Rapid mood swing: PNAS issues Expression of Concern for controversial Facebook study

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) is subjecting a much-criticized study involving Facebook that it published just two weeks ago to an Expression of Concern. From the abstract of the original study:

How often do economists commit misconduct?

We haven’t covered that many retractions in economics, and a 2012 paper found very few such retractions. Now, a new study based on a survey of economists tries to get a handle on how often economists commit scientific misconduct. Here’s the abstract of “Scientific misbehavior in economics,” which appeared in Research Policy:

RIKEN inquiry prompted by STAP stem cell controversy generates three corrections

A review of past publications by the Japanese research institution RIKEN has produced three corrections of articles by a molecular geneticist, Haruhiko Koseki, The Scientist is reporting. The articles had appeared in Molecular and Cellular Biology between 2005 and 2010. The review was triggered by the scandal involving Haruko Obokata, a former RIKEN scientist whose … Continue reading RIKEN inquiry prompted by STAP stem cell controversy generates three corrections

If it smells like pig sh@#, it probably is pig sh@#: A stinky retraction

A group of authors in China has lost their 2011 paper in Bioresource Technology on pig poop because the journal detected a whiff of the familiar in a previously published article by other researchers in the same journal (a major tsk tsk and, well, oops). The article, “Feasibility of biogas production from anaerobic co-digestion of … Continue reading If it smells like pig sh@#, it probably is pig sh@#: A stinky retraction

Is it time for a journal Review Quality Index?

It’s time to review the reviews. That’s the central message of a new paper in Trends in Ecology & Evolution , “Errors in science: The role of reviewers,” by Tamás Székely, Oliver Krüger, and E. Tobias Krause. The authors propose that the process of manuscript reviewing needs to be evaluated and improved by the scientific publishing … Continue reading Is it time for a journal Review Quality Index?

Journal retracts letter accusing physicist of using fake names to criticize papers

From the world of physics, we have a retraction involving rivalry and alleged sock puppetry. The Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology has removed a letter from its website after a scientist complained that it was making unproven allegations against him. It’s a head-scratching case. The letter, from Lorenzo Iorio, first appeared … Continue reading Journal retracts letter accusing physicist of using fake names to criticize papers

Braggadacio, information control, and fear: Life inside a Brigham stem cell lab under investigation

The following post was written by a former research fellow in the lab of Piero Anversa to whom we’ve promised confidentiality. Anversa has previously told us that he cannot comment because of an ongoing investigation. Regular readers of Retraction Watch will note the recent news regarding the work conducted in the laboratory of Piero Anversa … Continue reading Braggadacio, information control, and fear: Life inside a Brigham stem cell lab under investigation

“Gremlins” caused errors in climate change paper showing gains from global warming

The author of a controversial 2009 paper arguing that at least some amount of global warming could lead to economic gains has corrected the paper, along with a later article in a different journal. We confess to be baffled by the implications of the mix-up, although others appear to be less confused. The 2009 article, … Continue reading “Gremlins” caused errors in climate change paper showing gains from global warming

Miłość at first sight: A retraction notice worth emulating from Poland

If we had a Retraction Watch headquarters (other than the diner where we occasionally meet for breakfast), we would have had to have closed up early today, because we both swooned when we saw a retraction notice from the Journal of Polish CIMAC this morning. The notice, signed by the journal’s editor-in-chief Jerzy Girtler, of … Continue reading Miłość at first sight: A retraction notice worth emulating from Poland