’s really an old beetle

A team of entomologists in India had to put their new species celebration on hold last year, when they found out their discovery had already been discovered. The Journal of Insect Science paper, initially published in December 2012, was retracted in October 2013, after several entomologists confirmed that the beetle was actually a previously identified species called Acanthophorus serraticornis. (The … Continue reading That new beetle? Actually, it’s really an old beetle

Stem cell researchers sue Harvard, claiming faulty investigation lost them job offers

Piero Anversa, a stem cell researcher at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital, and a colleague, Annarosa Leri, have sued Harvard over an investigation into their work that they claim has cost them millions in a forfeited sale of their company, and job offers. The team has had a paper in Circulation retracted, and a paper in … Continue reading Stem cell researchers sue Harvard, claiming faulty investigation lost them job offers

Stem cell researcher Hanna “working…to correct the unfortunate and inadvertent mistakes” in papers

Jacob Hanna of Israel’s Weizmann Institute has been a media darling for years, including as a member of the 2010 Technology Review 30 under 35 for his work with stem cells. However, questions have been mounting about his research, both on PubPeer (which has critical comments for 15 papers he’s an author on) and in other stem cell labs, who have … Continue reading Stem cell researcher Hanna “working…to correct the unfortunate and inadvertent mistakes” in papers

Retraction Watch is growing, thanks to a $400,000 grant from the MacArthur Foundation

Dear Retraction Watch readers, we have some exciting news to share. After more than four years, 2,000 posts, and incredible responses from the scientific community, we are thrilled to announce that The Center For Scientific Integrity, a not-for-profit corporation we’ve established, has been awarded a $400,000 grant from the MacArthur Foundation to expand the work … Continue reading Retraction Watch is growing, thanks to a $400,000 grant from the MacArthur Foundation

Revealed: Complaint lodged against Macchiarini, “super-surgeon” under investigation

Retraction Watch has obtained copies of a misconduct complaint filed against surgeon Paolo Macchiarini, who is currently under investigation by the Karolinksa Institute in Stockholm for allegedly downplaying dangers of an experimental surgery, along with other misconduct accusations. We’re posting them here to allow researchers and clinicians to review and perhaps comment on them. The complaint was from four … Continue reading Revealed: Complaint lodged against Macchiarini, “super-surgeon” under investigation

Paper on controversial stem cell “stamina therapy” retracted

A Korean stem cell journal has retracted a paper on a controversial Italian treatment that involves harvesting stem cells from bone marrow and injecting them back into the patient. “Stamina therapy” has been pitched as a treatment for everything from Parkinson’s disease to coma, based on a U.S. patent application filed in 2010. The Italian … Continue reading Paper on controversial stem cell “stamina therapy” retracted

Faking data earns stem cell researcher a ban on federal funding

The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) has sanctioned Kaushik Deb, a former post-doc at the University of Missouri-Columbia, who “engaged in misconduct in science by intentionally, knowingly, and recklessly” fabricating data in papers in both Science and Nature (which ultimately rejected his manuscript). Deb was big news in 2007, when Science retracted his paper. Articles … Continue reading Faking data earns stem cell researcher a ban on federal funding

Is Rolling Stone retracting its story on UVA sexual assault?

Rolling Stone has published an editor’s note that calls into question their November 19 story, “A Rape on Campus,” which details a UVA student’s alleged gang rape at a fraternity party and her subsequent struggle to get justice from the school. Shortly after publication, the magazine was criticized for not seeking a statement from the … Continue reading Is Rolling Stone retracting its story on UVA sexual assault?