Science publishes replication of Marc Hauser study, says results hold up

There has been some news over the past few weeks about Marc Hauser, the Harvard psychologist found guilty of misconduct by the university last year. First, because Harvard had listed him in a course catalog, The Crimson said that he might be teaching again, following a ban. But that turned out not to be the … Continue reading Science publishes replication of Marc Hauser study, says results hold up

In a retraction’s wake: Postdoc Shane Mayack, dismissed from Amy Wagers’ stem cell lab, speaks out

  Last October, Retraction Watch readers will recall, up-and-coming stem cell researcher Amy Wagers retracted a study in Nature describing how her team rejuvenated blood-forming stem cells in older mice. Shane Mayack, a postdoc in Wagers’ lab who had been dismissed after an inquiry into what happened, did not sign that retraction. Since then, Mayack … Continue reading In a retraction’s wake: Postdoc Shane Mayack, dismissed from Amy Wagers’ stem cell lab, speaks out

Naoki Mori, with 16 retractions, to be rehired?

Naoki Mori, of 16-retraction fame, believes he’s getting his job back at the University of the Ryukyus, which released him in August after learning that the cancer researcher had misused images in many of his publications. According to a report in Science Insider, Mori’s penalty has been reduced to a 10-month suspension, and he will resume … Continue reading Naoki Mori, with 16 retractions, to be rehired?

Joachim Boldt retraction tally drops by one, editors say (but record’s still safe)

As the news of Joachim Boldt’s staggering number of retractions leaps from Retraction Watch into the mainstream press, the consortium of journal editors retracting his studies has backtracked ever so slightly, announcing today that one of the 89 studies for which the German anesthesiologist lacked ethics approval in fact had such sanction. According to the … Continue reading Joachim Boldt retraction tally drops by one, editors say (but record’s still safe)

A Nature chain retraction for Arabidopsis paper, and some unanswered questions

If a paper is retracted, should papers that cite it get retracted, too? We’ve been on the lookout for this kind of move, which we figure is consistent with cleaning up the scientific record. Today, one appears in Nature. The original paper, “Mediation of pathogen resistance by exudation of antimicrobials from roots,” purported to show … Continue reading A Nature chain retraction for Arabidopsis paper, and some unanswered questions

22 papers by Joachim Boldt retracted, and 67 likely on the way

Self-plagiarism alert: A very similar version of this post is being published online in Anesthesiology News, where one of us (AM) is managing editor. Anesthesia & Analgesia has retracted 22 papers by Joachim Boldt, the discredited German anesthesiologist whose prolific career as a researcher has unraveled with stunning rapidity — and 67 more retractions are … Continue reading 22 papers by Joachim Boldt retracted, and 67 likely on the way

Unglaublich! Boldt investigation may lead to more than 90 retractions

Self-plagiarism alert: A very similar version of this post is being published online in Anesthesiology News, where one of us (AM) is managing editor. Unglaublich is the German word for unbelievable, and it’s an apt description for the latest development in the case of Joachim Boldt. Boldt, a prominent German anesthesiologist, has been at the … Continue reading Unglaublich! Boldt investigation may lead to more than 90 retractions

No retractions necessary: An interview with the editor of the Journal of Universal Rejection

Earlier today, we were introduced to the Journal of Universal Rejection by our friend Duncan Moore. From its homepage: The founding principle of the Journal of Universal Rejection (JofUR) is rejection. Universal rejection. That is to say, all submissions, regardless of quality, will be rejected. Despite that apparent drawback, here are a number of reasons … Continue reading No retractions necessary: An interview with the editor of the Journal of Universal Rejection

Mori, now up to 11 retractions, was dismissed in August over fraud matter

We’ve been honored by all the attention Retraction Watch has been getting for breaking the story of Naoki Mori—the Japanese virologist who recently received a 10-year publishing ban from the American Society of Microbiology over concerns that he manipulated his images. Mori’s retraction count is now up to 11, we’ve been able to report with … Continue reading Mori, now up to 11 retractions, was dismissed in August over fraud matter

Four more Bulfone-Paus paper retractions accepted

About two weeks ago, we reported on the first retraction of a paper co-authored by Silvia Bulfone-Paus, whose work at her Research Center Borstel lab is being investigated for misconduct. On Friday, Borstel announced that journals had accepted four more retractions of papers by Bulfone-Paus’s group. Three of those papers are in the Journal of … Continue reading Four more Bulfone-Paus paper retractions accepted