What was behind an oddly-worded dental retraction? The authors stole someone’s thesis

A dentistry journal has retracted a paper after discovering the research was lifted from dissertation work by two people unrelated to the paper authors. Here’s the notice for “Treatment of mandibular angle fracture with a 2 mm, 3-dimensional rectangular grid compression miniplates: A prospective clinical study“:

“Our real intention was to emphasize, not plagiarize”

This one’s not a retraction, but rather a back and forth of letters to the editor concerning accusations of plagiarism. Dentists Bryan and Paul Jacobs, a father and son team, wrote a paper describing a novel surgical technique in March 2013. In October 2013, several Croatian dentists published their own paper using the technique. A … Continue reading “Our real intention was to emphasize, not plagiarize”

Scientist sues PubPeer commenters, subpoenas site for names

Last month, we reported that a Wayne State University cancer researcher had threatened legal action involving post-publication peer review site PubPeer, claiming that he had lost a job offer from the University of Mississippi because of comments on the site. Fazlul Sarkar — who has received $12.8 million in NIH funding and has been an investigator … Continue reading Scientist sues PubPeer commenters, subpoenas site for names

Ripping off someone else’s thesis sinks paper on chicken temperatures

Proof that people will plagiarize anything they think they can get away with: a Brazilian scientist plagiarized a masters’ student’s thesis on the surface temperature of chickens. We spoke with International Journal of Biometeorology editor-in-chief Scott Sheridan about the case:

U. Illinois chancellor earns mega-correction for duplicate publication

Phyllis Wise, the chancellor of the University of Illinois and an obstetrics researcher, has called for a massive correction of a 2006 paper in Neuroscience for work she appears to have tried to pass off as having been previously unpublished — but which wasn’t. The article, “Estrogen therapy: Does it help or hurt the adult … Continue reading U. Illinois chancellor earns mega-correction for duplicate publication

Arizona prof plagiarizes student’s thesis, gets reprimanded, but keeps her job

An architecture professor at the University of Arizona has been sanctioned — lightly — for plagiarizing from the thesis of one of her masters’ students. According to a report in the Arizona Daily Star, the professor, Susannah Dickinson:

A new partner for Retraction Watch: PRE (Peer Review Evaluation)

We’re very pleased to announce that we’ve partnered with PRE (Peer Review Evaluation) to improve access to information about retraction policies. In the coming months, we’ll be publishing guidelines for what we think should be included in retraction notices, and on how those notices should be publicized. As a release describing the new partnership notes: