Biotech journal pulls well-cited review that plagiarized from several sources

A biotechnology journal has retracted a 14-year-old review after an investigation concluded that the authors had plagiarized from numerous sources.   The last author of the paper — which has been cited 289 times, according to Thomson Reuters Web of Science — told us the authors took a few lines from other reviews, and unintentionally left off the … Continue reading Biotech journal pulls well-cited review that plagiarized from several sources

Weekend reads: What lurks in clinical trial databases; plagiarism by Russian ministers; why journals shy away from fraud allegations

The week at Retraction Watch featured a PhD student expelled for submitting a paper without her co-authors’ permission, and a look at the six types of peer reviewers. Here’s what was happening elsewhere:

Recognize “gotcha” peer reviews? This editor can

Ever read a review where the editor or reviewer seems to be specifically looking for reasons to reject a paper? Neil Herndon, the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Marketing Channels, from the South China University of Technology in Guangzhou, has. In a recent editorial, Herndon calls this type of review “gotcha” peer reviewing, and presents an alternative.  … Continue reading Recognize “gotcha” peer reviews? This editor can

Nutrition study pulled after statistical flaws emerge

A paper that suggested that eating flaxseed could reduce inflammation in men at risk of heart disease has been retracted, after researchers pointed out the paper’s flaws. The retraction is part of a large initiative on the part of nutrition researcher David Allison and colleagues to clean up the literature, which we’ve previously covered. Regarding this paper, he told us: … Continue reading Nutrition study pulled after statistical flaws emerge

Canada funding agency bans researcher for fraud, and in first, reveals her name

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) has banned a bone researcher for life following a finding of misconduct. And in a first, the agency has named her, in their report out today. The case of Sophie Jamal may be familiar to Retraction Watch readers, as we covered it in October of last year following reporting … Continue reading Canada funding agency bans researcher for fraud, and in first, reveals her name

Weekend reads: More Impact Factor scrutiny; $10 million fine for overbilling; protected Canadian fraudsters

The week at Retraction Watch featured the loss of a Harvard researcher’s PhD for misconduct, and the harrowing tale of a whistleblower. Here’s what was happening elsewhere:

Controversial chemtrails paper flagged by journal

A journal has published an expression of concern (EOC) for a 2016 paper providing evidence for a long-standing conspiracy theory about the dangers of cloud trails from jet planes. A similar paper by the same author was retracted last year by another journal. Both papers focused on the “chemtrails” emitted from jet planes, which conspiracy theorists have long believed contain … Continue reading Controversial chemtrails paper flagged by journal

1st retraction for cancer researcher who doctored data in 11 studies

A cancer journal has retracted a paper co-authored by a researcher who falsified or fabricated data in 11 studies, according to an investigation by the Office of Research Integrity (ORI). In December 2015, an ORI probe into the work of Girija Dasmahapatra concluded that he had …duplicated, reused, and/or relabeled Western blot panels and mouse … Continue reading 1st retraction for cancer researcher who doctored data in 11 studies

Researcher who sued to stop retractions earns his 7th

A diabetes researcher who sued to stop a publisher from retracting his papers has just received his seventh retraction. The latest retraction for Mario Saad, who is based at the University of Campinas (Unicamp) in São Paulo, Brazil, is for a PLOS ONE paper (which was altered last year by a mega-correction). Although an institutional … Continue reading Researcher who sued to stop retractions earns his 7th