Research problems at Australian university hit the news

A university in Australia that’s made headlines before over allegations of research misconduct has found itself in the news once again. Last week, the University of Queensland (UQ) announced some of its authors were retracting a paper after discovering data were missing. Just days later, the university made headlines over an investigation into three papers … Continue reading Research problems at Australian university hit the news

Caught Our Notice: Ethics, data concerns prompt another retraction for convicted researchers

Title: Unravelling the influence of mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) on cognitive-linguistic processing: A comparative group analysis What Caught our Attention: RW readers might already be familiar with Caroline Barwood and Bruce Murdoch, two researchers from Australia who had the rare distinction of being criminally charged for research misconduct. Both Barwood and Murdoch received suspended sentences after being found guilty of multiple … Continue reading Caught Our Notice: Ethics, data concerns prompt another retraction for convicted researchers

Remaining fraud charges withdrawn for Parkinson’s researcher

Two remaining charges against a Parkinson’s researcher recently convicted of fraud have been dropped by an Australian court. In October, Caroline Barwood, formerly at the University of Queensland (UQ) in Brisbane, was found guilty of five out of seven charges. Subsequently, Barwood was handed two suspended sentences: one for two years, and another for 15 months, both … Continue reading Remaining fraud charges withdrawn for Parkinson’s researcher

A grad student was caught in the crossfire of fraud — and fought back

In March, 2013, a graduate student joined the lab of a prominent researcher in Australia, investigating new therapies for Parkinson’s. A few months later, everything fell apart. In September 2013, the University of Queensland (UQ) announced it was retracting one of the lab’s papers, returning the money used to fund the research and launching a … Continue reading A grad student was caught in the crossfire of fraud — and fought back

Parkinson’s researcher avoids jail following fraud conviction

Parkinson’s researcher Caroline Barwood was handed a two-year suspended jail sentence today after being found guilty of fraud yesterday by a jury in Brisbane, Australia. A jury had found Barwood guilty of five out of the seven charges against her. Earlier this year, Bruce Murdoch, a former colleague of Barwood’s at the University of Queensland (UQ) in … Continue reading Parkinson’s researcher avoids jail following fraud conviction

Australian court finds Parkinson’s researcher guilty of fraud

A court in Brisbane, Australia, has found Parkinson’s researcher Caroline Barwood guilty of two charges of fraud and three counts of attempted fraud. Barwood, 31, was formerly based at the University of Queensland (UQ). Released on bail in 2014, Barwood had originally pleaded not guilty to the charges. Yesterday, according to 9News, a jury found her guilty on … Continue reading Australian court finds Parkinson’s researcher guilty of fraud

Parkinson’s researcher in Australia pleads not guilty to fraud

Parkinson’s researcher Caroline Barwood pleaded not guilty to fraud-related charges in a Brisbane courtroom Monday. According to 9News, Barwood is accused of three counts of fraud, and four instances of attempted fraud, which include trying to obtain approximately $700,000 (AUD) from various organizations between 2011 and 2013 for a study that never occurred. The case follows an … Continue reading Parkinson’s researcher in Australia pleads not guilty to fraud

Parkinson’s researcher with three retractions heads to court on Monday

On Monday, Parkinson’s researcher Caroline Barwood will head to court in Brisbane, Australia, following a probe at her former institution, the University of Queensland (UQ). Barwood was granted bail in November, 2014 — charges included  that she “dishonestly applied for grant funds,” and fabricated research that claimed a breakthrough in treating Parkinson’s disease, according to The Guardian. In March, Bruce Murdoch, … Continue reading Parkinson’s researcher with three retractions heads to court on Monday

4th retraction for neuroscientist sentenced for fraud

A Parkinson’s researcher has earned his fourth retraction after receiving a two-year suspended sentence for fraud. The sentence for Bruce Murdoch, issued on March 31, 2016, came following an investigation by his former employer, the University of Queensland (UQ) in Australia, into 92 papers. Murdoch entered guilty pleas for 17 fraud-related charges, which resulted in the retraction … Continue reading 4th retraction for neuroscientist sentenced for fraud