Journal temporarily removes paper linking HPV vaccine to behavioral issues

The editor in chief of Vaccine has removed a paper suggesting a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine can trigger behavioral changes in mice. The note doesn’t provide any reason for the withdrawal, although authors were told the editor asked for further review. Two co-authors on the paper — about Gardasil, a vaccine against HPV — have previously suggested … Continue reading Journal temporarily removes paper linking HPV vaccine to behavioral issues

Publisher error removes industry conflicts in vaccine paper

An article about the use of vaccines against pertussis — also known as whooping cough — didn’t include the fact that the author has received grants and consultancy fees from three pharmaceutical companies that help make or sell the vaccines. The correction to “Pertussis in young infants: a severe vaccine-preventable disease,” published in Autopsy and Case Reports just a few … Continue reading Publisher error removes industry conflicts in vaccine paper

HIV vaccine researcher who confessed to fraud files appeal of 57-month prison sentence

Dong-Pyou Han, who was sentenced earlier this month to nearly five years in prison for faking the results of HIV vaccine experiments, has appealed the decision. According to Report on Research Compliance, which first reported the news, the appeal was filed on July 15. In addition to the prison sentence, Han had been ordered on … Continue reading HIV vaccine researcher who confessed to fraud files appeal of 57-month prison sentence

AIDS vaccine fraudster sentenced to nearly 5 years in prison and to pay back $7 million

A researcher who confessed to spiking rabbit blood samples to make the results of an HIV vaccine experiment look better has been sentenced to 57 months of prison time, according to The Des Moines Register. Dong-Pyou Han has also been ordered to repay more than $7 million to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, and … Continue reading AIDS vaccine fraudster sentenced to nearly 5 years in prison and to pay back $7 million

“The first author assumes all responsibility:” Malaria vaccine article retracted for image manipulation

Authors of a 2012 article in Infection and Immunity investigating a malaria vaccine strategy are retracting it because it “contains several images that do not accurately reflect the experimental data.” The paper, “Fine Specificity of Plasmodium vivax Duffy Binding Protein Binding Engagement of the Duffy Antigen on Human Erythrocytes,” has been cited 9 times, according to Thomson … Continue reading “The first author assumes all responsibility:” Malaria vaccine article retracted for image manipulation

A rare event: Toronto Star retracts fear-mongering vaccine story

Fifteen days after publishing a widely-criticized article linking anecdotal health problems to the HPV vaccine Gardasil, the Toronto Star has issued a retraction. The Page 1 story, “A wonder drug’s dark side,” was full of health horror stories from women who became sick “sometime after” the vaccine, as the retraction notes – twitching limbs, feeding tubes, even death. Each of these … Continue reading A rare event: Toronto Star retracts fear-mongering vaccine story

Journal makes it official, retracting controversial autism-vaccine paper

A little more than a month after removing a highly criticized article that claimed the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine increased the risk of autism in African American boys, Translational Neurodegeneration has officially retracted the paper. Here’s the notice, dated yesterday:

Journal takes down autism-vaccine paper pending investigation

An article purporting to find that black children are at substantially increased risk for autism after early exposure to the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine has been shelved. Although we don’t know if the events are related, the move comes amid claims that a CDC whistleblower has accused health officials of suppressing information about the link. Not surprisingly, … Continue reading Journal takes down autism-vaccine paper pending investigation