Prominent geneticist David Latchman’s group notches second retraction

A team of researchers whose work is under investigation by University College London has retracted a second paper. Three of the 11 authors of the 2005 Journal of Cell Science paper being retracted — David Latchman, Richard Knight, and Anastasis Stephanou — were authors of a Journal of Biological Chemistry paper retracted in January. Stephanou … Continue reading Prominent geneticist David Latchman’s group notches second retraction

Cut and paste and a PC crash: figure manipulations sink two papers

Two papers by an overlapping group of researchers in Italy have been retracted for manipulated figures. In late 2013, perennial tipster Clare Francis sent their concerns about several papers, including the two that have been retracted, by authors who frequently publish together. One of the papers, in the Journal of Neurochemistry, is from a team led by Ferdinando Nicoletti; four other … Continue reading Cut and paste and a PC crash: figure manipulations sink two papers

Retracted paper on herbicide-ovarian cancer connection republished

A retracted 2008 paper originally flagged by Clare Francis has been republished in Environmental Health Perspectives with updated figures and new data. According to the editor’s note appended to the newly published paper, there was no evidence of intentional misconduct on the part of the authors. The new paper went through peer review as an entirely new submission, and comes … Continue reading Retracted paper on herbicide-ovarian cancer connection republished

Prominent geneticist nets retraction, two corrections, and a lot of questions

A team led by David Latchman, a geneticist and administrator at University College London, has notched a mysterious retraction in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, and has had 25 more papers questioned on PubPeer. The JBC notice for “Antiapoptotic activity of the free caspase recruitment domain of procaspase-9: A novel endogenous rescue pathway in cell death” is as useless as they come, a … Continue reading Prominent geneticist nets retraction, two corrections, and a lot of questions

Oklahoma postdoc admits to faking data in grant application, submitted paper

A postdoc at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation faked data in a submitted paper and in a grant application, according to a new report from the Office of Research Integrity. Bin Kang admitted to the misconduct, in which he

Fat cell paper earns unusually detailed retraction

A pair of cell biologists have taken responsibility for extensive figure errors that scuttled their paper in the Journal of Cell Biology. While there were five authors, first and last authors Eva Szabo and Michal Opas took responsibility in the notice. A number of figures “contain incorrect data and/or presentation errors,” and the original data isn’t available … Continue reading Fat cell paper earns unusually detailed retraction

Leading diabetes researcher corrects paper as more than a dozen studies are questioned on PubPeer

Prominent German diabetes researcher Kathrin Maedler has issued corrections on two papers, and told Retraction Watch she is in the process of defending the data on others. 14 of her papers have been critiqued by PubPeer commenters. The commentary, which spans from her graduate work in 2002 to a 2014 publication in Nature Medicine, includes questions about image manipulation and self-plagiarism. Laborjournal’s … Continue reading Leading diabetes researcher corrects paper as more than a dozen studies are questioned on PubPeer

Researchers retract paper for which first author won an award — but won’t sign notice

Most of the authors of two Molecular Cell papers have retracted them after becoming aware of inappropriate image manipulation by the first author of both — who refused to sign the notices. One of the papers, “Role of the SEL1L:LC3-I Complex as an ERAD Tuning Receptor in the Mammalian ER,” earned first author Riccardo Bernasconi, who … Continue reading Researchers retract paper for which first author won an award — but won’t sign notice

PubPeer files motion to dismiss Sarkar defamation case

Attorneys representing PubPeer in its defense against a subpoena by cancer researcher Fazlul Sarkar, of Wayne State University in Michigan, have submitted a motion to the Wayne County Circuit Court to quash the matter. Sarkar’s work has appeared on the anonymized post-publication peer review site, and he isn’t happy about it. In October, he sued … Continue reading PubPeer files motion to dismiss Sarkar defamation case

JCI lymphoma paper retracted after authors can’t find underlying data to explain duplicated bands

A paper in the Journal of Clinical Investigation has been retracted for manipulated images, including duplicated bands in a Western blot. Take a look at figure one to the right and see if you can spot all the doubles. Click here for a more zoomable image. Here’s the notice: