Author threatens to sue Elsevier if paper remains retracted

An author is prepared to sue Elsevier if it doesn’t un-retract his paper. Computational Materials Science published two papers by the same author just eight months apart; nearly four years later, the journal pulled one for duplication. Author Masoud Panjepour, affiliated with Isfahan University of Technology in Iran, told us that he is working with a lawyer to negotiate a … Continue reading Author threatens to sue Elsevier if paper remains retracted

Researcher who sued to stop retractions gets his sixth

A sixth retraction has appeared for a diabetes researcher who previously sued a publisher to try to stop his papers from being retracted. Mario Saad‘s latest retraction, in PLOS Biology, stems from inadvertent duplications, according to the authors.  Though an investigation at Saad’s institution — the University of Campinas in Brazil — found no evidence of misconduct, a critic … Continue reading Researcher who sued to stop retractions gets his sixth

Dutch university ordered to pay economist after she was accused of plagiarism

A court in the Netherlands has fined Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) 7,500 euros to compensate for “immaterial damage” to an economist accused of plagiarism. Karima Kourtit, a researcher at VU, has been at the receiving end of anonymous complaints to her institution accusing her of plagiarism and her professor, high-profile economist Peter Nijkamp, of duplication (i.e. self-plagiarism). … Continue reading Dutch university ordered to pay economist after she was accused of plagiarism

PLOS ONE pulls maize paper with Photoshopped images

PLOS ONE has retracted a paper after editors learned that some of the images had been manipulated using Photoshop. First author of the paper, Chuan Li, confirmed that he was responsible, and told Retraction Watch he apologizes for his “low-level mistake.” Zhongfu Ni, last author of the paper from the China Agricultural University in Beijing, told us … Continue reading PLOS ONE pulls maize paper with Photoshopped images

“Mixed up” images earn biologists four retractions

Four different journals have pulled papers from the same authors due to alleged duplication or manipulation of images. All four papers have two authors in common — Jianting Miao and Wei Zhang, both based at The Fourth Military Medical University in Xi’an City, Shaanxi, China. Many of the other co-authors are also listed in two … Continue reading “Mixed up” images earn biologists four retractions

Biologist under investigation asks journal to swap image, journal retracts the paper

When a researcher discovered one of the images in her papers was a duplication, she asked the journal to fix it — but the journal decided to retract the paper entirely. The researcher, Suchitra Sumitran-Holgersson, is currently being investigated by the University of Gothenburg in Sweden after a number of her papers were questioned on PubPeer. She told … Continue reading Biologist under investigation asks journal to swap image, journal retracts the paper

Non-retraction notice: Editors explain why two similar papers aren’t redundant

Editors have published a notice to let readers know why they’re not retracting a couple of papers. One paper examined whether the results of CT scans could be used to stage patients with uterine carcinoma; the other considered whether CT scans could be used to predict overall survival in uterine carcinoma. Both papers — by researchers at … Continue reading Non-retraction notice: Editors explain why two similar papers aren’t redundant

Materials journal breaks three papers from the same author

Metals and Materials International has retracted three papers from one author, due to suspicions of plagiarism and authorship issues. The three papers have one thing in common — the same lead author, Reza Haghayeghi from the Islamic Azad University in Tehran, Iran. The retraction notices — all released in March, 2016 — lead with the following:

Journal flags duplicated text by gynecologic cancer researcher with 13 retractions

When journals discover duplicated material, many choose to retract — but a cancer journal recently faced with the same dilemma involving a researcher with multiple retractions under his belt has instead decided to flag the paper with an expression of concern. An editor told us that Cancers considered retracting the paper, by gynecologic cancer researcher Noriyuki Takai, … Continue reading Journal flags duplicated text by gynecologic cancer researcher with 13 retractions

Research assistant fired for using student’s thesis in a paper

A research assistant at King Saud University (KSU) has lost his job after he used material from a student’s thesis without permission or attribution in a paper. Lakshmana Krishnappa was terminated after a disciplinary committee considered his case last November, the vice dean for postgraduate training and research at KSU told Retraction Watch. In April of last year, … Continue reading Research assistant fired for using student’s thesis in a paper