Blatant plagiarism sinks paper (and earns a sabbatical!) for mathematician

You know it’s a good one when it makes it onto the Wikipedia page for “scientific misconduct.” On April 21, the International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics retracted two 2008 papers by scientist Alexander Spivak of Holon Institute of Technology in Israel. In September, the journal updated the notice to explain why: The papers both … Continue reading Blatant plagiarism sinks paper (and earns a sabbatical!) for mathematician

Former UT-Southwestern cancer researchers faked data in 10 papers: ORI

The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) has ruled in a case we’ve been following for nearly two years — and which seems to have been launched after Retraction Watch readers took a careful look at figures from what appeared to be an unrelated case. Takao Takahashi and Makato Suzuki, both former postdocs at a cancer … Continue reading Former UT-Southwestern cancer researchers faked data in 10 papers: ORI

ORI sanctions collaborator of Nobel winner Buck for data fabrication

The Office of Research Integrity has sanctioned a former researcher in the lab of Linda Buck, winner of the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, for falsifying data in two papers written with the support of grants from the National Institutes of Health. The researcher, Zou Zhihua, worked with Buck as a post-doc at … Continue reading ORI sanctions collaborator of Nobel winner Buck for data fabrication

Former Mount Sinai postdoc faked gene therapy data: ORI

A former postdoc at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York faked data in four published papers, one submitted manuscript, and four NIH grant applications, according to new findings by the Office of Research Integrity. We reported on six retractions from Savio Woo’s Mount Sinai lab in 2010, from the Proceedings of the … Continue reading Former Mount Sinai postdoc faked gene therapy data: ORI

Management prof with 12 retractions loses his license to teach

Ulrich Lichtenthaler, the management professor at the University of Mannheim who has had a dozen papers retracted, has now lost his license to teach. The WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management, where Lichtenthaler earned his PhD, announced the move Friday, saying (courtesy Google Translate):

Bad Memory? Repressed sexual abuse memory paper retracted for data inconsistencies

The journal Memory has retracted a paper on repressed sexual abuse after a protracted dispute between the authors and an institutional investigation in The Netherlands that led to no findings of misconduct against the first author, Elke Geraerts  — a rising star in the field of social psychology. (The title of hers TEDx talk, by … Continue reading Bad Memory? Repressed sexual abuse memory paper retracted for data inconsistencies

Journal of Neuroscience retracts plasticity paper for “substantial data misrepresentation”

The Journal of Neuroscience has retracted a 2012 paper by a group from Sweden’s Karolinska Institutet for what appears to be research misconduct. But more on that in a moment. The article, “The Existence of FGFR1-5-HT1A Receptor Heterocomplexes in Midbrain 5-HT Neurons of the Rat: Relevance for Neuroplasticity,” came from the lab of Kjell Fuxe, … Continue reading Journal of Neuroscience retracts plasticity paper for “substantial data misrepresentation”

Half of researchers have reported trouble reproducing published findings: MD Anderson survey

Readers of this blog — and anyone who has been following the Anil Potti saga — know that MD Anderson Cancer Center was the source of initial concerns about the reproducibility of the studies Potti, and his supervisor, Joseph Nevins, were publishing in high profile journals. So the Houston institution has a rep for dealing … Continue reading Half of researchers have reported trouble reproducing published findings: MD Anderson survey

Wash U psych researcher cited in ORI probe, faces multiple retractions

The Office of Research Integrity says Adam Savine, a former post-doc graduate student in psychology at Washington University in St. Louis, committed misconduct in work that tainted three papers and six abstracts he submitted to conferences. One of Savine’s studies that drew some media attention involved Diederik Stapel-esque research showing which brain region lights up … Continue reading Wash U psych researcher cited in ORI probe, faces multiple retractions

Neuroscientist found to have faked grant applications loses gig as grant services consultant

Would you hire someone found to have faked data on federal grant applications as a “grant services consultant?” You may have been without knowing it, if you had gone to Washington, D.C.-based Strategic Health Care for help with your grants. There, you would have found Michael Miller — page removed today, more on that in … Continue reading Neuroscientist found to have faked grant applications loses gig as grant services consultant