Prominent heart researcher dismissed by Ontario university; colleagues appeal

Earlier this month, Morris Karmazyn, an award-winning cardiovascular researcher who’s published hundreds of papers, was called into a meeting with the office of faculty relations at the University of Western Ontario, and terminated. The reason? A series of image problems in some of his papers, raised by a former member of his lab. When Karmazyn, Canada … Continue reading Prominent heart researcher dismissed by Ontario university; colleagues appeal

Parkinson’s researcher avoids jail following fraud conviction

Parkinson’s researcher Caroline Barwood was handed a two-year suspended jail sentence today after being found guilty of fraud yesterday by a jury in Brisbane, Australia. A jury had found Barwood guilty of five out of the seven charges against her. Earlier this year, Bruce Murdoch, a former colleague of Barwood’s at the University of Queensland (UQ) in … Continue reading Parkinson’s researcher avoids jail following fraud conviction

Retracted paper linking HPV vaccine to behavioral issues republished after revisions

A retracted study linking the vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV) to behavioral problems in mice has been republished by a different journal. The paper has been significantly revised, an author told us, but it still comes the same conclusions.  In February, the journal Vaccine temporarily removed the study without explanation, and told the authors the editor … Continue reading Retracted paper linking HPV vaccine to behavioral issues republished after revisions

What do retractions look like in Korean journals?

A new analysis of retractions from Korean journals reveals some interesting trends. For one, the authors found most papers in Korean journals are retracted for duplication (57%), a higher rate than what’s been reported in other studies. The authors also deemed some retractions were “inappropriate” according to guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) … Continue reading What do retractions look like in Korean journals?

Parkinson’s researcher in Australia pleads not guilty to fraud

Parkinson’s researcher Caroline Barwood pleaded not guilty to fraud-related charges in a Brisbane courtroom Monday. According to 9News, Barwood is accused of three counts of fraud, and four instances of attempted fraud, which include trying to obtain approximately $700,000 (AUD) from various organizations between 2011 and 2013 for a study that never occurred. The case follows an … Continue reading Parkinson’s researcher in Australia pleads not guilty to fraud

Despite retraction, antipsychotics still effective, safe for dementia, says author

Researchers have retracted a systematic review that suggested that antipsychotic drugs are effective and safe for patients with symptoms of dementia — but claim their re-analysis of the updated data still comes to the same conclusions. According to the retraction notice in Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy, some participants were incorrectly included twice in the meta-analysis.  … Continue reading Despite retraction, antipsychotics still effective, safe for dementia, says author

Weekend reads: Arguments for abandoning “statistically significant,” boorish behavior, and useless clinical trials

The week at Retraction Watch featured developments in the retraction of a paper claiming the dangers of GMOs, and claims of censorship by a Nature journal. Here’s what was happening elsewhere:

Parkinson’s researcher with three retractions heads to court on Monday

On Monday, Parkinson’s researcher Caroline Barwood will head to court in Brisbane, Australia, following a probe at her former institution, the University of Queensland (UQ). Barwood was granted bail in November, 2014 — charges included  that she “dishonestly applied for grant funds,” and fabricated research that claimed a breakthrough in treating Parkinson’s disease, according to The Guardian. In March, Bruce Murdoch, … Continue reading Parkinson’s researcher with three retractions heads to court on Monday

Cardiovascular researcher in Taiwan logs four retractions

A researcher has earned four retractions following an investigation at his institutions in Taiwan. The retraction notices, which appear in Clinical Science, mention investigations into the work of Kou-Gi Shyu at the Shin-Kong Wu Ho-Su Memorial Hospital and Taipei Medical University (TMU). Shyu is listed as being affiliated with both institutions in the original papers, but … Continue reading Cardiovascular researcher in Taiwan logs four retractions