Your bad: Journal yanks paper for plagiarism and duplication, and points fingers

Here’s a warning to would-be plagiarizers: Don’t submit to the journal Molecules unless you have no problem being called out by name when you’re busted. Consider: The journal is retracting a paper it published earlier this year after learning that the article contained verbatim text — and lots of it — from previously published papers. … Continue reading Your bad: Journal yanks paper for plagiarism and duplication, and points fingers

Too much skin in the game, as duplications force retraction of psoriasis paper

A group of dermatology researchers from Egypt who passed around a psoriasis paper like a bottle of sunscreen at the beach have been burned (sorry) by a journal that caught them in the act. Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Pannonica et Adriatica is retracting the 2009 article “Association of cytokine gene polymorphisms with psoriasis in cases from … Continue reading Too much skin in the game, as duplications force retraction of psoriasis paper

Duplication earns engineering paper a corrigendum rather than a retraction

Two authors in Turkey have had their paper subjected to a correction after it became clear that material was lifted heavily from two previous papers by one of the researchers. The corrigendum reads:

Come again? “Penile Strangulation by Metallic Rings” retracted for duplication

The Indian Journal of Surgery, a Springer-Verlag title, has retracted a 2011 paper with a title only the Marquis de Sade would love: “Penile Strangulation by Metallic Rings.” We know what you’re saying: Who knew penises could be strangulated? Well, it’s true.

A regretful retraction for plagiarism and duplication in Proteome Science

Apologies, mea culpas, regrets. Kids, let this be a warning to you: Don’t plagiarize. You will get caught, and you’ll have to come clean. Just ask a group of Spanish researchers who published a 2011 paper in Proteome Science, then lost it this past April because they’d stolen text and a figure from previously published … Continue reading A regretful retraction for plagiarism and duplication in Proteome Science

Letter writing campaign leads to expression of concern over duplication

It’s not quite the Lazlo Letters of behavioral science, but the Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences has issued an expression of concern after discovering that it had been publishing letters that had been published in other journals. Here’s how the notice describes the matter:

Like pulling teeth? Dental implant papers retracted for duplication

A group of Brazilian dental researchers has lost two 2012 papers for duplication — twice the typical body count for such situations. The two articles appeared in the Journal of Orthodontics and the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery about four months apart. The first, from the JOMS, “Selective Use of Hand and Forearm Muscles … Continue reading Like pulling teeth? Dental implant papers retracted for duplication

A double-bill from Digestive Diseases and Sciences, both for regurgitation — aka duplication

Coming back up? Digestive Diseases and Sciences has retracted two papers for duplication. The first paper, “Membrane-Bound Mucins and Mucin Terminal Glycans Expression in Idiopathic or Helicobacter pylori, NSAID Associated Peptic Ulcers,” was published in October 2012 by a group from Israel and the United States. It found that: Cytoplasmic MUC17 staining was significantly decreased … Continue reading A double-bill from Digestive Diseases and Sciences, both for regurgitation — aka duplication