Sexism charge hits proteomics journal — and you’ll see why

We guess that if you are the fox in charge of the chicken coop, you might be tempted to try to get away with the kind of thing we describe in this post. But here’s an example of why such a  cozy relationship can lead to, well, nutty developments. Coconuts, that is. The Journal of … Continue reading Sexism charge hits proteomics journal — and you’ll see why

Doing the right thing: Authors retract lubricant paper whose findings they can’t reproduce

The journal Wear — an Elsevier title, not a Condé Nast fashion magazine — has retracted a paper by a pair of Chinese physicists after the researchers were unable to replicate their findings. The 2009 article, “Microstructure and tribological characterizations of Ni based self-lubricating coating,” was written by authors from the MOE Key Laboratory for … Continue reading Doing the right thing: Authors retract lubricant paper whose findings they can’t reproduce

Fight against false copyright claims goes to Capitol Hill

Retraction Watch readers may recall that in November, we, along with Automattic, the company behind WordPress, filed a lawsuit against someone who filed a false copyright infringement claim about ten of our posts. On a false pretense — copying and pasting the posts onto a website in India, then claiming that we had plagiarized that … Continue reading Fight against false copyright claims goes to Capitol Hill

Not-so-tiny ethics issues as Micron retracts first-ever paper, and authors apologize for five duplicates

The editors of the journal Micron — an Elsevier title — have retracted its first paper ever, and in an editorial marking the occasion, take on a number of issues in scientific publishing misconduct. The beginning of the editorial (which is paywalled):

Leading chemist notches two retractions in one journal, separated by 47 years

A leading chemist at the University of Washington, Larry Dalton, has retracted a 2004 study in Inorganica Chimica Acta, marking his second retraction in the journal in 47 years. Here’s the new notice:

Brazilian researcher on 11 retracted papers loses academic post

Denis de Jesus Lima Guerra, a co-author on 11 chemistry papers that were retracted in 2011 for suspicions of fraud, has lost his position at the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT). Bernardo Esteves, who was first to report the news, writes (courtesy Google Translate) that the dismissal was

Leadership journal to retract five papers from FIU scholar

Retraction Watch has learned that The Leadership Quarterly, a management journal published by Elsevier, plans to retract five papers by a Florida researcher poised to “rock” the field — but probably not quite in the way a press release intended — whose findings in the articles were questioned by readers. The scholar, Fred O. Walumbwa, … Continue reading Leadership journal to retract five papers from FIU scholar

Citation manipulation: Journal retracts paper because author boosted references to a journal he edits

A group of researchers have lost a paper in a computer science journal because they were apparently using its references to help the impact factor of a different journal that one of them edits. Here’s the notice for “Impacts of sensor node distributions on coverage in sensor networks,” a paper first published in 2011 and … Continue reading Citation manipulation: Journal retracts paper because author boosted references to a journal he edits

Heads up: “Borrowing” your student’s work will earn you a partial retraction — and a five-year publishing ban

We have a curious case for the “avoiding the p word” files from the Journal of East Asia & International Law. The paper in question, “Border Enforcement of Plant Variety Rights: A Comparison between Japan and Taiwan,” was written by Shun-liang Hsu and appeared in the Spring 2012 issue of the journal. Here are the … Continue reading Heads up: “Borrowing” your student’s work will earn you a partial retraction — and a five-year publishing ban