Concerns attached to three more papers by retraction-laden management researcher

Fred Walumbwa, a management researcher with eight seven retractions, has received three expressions of concern from two journals after he failed to provide raw data following an investigation into potential errors. In the past, Walumbwa has said he only keeps data until his papers are published, but a lack of raw data has become a common theme in his notices, which … Continue reading Concerns attached to three more papers by retraction-laden management researcher

Voinnet’s notice count grows, as he notches his 18th correction

Olivier Voinnet, a high-profile plant scientist at ETH Zurich, has earned a mega-correction. It wrapped up a rough year for the biologist, which included his seventh retraction, and a CNRS investigation that found evidence of misconduct. This latest correction, to a paper on the mechanisms behind RNA silencing in Arabidopsis, was published in RNA. The 2007 paper has been cited … Continue reading Voinnet’s notice count grows, as he notches his 18th correction

Management researcher with 7 retractions issues “clarifications” to 2013 paper

The authors of a paper on supportive supervisors just want readers to “better understand the reported findings,” and so have issued multiple “clarifications” in a corrigendum note. Some of the issues addressed in the note have been raised on PubPeer. The paper’s author list includes one Fred Walumbwa, formerly an Arizona State University management researcher, some … Continue reading Management researcher with 7 retractions issues “clarifications” to 2013 paper

Cropped, spliced image leads to a PLOS One correction

A PLOS One paper on morphine treatment for cancer cells has a couple issues with figures, prompting a massive correction — what we affectionately call a “mega-correction” — by the journal. In one figure, there was “an undisclosed splice.” Another figure contained two panels that were “mistakenly from the same sample.” The 2013 paper in question, … Continue reading Cropped, spliced image leads to a PLOS One correction

Animal welfare breach prompts Nature correction

A 2011 letter to Nature from Harvard researchers received its second correction today, this time after discovering the researchers conducted experiments in which mice may have “experienced more pain and suffering than originally allowed for.” That quote comes from an accompanying editorial in the journal, a rare move for a correction to a 2011 letter. … Continue reading Animal welfare breach prompts Nature correction

Retraction no. 8 (and a 1/2) hits former Duke researcher Erin Potts-Kant

Another retraction and a correction that retracts two figures — ie, a partial retraction — have been posted for Duke University lung researchers, Erin Potts-Kant and Michael Foster. These latest notices move the count up to 8.5 retractions for Potts-Kant and 7.5 for Foster (counting the partial retraction as 1/2), along with the correction for both. In … Continue reading Retraction no. 8 (and a 1/2) hits former Duke researcher Erin Potts-Kant

Investigation leads to retraction of breast cancer paper, second for one author

The authors of a Journal of Biological Chemistry paper on a breast cancer gene are withdrawing it following an investigation at Roswell Park Cancer Institute that found a figure contained “manipulated” data. Last author Toru Ouchi is based at Roswell in the department of cancer genetics. Second to last author Sam W. Lee, at Massachusetts General Hospital, … Continue reading Investigation leads to retraction of breast cancer paper, second for one author

Cell biologist Hanna issues two errata; images mysteriously disappear from Imgur

Cell biologist Jacob Hanna, the highly cited stem cell researcher currently at the Weizmann Institute of Science,  has posted a long erratum for a 2005 paper in Blood for “inadvertent mistakes,” among other issues; soon after, Hanna’s team issued another erratum for a 2009 Cell Stem Cell paper. There’s more to tell: Last month, commenters … Continue reading Cell biologist Hanna issues two errata; images mysteriously disappear from Imgur

Retraction-plagued management researcher hit with expression of concern

The editor-in-chief of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes has issued an Expression of Concern about a 2011 paper that explores the link between ethical leadership and employee performance. The paper, “Linking ethical leadership to employee performance: The roles of leader–member exchange, self-efficacy, and organizational identification,” is one of seven that were flagged in a … Continue reading Retraction-plagued management researcher hit with expression of concern

When should a paper be retracted? A tale from the obesity literature

In our line of work, we see it all — mega-corrections that don’t quite rise to the level of retraction, letters to the editor that point out seemingly fatal flaws in papers that remain untouched, and studies retracted for what seem like minor reasons. It can make you wonder what makes a paper worthy of … Continue reading When should a paper be retracted? A tale from the obesity literature