Work from noted gene therapy researcher Savio Woo under scrutiny with slew of retractions

Research from the lab of Savio Woo, a leading U.S. gene therapy scientist, has come into question with the retraction by major journals of at least four of his articles. The papers, which appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute and Human Gene Therapy, involve … Continue reading Work from noted gene therapy researcher Savio Woo under scrutiny with slew of retractions

Double trouble: Psych journal prints PTSD paper twice

Aging & Mental Health “welcomes original contributions” to fill its pages. Or not so original. Last November, the journal published a study by two California researchers which looked at the possible effects of post-traumatic stress disorder on physical well-being in older women – and found no evidence of such a link. Six months later, the … Continue reading Double trouble: Psych journal prints PTSD paper twice

Department of Redundancy Department: From fish to toxicology, where have all the editors gone?

Readers of three science publications may be wondering, “Where in the world were the editors?” after retractions appeared recently in the journals sounding the same theme: The articles in question had too much “overlap” between previous publications. For example, the Journal of Fish Biology notice reads, in part: “The retraction has been agreed due to … Continue reading Department of Redundancy Department: From fish to toxicology, where have all the editors gone?