Weekend reads: A bizarre turn in a plagiarism case; lessons of the ‘replication crisis’; special issues redux

Would you consider a donation to support Weekend Reads, and our daily work? Thanks in advance. The week at Retraction Watch featured: In 1987, the NIH found a paper contained fake data. It was just retracted. ‘A big pain’: Professor up to six retractions for plagiarism and manipulated peer review ‘A display of extreme academic integrity’: A … Continue reading Weekend reads: A bizarre turn in a plagiarism case; lessons of the ‘replication crisis’; special issues redux

An Elsevier journal said it would retract 10 papers two years ago. It still hasn’t.

An Elsevier journal has sat for two years on its decision to retract 10 papers by researchers with known misconduct issues, according to emails seen by Retraction Watch.  The Journal of the Neurological Sciences had decided by June 2020 to retract the articles by Yoshihiro Sato and Jun Iwamoto, who are currently in positions four … Continue reading An Elsevier journal said it would retract 10 papers two years ago. It still hasn’t.

An Elsevier book plagiarizes an abstract published by…Elsevier

Elsevier plans to remove the introduction from a book on mineralogy after investigating allegations of plagiarism, including from another Elsevier publication, according to emails obtained by Retraction Watch.  Photo Atlas of Mineral Pseudomorphism by J. Theo Kloprogge and Robert Lavinsky, was published in 2017 and still appears to be for sale for $100 for a … Continue reading An Elsevier book plagiarizes an abstract published by…Elsevier

A stolen manuscript, part two: The plagiarist begs for forgiveness as another group plagiarizes the same work

In 2019, we wrote about a reviewer who stole a manuscript and published it under his own name. Today, we bring you the sequel. The sequel involves a plea for forgiveness after the plagiarized paper was retracted, and a second allegation of stealing work – which has prompted the target of the plagiarism to wonder … Continue reading A stolen manuscript, part two: The plagiarist begs for forgiveness as another group plagiarizes the same work

Drug researchers in Russia have four papers subjected to expressions of concern

A psychiatry journal has issued expressions of concern for four papers by a group of researchers in Russia after questions surfaced about the integrity of the data.  The first author on all of the papers was Ilya D. Ionov, of the Centre On Theoretical Problems in Physical and Chemical Pharmacology, part of the Russian Academy … Continue reading Drug researchers in Russia have four papers subjected to expressions of concern

Journal issues 55 expressions of concern at once

The journal Cureus has issued expressions of concern for a whopping 55 papers whose authorship has come into question.  The articles, including a couple like this one on COVID-19, were apparently submitted as part of an effort by Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, in Saudi Arabia, to pad the publishing resumes of its medical students … Continue reading Journal issues 55 expressions of concern at once

Murder by Theory: Tales from the Ivory Tower’s Dark Side

Retraction Watch readers may recall Eve Armstrong’s April Fool’s preprints modeling a potential prom date and proving that it was, indeed, Colonel Mustard with a candlestick. We’re pleased — no fooling, and a few weeks early — to present an excerpt from Armstrong’s new work of fiction, Murder by Theory: Two Tales from the Ivory … Continue reading Murder by Theory: Tales from the Ivory Tower’s Dark Side

‘This is frankly insulting’: An author plagiarized by a journal editor speaks

The British Journal of Sports Medicine retracted an editorial late last week by Paul McCrory, a former editor of the journal. The publisher has joined the never-ending plagiarism euphemism parade. The retraction notice, which the journal embargoed until today despite having watermarked the editorial’s PDF “retracted” sometime Thursday or Friday, reads: “This article has been … Continue reading ‘This is frankly insulting’: An author plagiarized by a journal editor speaks

Authors whose Springer Nature book was retracted for plagiarism solicit chapters for another

If you had a book retracted for plagiarism, would you submit a book proposal to the same publisher? And if you were that publisher, would you entertain said pitch? These, dear reader, are not idle questions.

How to find evidence of paper mills using peer review comments

Finding papers produced by paper mills has become a major headache for many of the world’s largest publishers over the past year, and they’re largely playing catch-up since sleuths began identifying them a few years ago. But there may be a new way: Earlier this month, Adam Day, a data scientist at SAGE Publishing, posted … Continue reading How to find evidence of paper mills using peer review comments