Biofuels paper burned by “improper citation methods” – ie, plagiarism

Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology (CREST) has retracted a paper on biofuels for “improper citation methods.” Given the journal’s track record, we’re guessing this is just another euphemism for plagiarism. (Also because the retraction notice flags a “breach of warranties made by the authors with respect to originality.”) In 2013, CREST retracted two papers … Continue reading Biofuels paper burned by “improper citation methods” – ie, plagiarism

Math paper subtracted for plagiarism

ISPACS’ Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Application, whose website promises “very fast publication,” has pulled a paper for ripping off an article posted on Their plagiarism wasn’t exactly subtle. Here’s the abstract from the paper on We introduce and study the class of weak almost limited operators. We establish a characterization of pairs of Banach … Continue reading Math paper subtracted for plagiarism

A unicorn: Journal publishes euphemism-free plagiarism notice

It’s always nice when a journal editor actually uses words the way they’re meant to be used instead of employing euphemisms. In 2009, the African Journal of Biomedical Research published an article on the differences in heart rates when people ran backwards versus forwards. Unfortunately, five years later, the journal found out the paper was a … Continue reading A unicorn: Journal publishes euphemism-free plagiarism notice

New favorite plagiarism euphemism: “Inadvertently copied text”

Plagiarism earned genomics researchers an erratum, not a retraction, in BioMed Central journal BioData Mining. We keep a list of best euphemisms for plagiarism, and this one is right up there. Here’s the notice for “An iteration normalization and test method for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data”:

Far from earth-shatteringly new: Plagiarism topples Chinese quake paper

A group of scientists at the Chinese Earthquake Administration in Beijing have lost their 2014 paper in Nature Scientific Reports for lifting chunks of text from a previously published article. The abstract of the paper, “Early magnitude estimation for the MW7.9 Wenchuan earthquake using progressively expanded P-wave time window,” states:

Solar paper retracted after plagiarism and duplication come to light

Two solar cell researchers at the University of New South Wales have lost a paper in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews after the discovery of “substantial overlap” with work by a UNSW graduate student. The notice cites three sources for the plagiarism. One is an unpublished manuscript by UNSW student Matthew Wright, which he shared with the … Continue reading Solar paper retracted after plagiarism and duplication come to light

Plagiarism scandal tarnishes student newspaper at Trinity College, Dublin

Irish eyes definitely are not smiling at Trinity College in Dublin, where the campus paper, The University Times, has acknowledged that one of its editors seems to have been a serial plagiarist. According to an editorial in the paper published on Friday:

Psych paper falls afoul of journal’s plagiarism policy (hint: don’t plagiarize)

The Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology has retracted a 2011 paper on depersonalization disorder by a pair of authors in Azerbaijan who got a bit too familiar with their source material without proper attribution. And the journal has offered its readers a handy — if depressingly obvious — admonition about publication ethics. The article, “Lamotrigine in … Continue reading Psych paper falls afoul of journal’s plagiarism policy (hint: don’t plagiarize)