What happened to Joachim Boldt’s 88 papers that were supposed to be retracted?

CHICAGO — Almost two years after editors at 18 journals agreed in March 2011 to retract 88 of former retraction record holder Joachim Boldt’s papers, 10% of them hadn’t been retracted. That’s what Nadia Elia, Liz Wager, and Martin Tramer reported here Sunday in an abstract at the Seventh International Congress on Peer Review and … Continue reading What happened to Joachim Boldt’s 88 papers that were supposed to be retracted?

Ask Retraction Watch: Should these papers be retracted?

Last week, we reported on a new paper by Scripps Research Institute researchers in which they described how two of their previous papers had been based on mistaken interpretations. The authors wrote in their new paper that they were retracting the earlier works, but the journal had told them the papers would be corrected instead. … Continue reading Ask Retraction Watch: Should these papers be retracted?

French journal retracts nanomedicine paper for ethics violations, more

The French journal Biologie Aujourd’hui — Biology Today — has retracted an article it published earlier this year after learning of ethics violations,  authorship issues with the paper and a problematic image. The article, titled “Utilisation de dendrimères pour une nanomédecine innovatrice,” or “Using dendrimers for an innovative nanomedicine,” was written by Jean Pierre Majoral … Continue reading French journal retracts nanomedicine paper for ethics violations, more

Editor on retraction details: “I do not think this is the business of anyone but our journal, please”

Whose business are the reasons behind a retraction? Our readers will no doubt know by now that we think they’re basically everyone’s — at least if journals want us to believe that they’re interested in maintaining the integrity of the scientific record. But not all editors seem to agree. Hank Edmunds, for example, didn’t in … Continue reading Editor on retraction details: “I do not think this is the business of anyone but our journal, please”

Retraction for water researchers who ripped off dissertation

A pair of engineers at Hohai University in Nanjing, China, has lost their 2012 paper in the Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. The reason: The article, “Study of the New Leon model for concrete failure,” wasn’t theirs to publish. According to the retraction notice (which is dated September 2013 but has already appeared in … Continue reading Retraction for water researchers who ripped off dissertation

Orangutan-Ebola link in PLOS ONE paper under scrutiny

PLOS ONE has issued a fascinating expression of concern about data collection in a paper it published late last year on the possible spread of deadly viruses among Indonesian orangutans. The case has been brought to the attention of the Indonesian government, but more on that in a moment. The article, published last July by … Continue reading Orangutan-Ebola link in PLOS ONE paper under scrutiny

Wash U psychologist sheds light on inquiry against former psychology grad student

On Tuesday, we reported on the case of Adam Savine, a former graduate student at Washington University in St. Louis who was found by the Office of Research Integrity (ORI) to have committed misconduct. Today, Blythe Bernhard, of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, has an illuminating Q and A with Todd Braver, whose lab Savine worked … Continue reading Wash U psychologist sheds light on inquiry against former psychology grad student

Social sciences paper retracted for lack of ethical approval

A University of Minnesota social scientist who studies health disparities has retracted a study that apparently lacked ethical approval. Here’s the notice for “Deservingness to state health services for South – South migrants: A preliminary study of Costa Rican providers’ views,” a paper in Social Science & Medicine by Kate Goldade and a colleague:

Mean streets: Expert on lying accuses planning association of ethical lapses

A U.K. urban planner and self-styled expert on “truth and lying” has launched a forceful attack on the ethics of a key trade association, accusing it of refusing to promote his work for fear that the findings might be damaging to the profession. And what, you’re asking, does this have to do with retractions? Trust … Continue reading Mean streets: Expert on lying accuses planning association of ethical lapses

Anil Potti tells Retraction Watch he wasn’t behind DMCA takedown notices of posts about him

We have an update on an evolving and puzzling story involving our posts about Anil Potti that have been temporarily removed from Retraction Watch. Someone claiming to be Anil Potti — and whom we have good reason to believe is actually him, for reasons we’ll get into — emailed us tonight to say that he … Continue reading Anil Potti tells Retraction Watch he wasn’t behind DMCA takedown notices of posts about him