A Serbian Sokal? Authors spoof pub with Ron Jeremy and Michael Jackson references

What do porn star Ron Jeremy, Max Weber and Michael Jackson have in common?  Very little — except the three names appear in the list of references for a recent hoax paper by a group of Serbian academics who, fed up with the poor state of their country’s research output, scammed a Romanian magazine by … Continue reading A Serbian Sokal? Authors spoof pub with Ron Jeremy and Michael Jackson references

Journal retracts IVF paper over data concerns

The Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics has retracted a 2010 paper by a group of Iranian researchers after concluding that the authors may have misrepresented both the nature of the study and the originality of the work. The article, “Can fresh embryo transfers be replaced by cryopreserved-thawed embryo transfers in assisted reproductive cycles? A … Continue reading Journal retracts IVF paper over data concerns

Privacy breach prompts retraction of three papers from the trauma literature

A group of international psychology researchers is retracting three papers in the wake of revelations that they failed to adequately safeguard the identities of the patients who participated in the studies. So far, only one article has been formally retracted. That article, “Combining biofeedback and Narrative Exposure Therapy for persistent pain and PTSD in refugees: … Continue reading Privacy breach prompts retraction of three papers from the trauma literature

Retraction of JBC heparan paper shows much to like

We have knocked the Journal of Biological Chemistry in the past for what we believed to be needless — and unhelpful — obfuscation. And more recently, we have praised the journal for taking what we believe to be positive steps in the direction of greater transparency. Here, again, we come not to bury JBC but … Continue reading Retraction of JBC heparan paper shows much to like

Lacking “scientific and analytical rigor,” 8-year-old lymphoma paper falls to retraction

Leukemia & Lymphoma has retracted 2004 paper by a group of authors in Mexico after concluding that, well, the article never should have been accepted to begin with. The article, “Adjuvant radiotherapy in stage IV diffuse large cell lymphoma improves outcome,” came from oncologists at the National Medical Center. Its abstract (still available on Medline) … Continue reading Lacking “scientific and analytical rigor,” 8-year-old lymphoma paper falls to retraction

Infant formula paper smells like salami, retracted

Seminars in Perinatology has retracted a 2002 paper by a group of authors in France and Belgium who’d used a previously published article (their own) as a template for the benighted work. The article, “Nitrogen utilization and bone mineralization in very low birth weight infants fed partially hydrolyzed preterm formula,” by Jean-Charles Picaud and colleagues, … Continue reading Infant formula paper smells like salami, retracted

Journal expresses concern over flawed multiple sclerosis treatment guideline

The journal Neurology has issued an Expression of Concern over recommendations it published earlier this year regarding the treatment of multiple sclerosis. The journal’s website received multiple comments from clinicians expressing their own concern about the flawed recommendation, which was published as part of a paper titled “The American Academy of Neurology’s Top Five Choosing Wisely … Continue reading Journal expresses concern over flawed multiple sclerosis treatment guideline

Madoff retracts scientific paper

No, not that Madoff. We’re talking about Robert Madoff, editor of Diseases of the Colon & Rectum. His journal is pulling a 2012 paper by a group of authors in Spain who seem to have been unable to back up their findings when they were found to contain errors. The article, “Perianal versus endoanal application … Continue reading Madoff retracts scientific paper

Study of blood pressure drug valsartan retracted

Hiroaki Matsubara, a prominent cardiologist with five Expressions of Concern and two retractions for his CV, has another retraction. As Larry Husten, who first reported the retraction at Forbes, notes, the notice for 2009’s “Effects of valsartan on morbidity and mortality in uncontrolled hypertensive patients with high cardiovascular risks: KYOTO HEART Study,” which appeared in … Continue reading Study of blood pressure drug valsartan retracted

Retraction record broken, again: University report should up Fujii total to 183

Keeping up with the various investigations into the activities of Yoshitaka Fujii — the assumed record holder for retractions by a single author, with 172 likely — can be a challenge. Between the journals pulling his papers and the institutions looking into his misconduct, it’s hard to keep everything straight. But we have a new … Continue reading Retraction record broken, again: University report should up Fujii total to 183