Scientist whose work is “not fully supported by the available laboratory records” to retract 8 more papers

Yesterday, we reported that Sunil Kumar Manna, the head of immunology at India’s Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, had retracted two papers for image problems. Turns out Manna will be retracting eight more, he told us today. Here they are:

Two retractions for scientist whose work is “not fully supported by the available laboratory records”

The head of immunology at India’s Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Sunil Kumar Manna, has retracted two papers for image problems. Here’s the notice from Cell Death and Differentiation for “Inhibition of RelA phosphorylation sensitizes apoptosis in constitutive NF-kappaB-expressing and chemoresistant cells:”

Author whose lawyers threatened Science Fraud corrects another paper

Rui Curi, the Brazilian scientist whose lawyers’ threats helped force the shutdown of, has corrected another paper criticized by the site. Here’s the correction for “Effects of moderate electrical stimulation on reactive species production by primary rat skeletal muscle cells: Cross-talk between superoxide and nitric oxide production,” in the Journal of Cellular Physiology:

WordPress removes Anil Potti posts from Retraction Watch in error after false DMCA copyright claim

If you went looking for ten of our posts about Anil Potti today, you would have seen error messages instead. That’s because someone claiming to be from a news site in India alleged we violated their copyright with those ten posts about the former Duke University cancer researcher who has had 19 papers retracted, corrected, … Continue reading WordPress removes Anil Potti posts from Retraction Watch in error after false DMCA copyright claim

Author retracts FASEB Journal paper for data reuse

The FASEB Journal has retracted a 2012 paper by a group from the University of Alabama, Birmingham (UAB), looking at the role of a tumor-suppressing micro-RNA in pulmonary fibrosis. The retraction suggests the provenance of the data are in question, and we learned details of what went wrong. Here’s the notice, which, sadly, is behind … Continue reading Author retracts FASEB Journal paper for data reuse

University of Wisconsin neuroscientist faked data in two papers: ORI

A University of Wisconsin neuroscience researcher falsified “Western blot images as well as quantitative and statistical data” in two NIH-supported papers and three unfunded grant applications, the U.S. Office of Research Integrity (ORI) has found. As first reported by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and then The Scientist, Rao M. Adibhatla has agreed to retract the two … Continue reading University of Wisconsin neuroscientist faked data in two papers: ORI

Correction for MD Anderson’s Aggarwal, cancer researcher whose work is under investigation

Bharat Aggarwal, the highly cited MD Anderson Cancer Center researcher who has confirmed to us that his work is under investigation by the institution, has a correction of his work in the Journal of Molecular Medicine. Troubled images are to blame — as they have been in previous retractions, and at least one other correction, … Continue reading Correction for MD Anderson’s Aggarwal, cancer researcher whose work is under investigation

Curi-us: Author whose lawyers threatened Science Fraud corrects a paper the site criticized

A few weeks ago, we reported on the shutdown of, a site dedicated to highlighting problems with scientific papers, thanks to legal threats. At the same time, we noted that Rui Curi, one of the authors whose work had been questioned — and whose lawyers had sent the site a cease-and-desist letter — ended … Continue reading Curi-us: Author whose lawyers threatened Science Fraud corrects a paper the site criticized

Neuroscientists retract Cell autism model paper for “improperly assembled” figures

A group of authors have retracted a Cell paper describing a mouse model of autism because of image problems. The senior author on the paper — there were 22 altogether — is Paul Worley of Johns Hopkins. Here’s the notice for “Enhanced Polyubiquitination of Shank3 and NMDA Receptor in a Mouse Model of Autism:”

University of Lisbon investigation that spawned neuroscience retractions found no evidence of misconduct

Yesterday, we reported on two retractions in the Journal of Neuroscience whose notices referred to a University of Lisbon report that had determined there was  “substantial data misrepresentation” in the original articles.  The notice didn’t say anything about misconduct, but when we see “misrepresentation,” we tend to think — as do many others — that … Continue reading University of Lisbon investigation that spawned neuroscience retractions found no evidence of misconduct