Medical journal guilty of citation manipulation retracts two “inadequate” review articles

The Brazilian medical journal Clinics — edited by the Faculdade de Medicina of the University of São Paulo — has lost two more papers in a citation stacking scheme that cost one of the authors his job as editor of the publication. The first paper, by former editor Mauricio Rocha-e-Silva and Ariane Gomes, was titled … Continue reading Medical journal guilty of citation manipulation retracts two “inadequate” review articles

Former Cardiff researcher found guilty of misconduct “very disappointed,” calls process “unprofessional”

Yesterday, we reported on the second retraction in a case at Cardiff University, which had found misconduct by a former scientist. Cancer Research, which published the retraction, said that scientist, Rossen Donev, could not be reached. Donev responded to our request for comment this morning:

Second retraction stemming from Cardiff investigations appears

A second retraction of a paper by a Cardiff University researcher found to have committed misconduct has appeared. In April, a Cardiff investigation found that Rossen Donev, a former researcher at the university, had manipulated images in four different papers. Donev, who was at the University of Swansea until August, according to his LinkedIn profile, … Continue reading Second retraction stemming from Cardiff investigations appears

He said, she said: Journal of Neuroscience expresses concern, but doesn’t pursue investigation

The Journal of Neuroscience‘s retraction notices often give us plenty to chew on, and a new Expression of Concern does the same. In the notice — for a 16-year-old paper — the journal notes three cases of what certainly sounds like image manipulation, but carefully avoids calling it that:

Image manipulation leads to fifth retraction for plant research group

A plant scientist at the Colorado State University has retracted a fifth paper. Here’s the notice for “Influence of ATP-binding cassette transporters in root exudation of phytoalexins, signals, and in disease resistance, a paper originally published in July 2012: The Journal, Chief Editor and the Authors wish to retract the Original Research article cited above … Continue reading Image manipulation leads to fifth retraction for plant research group

Ask Retraction Watch: Can authors republish their own previous work as as review?

Another installment of Ask Retraction Watch: In journal club, we have been discussing a review paper on recent previous publications by the review’s authors. Basically this was a short review summarizing the findings of a few other papers by the same authors on a given topic. The images presented and textual narrative essentially repeated published … Continue reading Ask Retraction Watch: Can authors republish their own previous work as as review?

Sensing a pattern? Pattern Recognition Letters misses rampant plagiarism in modeling paper

It really isn’t fair to pick on Pattern Recognition Letters, but, well, if the shoe fits… We had fun at the expense of the journal the last time we found that a duplicate publication had escaped the editors. This time, plagiarism is to blame. A group of authors from the Institute of Automation at the … Continue reading Sensing a pattern? Pattern Recognition Letters misses rampant plagiarism in modeling paper

Italian cancer specialist facing criminal investigation for misconduct

A leading Neapolitan cancer researcher is under criminal investigation for fraud, the Italian press is reporting. Although we have only rough translations of the story, it seems the researcher, Alfredo Fusco, of the National Council of Research’s Institute of Experimental Endocrinology and Oncology, has been accused of manipulating images in published studies and to strengthen … Continue reading Italian cancer specialist facing criminal investigation for misconduct

Cardiology researcher faked data in his prizewinning PhD thesis — and NIH, AHA grants: ORI

Nitin Aggarwal, formerly of the Medical College of Wisconsin, faked data in his PhD thesis, grant applications to the NIH and American Heart Association, and in two papers, according to new findings by the Office of Research Integrity. (The case would have apparently first been published in the Federal Register on October 2, except for … Continue reading Cardiology researcher faked data in his prizewinning PhD thesis — and NIH, AHA grants: ORI

Embryonic stem cell paper retracted for fabrication

Stem Cells and Development has retracted a paper it published earlier this year after the leader of the study reported that the data were unreliable. The paper, “Derivation and Genetic Modification of Embryonic Stem Cells from Disease-Model Inbred Rat Strains,” came from the lab of Aron Geurts, of the Medical College of Wisconsin. According to … Continue reading Embryonic stem cell paper retracted for fabrication