Former federal contractor faked data, says ORI

The Office of Research Integrity has found that Timothy Sheehy, formerly a scientist at a contractor for the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, committed misconduct in work paid for by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and a contract to his former company, SAIC-Frederick, Inc. According to a notice in … Continue reading Former federal contractor faked data, says ORI

Lack of ethical clearance prompts expression of concern from bone journal

The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery has issued an expression of concern about a paper whose authors may not have obtained proper ethical clearance. Here’s the notice, signed by editor in chief Vernon Tolo:

PNAS retraction notice reveals name of Leiden University researcher fired for data manipulation

In August, we reported on a case in which a researcher had been fired from Leiden University in the Netherlands for fraud. The university said there would be two retractions, but did not name the researcher in question. At the same time, however, there were clues in the university’s report that suggested it could only … Continue reading PNAS retraction notice reveals name of Leiden University researcher fired for data manipulation

Case report journal pulls paper on metastatic ovarian cancer with falsified data

The journal Case Reports in Medicine has retracted a 2012 article by a group of Turkish authors who made up things in the piece. The paper, “Brain Metastasis as an Initial Manifestation of Ovarian Carcinoma: A Case Report,” came from ob-gyns at Hacettepe University in Ankara, and purported to relate the case of A 30-year-old … Continue reading Case report journal pulls paper on metastatic ovarian cancer with falsified data

Duplication leads to recall of toxicology paper

A group of researchers from Egypt and the United States has lost their 2010 paper in the journal Toxicology in Vitro for recycling many of their own words from a previously published manuscript. The article, “Bacterial lipopolysaccharide-induced oxidative stress in adult rat Sertoli cells in vitro,” was written by Hamdy A.A. Aly, Hany A. El-Shemy … Continue reading Duplication leads to recall of toxicology paper

And the award for the “three most plagiarized papers” goes to…

The Retraction Watch archives are full of dubious distinctions — most retractions by a single researcher, longest time between publication and retraction, etc. — but now we have a competition for another: “The three most plagiarized papers.” That new category comes to us courtesy of a retraction notice in The Scientific World Journal, “Recent Advances … Continue reading And the award for the “three most plagiarized papers” goes to…

Scientist who faked data in his thesis will keep his PhD

Last month, we reported on the case of Nitin Aggarwal, who earned his PhD at the Medical College of Wisconsin, and who, according to the Office of Research Integrity (ORI), faked data in his graduate thesis, in applications for National Institutes of Health and American Heart Association grant, and in two published papers. Given the … Continue reading Scientist who faked data in his thesis will keep his PhD

A third retraction stemming from Cardiff investigations

We’ve been reporting on retractions of research published by Cardiff University scientists following an investigation into their work. On Monday, we noted a new retraction of work by the group in Cancer Research, which we thought was the second retraction following one in the Journal of Immunology in 2011. But it turns out there was … Continue reading A third retraction stemming from Cardiff investigations

Second retraction stemming from Cardiff investigations appears

A second retraction of a paper by a Cardiff University researcher found to have committed misconduct has appeared. In April, a Cardiff investigation found that Rossen Donev, a former researcher at the university, had manipulated images in four different papers. Donev, who was at the University of Swansea until August, according to his LinkedIn profile, … Continue reading Second retraction stemming from Cardiff investigations appears

Henry IV, part 2: No retraction necessary, say some authors of royal head identification paper

Last week, we reported that some of the authors of a 2010 paper in the BMJ claiming to have identified Henry IV’s head thought the study should be retracted based on new evidence. Some of the other authors have now responded to that call for retraction, which appeared on the BMJ’s site alongside the paper. … Continue reading Henry IV, part 2: No retraction necessary, say some authors of royal head identification paper