Math paper subtracted for plagiarism

Screen Shot 2015-02-10 at 1.02.16 PMISPACS’ Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Application, whose website promises “very fast publication,” has pulled a paper for ripping off an article posted on

Their plagiarism wasn’t exactly subtle. Here’s the abstract from the paper on

We introduce and study the class of weak almost limited operators. We establish a characterization of pairs of Banach lattices E, F for which every positive weak almost limited operator T:EF is almost limited (resp. almost Dunford-Pettis). As consequences, we will give some interesting results.

And here’s the abstract from the retracted paper:

We introduce and study the class of weak* almost Dunford-Pettis operators. As an application, we characterize Banach lattices with the weak DP* property. Also, we establish some sufficient conditions under which the class of order bounded weak* almost Dunford-Pettis operator coincide with that of almost limited. Finally, we derive some interesting results.

The retraction notice is short and to the point:

This article “Weak* almost Dunford-Pettis operators in Banach lattices” [1] has been retracted by the Editor due to its extensive similarity to previously published article “On the class of weak almost limited operators”

We’ve reached out to the authors of both papers, and will update if we hear back.

Hat tip Rolf Degen.

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