Irony alert: Forensic experts have paper retracted for plagiarism

Time to roll out the irony meter again. A group of scientists from Uttar Pradesh, India, who study forensic bioinformatics have had a paper retracted for something that can generally be detected with a specialized form of forensic software: Plagiarism. Here’s the notice for Kumar Ajay, Singh Neetu, Gaurav S.S. “Forensic Bioinformatics: An innovative technological … Continue reading Irony alert: Forensic experts have paper retracted for plagiarism

Retraction for authors of muscle paper who lifted data from their own 18-year-old article

For the second time in a week, we’ve seen a journal retract a paper because it duplicated something in its own archive. Yesterday, it was a case of plagiarism in a plant journal. Today, we find that the Journal of Anatomy has retracted an article it published earlier this year by a group of Slovenian … Continue reading Retraction for authors of muscle paper who lifted data from their own 18-year-old article

NEJM paper on sleep apnea retracted when original data can’t be found

The authors of a paper in the New England Journal of Medicine are retracting it, after being unable to find data supporting a table that required corrections. Here’s the notice:

Off with his paper! Some authors want to retract claim to have identified Henry IV’s head

The BMJ is well-known for its annual Christmas issue, which New York Times medical correspondent Lawrence Altman calls a lighter and sometimes brighter side of medicine, publishing unusual articles that vary from simply amusing to bizarre to creative or potentially important. The 2010 issue was no exception, featuring a paper called “Multidisciplinary medical identification of … Continue reading Off with his paper! Some authors want to retract claim to have identified Henry IV’s head

Nursing journal pulls Novo Nordisk growth hormone paper over data provenance

The Journal of Pediatric Nursing has retracted a 2013 article (meeting abstract, really) on growth hormone after the drug company that employed the authors cried “take it back.” The research appears to have been presented at a meeting of the Pediatric Endocrinology Nursing Society, and looked at inefficiency in the use of devices for administering … Continue reading Nursing journal pulls Novo Nordisk growth hormone paper over data provenance

Cardiology researcher faked data in his prizewinning PhD thesis — and NIH, AHA grants: ORI

Nitin Aggarwal, formerly of the Medical College of Wisconsin, faked data in his PhD thesis, grant applications to the NIH and American Heart Association, and in two papers, according to new findings by the Office of Research Integrity. (The case would have apparently first been published in the Federal Register on October 2, except for … Continue reading Cardiology researcher faked data in his prizewinning PhD thesis — and NIH, AHA grants: ORI

Researcher who threatened Retraction Watch with lawsuit corrects funding source for several papers

Ariel Fernandez, an Argentine chemist (who claims to hold the fastest-awarded PhD from Yale) and the subject of institutional investigations at multiple universities, has corrected several papers recently. What makes the moves particularly unusual — and interesting — is the stated reason for the amendments: disclaiming any funding from the National Institutes of Health for … Continue reading Researcher who threatened Retraction Watch with lawsuit corrects funding source for several papers

Stem cell scientist says data in retracted paper “is not falsified or fabricated”

On Wednesday, we brought you the story of a retraction by Gerold Feuer, a State University of New York (SUNY) Upstate Medical Center stem cell scientist whom the university had found to have misused grants. He was suspended, but successfully fought that action. We had asked Feuer for comment at that time, and he has … Continue reading Stem cell scientist says data in retracted paper “is not falsified or fabricated”

Embryonic stem cell paper retracted for fabrication

Stem Cells and Development has retracted a paper it published earlier this year after the leader of the study reported that the data were unreliable. The paper, “Derivation and Genetic Modification of Embryonic Stem Cells from Disease-Model Inbred Rat Strains,” came from the lab of Aron Geurts, of the Medical College of Wisconsin. According to … Continue reading Embryonic stem cell paper retracted for fabrication

Retraction appears for stem cell researcher found to have used funds for his company’s gain

A stem cell journal is retracting a paper by Gerold Feuer, a researcher at the State University of New York (SUNY) Upstate Medical Center in Syracuse who was also found to have misused grants. The Feuer story is complicated. Heralded in 2008 for landing $6.2 million in grants from the New York Stem Cell Board, … Continue reading Retraction appears for stem cell researcher found to have used funds for his company’s gain