University, funding agency clear researcher Rui Curi of fraud charges

The University of São Paulo and Brazil’s National Council of Technological and Scientific Development funding agency (CNPq) have cleared a researcher of fraud following a six-month investigation. The CNPq’s Commission on Integrity in Scientific Activity noted, however, that “there was failure to exercise rigor in the conduct and dissemination of results [in Rui Curi’s work], … Continue reading University, funding agency clear researcher Rui Curi of fraud charges

A mega-correction for Rui Curi, whose lawyers threatened to sue

A Brazilian researcher whose legal threats helped lead to the shutdown of and who has had two papers retracted has had to correct another paper. The fourth correction for Rui Curi — and we’d call it a mega-correction — is of a paper in PLOS ONE. Curi is the fourth out of 11 authors; … Continue reading A mega-correction for Rui Curi, whose lawyers threatened to sue

Streisand Effect meets tough editors as journal retracts already-corrected paper by Rui Curi

Rui Curi — the Brazilian scientist who threatened to sue the now-shuttered site for criticizing his work — has rung up his second retraction, this one for a paper that he corrected earlier this year. Here’s the Journal of Endocrinology notice, whose headers and language are a bit confusing, understandably, because it is retracting … Continue reading Streisand Effect meets tough editors as journal retracts already-corrected paper by Rui Curi

Another correction for Rui Curi, whose legal threats helped force shutdown of Science Fraud site

The Journal of Endocrinology has run a correction for a paper by Rui Curi, the Brazilian scientist whose lawyers threatened after the site ran a number of posts critical of Curi’s work. Here’s the notice for “Non-esterified fatty acids and human lymphocyte death: a mechanism that involves calcium release and oxidative stress”:

Curi-us: Author whose lawyers threatened Science Fraud corrects a paper the site criticized

A few weeks ago, we reported on the shutdown of, a site dedicated to highlighting problems with scientific papers, thanks to legal threats. At the same time, we noted that Rui Curi, one of the authors whose work had been questioned — and whose lawyers had sent the site a cease-and-desist letter — ended … Continue reading Curi-us: Author whose lawyers threatened Science Fraud corrects a paper the site criticized

Brazil research foundation sues scientist over $103k scholarship

The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), a state-level agency in Brazil that funds scientific research, is suing Paty Karoll Picardi, a protégé of Brazilian diabetes researcher Mario Saad. According to a São Paulo Court of Justice website, the reason stated is for “recebimento of bolsa de estudos,“ which translates to “receipt of scholarship.” FAPESP is … Continue reading Brazil research foundation sues scientist over $103k scholarship

Researcher logs three retractions for image duplications — two of which with familiar co-authors

A researcher in Brazil is taking responsibility for accidentally mixing up images in three papers in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.  The corresponding author on the three papers told us the mistake happened because the studies were conducted simultaneously, and relied on one computer. There’s a side note to these retractions: The co-author list on … Continue reading Researcher logs three retractions for image duplications — two of which with familiar co-authors

Researcher who unsuccessfully sued journal to stop retractions earns another expression of concern

A journal has added expressions of concern (EOCs) to four papers about diabetes, including one co-authored by an author who previously sued a different journal when it took a similar action on his papers. The Journal of Physiology flagged the papers after an investigation “could not rule out the possibility” that they contained duplicated Western blots. Though the … Continue reading Researcher who unsuccessfully sued journal to stop retractions earns another expression of concern

Researcher who called plagiarism “the worst type of fraud” retracts paper for…plagiarism

As a reporter on the police beat many years ago, one of us (Adam) used to hang out with a press officer whose desk at the station had the following sign: “Uma boca fechado não recolhe nenhum pé.” At least, that’s what it would have been had we been in Rio. In Palmer Park, Maryland, … Continue reading Researcher who called plagiarism “the worst type of fraud” retracts paper for…plagiarism