Aoki notches fourth retraction for image problems

We have a fourth retraction in the Journal of Biochemistry for Naohito Aoki, a Japanese researcher and former postdoc in a German lab, whose images have been called into question but whose retraction notices were scant. In this case, however, the journal, while not exactly overbrimming with information about the article, at least gives us … Continue reading Aoki notches fourth retraction for image problems

Freedom from Information Act? Another JBC retraction untarnished by any facts

There’s helpful but uninformative: Ivan: What’s the weather like today? Adam: Sunny. And then there’s uninformative as served up by the Journal of Biological Chemistry. We’ve already recounted one teeth-grinding experience with the JBC, a publication of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. The case involved two papers in JBC by Axel Ullrich, … Continue reading Freedom from Information Act? Another JBC retraction untarnished by any facts

Update on Axel Ullrich retractions: Lead author manipulated figures, says Ullrich

Yesterday, we noted that Axel Ullrich, a decorated cancer researcher, had retracted two papers in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. The journal gave no explanation for the retractions, and our conversation with the publication director for the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, which puts out the journal, was less than illuminating. This morning, … Continue reading Update on Axel Ullrich retractions: Lead author manipulated figures, says Ullrich

Leading cancer scientist retracts two papers, one 14 years old, but journal won’t say why

One of the world’s leading cancer researchers, Axel Ullrich of Germany, has retracted two papers published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Ullrich, director of microbiology at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, has been a central figure in many groundbreaking discoveries, from the development of genetically engineered insulin to the identification of the breast … Continue reading Leading cancer scientist retracts two papers, one 14 years old, but journal won’t say why