Plagiarism identified in computer face recognition paper

A paper about computerized facial recognition has been pulled because “most of the contents of this article is plagiarized from an article under consideration elsewhere,” according to the retraction statement.

Applications of computer face recognition include surveillance and criminal identification. The authors propose a new method for picking out facial features in the original 2013 article, “Pose invariant face recognition using biological inspired features based on ensemble of classifiers.”

The retraction note offers few details on what went wrong. Here it is, in full:

It has come to the attention of the Editors-in-Chief of the Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation that most of the contents of this article is plagiarized from an article under consideration elsewhere. One of the conditions of submission of a paper for publication is that authors declare explicitly that their work is original and has not appeared in a publication elsewhere. Re-use of any data should be appropriately cited. As such this article represents a severe abuse of the scientific publishing system. The scientific community takes a very strong view on this matter.

We’ve contacted the corresponding author, Mohammad Reza Daliri, from the Iran University Of Science and Technology, and the editor of the journal. We will update this post if we hear back.

Hat tip: Rolf Degen

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