And then there were 28: Two more retractions for Diederik Stapel

Achtentwintig. That’s 28 in Dutch, and is the number of retractions so far racked up by Diederik Stapel, according to our count. The latest two to come to our attention are in the British Journal of Social Psychology, where Stapel has already had a retraction. Here’s one notice:

Diederik Stapel faces criminal inquiry for misuse of funds

The Dutch media are reporting that Diederik Stapel, the Tilburg University social psychologist who fabricated data in dozens of studies, is facing a criminal probe for his misuse of some 2.2 million euros (roughly $2.8 million U.S.) in government grant funding. A Retraction Watch commenter tipped us off this morning that the newspaper NRC Handelsblad … Continue reading Diederik Stapel faces criminal inquiry for misuse of funds

And then there were 20: Diederik Stapel retraction count keeps growing

Although he’s in no danger of breaking the current record of 172 likely retractions, Diederik Stapel now has 20 to his, um, credit. The September 2012 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology features these seven:

We’re up to 13: Retractions keep coming for Diederik Stapel

The retraction count is up to 13 for Dutch psychology fraudster Diederik Stapel, with four more in the publications the Journal of Consumer Research, Motivation & Emotion, Psychology & Marketing, and Social Cognition. Here are the notices:

Three more retractions for Diederik Stapel

We apologize for what must seem like a constant drip, drip, drip, but we have three more retractions from Diederik Stapel to report, all from the European Journal of Social Psychology. The first, in order of publication date, involves a 2006 paper by Stapel and co-author Camille Johnson — whose name has appeared on several … Continue reading Three more retractions for Diederik Stapel

Did Diederik Stapel tip his pitches in a paper about a plagiarism scandal?

Do fraudsters, like bad pitchers or poker players, have “tells”? Diederik Stapel might. Last week we reported that Stapel, an internationally recognized social psychologist from The Netherlands, had been accused of fabricating his data. An alert Retraction Watch reader has pointed us to a 1999 paper by Stapel with the impossibly ironic title: “Framed and … Continue reading Did Diederik Stapel tip his pitches in a paper about a plagiarism scandal?

Curtain up on second act for Dutch fraudster Stapel: College teacher

Diederik Stapel, the Dutch social psychologist and admitted data fabricator — and owner of 54 retraction notices — is now teaching at a college in the town of Tilburg. According to Omroep Brabant, Stapel was offered the job as a kind of adjunct at Fontys Academy for Creative Industries to teach social philosophy. The site … Continue reading Curtain up on second act for Dutch fraudster Stapel: College teacher

Language of a liar named Stapel: Can word choice be used to identify scientific fraud?

A pair of Cornell researchers have analyzed the works of fraudster Diederik Stapel and found linguistic tics that stand out in his fabricated articles. David Markowitz and Jeffrey Hancock looked at 49 of the Dutch social psychologist’s papers — 24 of which included falsified data. (Stapel has lost 54 papers so far.) According to the … Continue reading Language of a liar named Stapel: Can word choice be used to identify scientific fraud?

Weekend reads: Stapel as an object lesson, peer review’s flaws, and salami slicing

It’s been another busy week at Retraction Watch. Here’s a sampling of scientific publishing and misconduct news from around the web:

Frequent Retraction Watch fliers rack them up: Stapel hits 51, Lichtenthaler scores number 9

Quick updates on work by two people whose names appear frequently on Retraction Watch: Diederik Stapel and Ulrich Lichtenthaler. Last month, we reported on the 50th retraction for Stapel. Here’s number 51 in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, for “The flexible unconscious: Investigating the judgmental impact of varieties of unaware perception:”