Cell reviewing allegations of image reuse in human embryonic stem cell cloning paper

Cell is looking into whether the authors of a widely hailed study published last week claiming to have turned human skin cells into embryonic stem cells manipulated images inappropriately, Retraction Watch has learned. The potential image problems came to light on PubPeer, a site designed to allow for post-publication peer review. A commenter, identified as … Continue reading Cell reviewing allegations of image reuse in human embryonic stem cell cloning paper

Don’t feel so bad, The Aging Male: It happens to lots of journals

The Aging Male (the journal, not the demographic) is retracting a 2013 paper by a group of Chinese researchers who’d published the same work — more or less — in a Chinese title. The article, “Testosterone therapy improves psychological distress and health-related quality of life in Chinese men with symptomatic late-onset hypogonadism patients,” came from a … Continue reading Don’t feel so bad, The Aging Male: It happens to lots of journals

Not your data: Nursing paper retracted for misuse of findings

We’re all for research on improving communication and collaboration among colleagues. But we trust that the experts know what they’re doing. You can see where this is going. The journal Nurse Education Today has retracted a 2012 article, “Interprofessional learning in acute care: Developing a theoretical framework,” by a UK scholar because, how shall we … Continue reading Not your data: Nursing paper retracted for misuse of findings

“Technical but fundamental errors” lead to retraction of brain tumor paper

The journal Neuro-Oncology has retracted a 2011 paper by a group of researchers in Japan who had purported to find a genetic mechanism for how fluorescence can be used to diagnose certain brain tumors. The paper, “Enhanced expression of coproporphyrinogen oxidase in malignant brain tumors: CPOX expression and 5-ALA–induced fluorescence,” reported measurements using quantitative real-time … Continue reading “Technical but fundamental errors” lead to retraction of brain tumor paper

BioMed Central retracts study it published twice while acquiring journal

Yesterday, we wrote about the retraction of a paper that ended up published despite the fact that peer reviewers had recommended rejecting it. Today, we have the (short) tale of a paper retracted because the publisher posted it a second time while they were buying acquiring the journal where it appeared. Here’s the notice for … Continue reading BioMed Central retracts study it published twice while acquiring journal

Lack of conflict of interest disclosure undoes scoliosis study

The journal Scoliosis has retracted a 2012 paper by a pair of German spine doctors over what the editors have called a less-than-fully declared conflict of interest involving one of the authors. That should be relatively straigtforward – but it’s not quite. Turns out the article does include a disclosure, although perhaps the information it … Continue reading Lack of conflict of interest disclosure undoes scoliosis study

Failure to reproduce experiments, errors lead to retraction of pancreatic cancer paper

The authors of a paper in Laboratory Investigation have retracted it after they were unable to “reproduce key experiments,” and discovered “several minor errors.” Here’s the retraction notice for “Slug enhances invasion ability of pancreatic cancer cells through upregulation of matrix metalloproteinase-9 and actin cytoskeleton remodeling,” by Liqun Wu and colleagues of The Affiliated Hospital of … Continue reading Failure to reproduce experiments, errors lead to retraction of pancreatic cancer paper

Authors retract CT scan-cancer paper, citing faulty data

A group of cancer researchers in Japan has retracted their 2011 paper in the journal Medicine. The reason: They seem to have had some trouble — well, perhaps a bit more than some — with their patient population. The article, titled “Usefulness of systemic CT scanning in the detection of malignant lymphadenopathy,” came from the … Continue reading Authors retract CT scan-cancer paper, citing faulty data

Purloined dissertation on stroke ends in retraction for Iranian group

The International Journal of Neuroscience, an Informa Healthcare journal, has retracted a paper it published earlier this year after learning that the article was the doctoral work of another scientist — not listed among the authors — that had appeared previously in a Persian-language journal. The retraction notice, admirably thorough, explains what happened with the … Continue reading Purloined dissertation on stroke ends in retraction for Iranian group

ORI, OHRP find “some human subject issues” in Henschke lung cancer studies, but no evidence of misconduct

We have an update on two papers about lung cancer screening by Claudia Henschke and colleagues that were subject to an Expression of Concern early last year. The original Expression of Concern in Cancer read, in part: