What people are saying about Retraction Watch

“Because of its growing reach and influence, Retraction Watch’s investigations and revelations have helped to address the issue of ‘unhelpful retraction notices’.” In 2020, NewsGuard said we were “unsung heroes,” one of ten sites they pointed to as “models in producing content that is truthful, compelling, credible, and transparent.” “The seamier side of academia, lying, … Continue reading What people are saying about Retraction Watch

Double negatives: Four years later, a journal restores retracted headache paper

It might not be a first – although we can’t find another example — but a mental health journal has reinstated an article it retracted four years ago. The retracted retraction notice appears in the August issue of the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, a BMJ title, and refers to a 2005 article describing … Continue reading Double negatives: Four years later, a journal restores retracted headache paper