Weekend reads: MERS case report clash, criticizing others’ work in public

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch, which kicked off with an introduction to our first-ever intern. This coming week, Ivan will be in Zwettl, Lower Austria, speaking at the Vienna Biocenter PhD retreat, and in London, speaking at the UK Conference of Science Journalists. Here’s what’s been happening elsewhere: Continue reading Weekend reads: MERS case report clash, criticizing others’ work in public

Weekend reads: “The best scientist in jail story since Galileo,” replication is “charming and naive”

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch. Here’s what was happening elsewhere:
Continue reading Weekend reads: “The best scientist in jail story since Galileo,” replication is “charming and naive”

Weekend reads: Förster defense crumbling, peer-reviewed journalism, heated rhetoric about replication

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch, with Harvard dominating the news about scientific misconduct here and elsewhere. Here’s what else was happening around the web: Continue reading Weekend reads: Förster defense crumbling, peer-reviewed journalism, heated rhetoric about replication

Weekend reads: Scientific bullying (again), science journalism looks inward

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch, beginning with a story that stunned even us. There was lots happening elsewhere on the web, too, particularly among science journalists taking a look at their own work: Continue reading Weekend reads: Scientific bullying (again), science journalism looks inward

Weekend reads: A call for retraction of therapy-breast cancer study; credit (and pay) for peer reviewers

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch, with Ivan speaking in Coventry, UK. Here’s what was happening elsewhere on the web: Continue reading Weekend reads: A call for retraction of therapy-breast cancer study; credit (and pay) for peer reviewers

Weekend reads: Shocking suicide statistics, scientists say they’re over-regulated, the real @FakeElsevier

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch. Here’s what was happening elsewhere on the web: Continue reading Weekend reads: Shocking suicide statistics, scientists say they’re over-regulated, the real @FakeElsevier

Weekend reads: Retraction Watch on NPR; “hysteria” over replication; when a paywall might be a good thing

booksIt’s been another busy week at Retraction Watch, mostly because of the unfolding Jens Förster story. Here’s what was happening elsewhere on the web: Continue reading Weekend reads: Retraction Watch on NPR; “hysteria” over replication; when a paywall might be a good thing

Weekend reads: Self-plagiarism and moral panic; sexism in science; peer review under scrutiny

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch, which kicked off with our announcement that we’re hiring a paid intern. Here’s what was happening elsewhere around the web: Continue reading Weekend reads: Self-plagiarism and moral panic; sexism in science; peer review under scrutiny

Weekend reads: How to rescue science, what “censorship” really means, worst paper of the year?

booksAnother very busy week at Retraction Watch. There were a lot of gems elsewhere. Here’s a sampling: Continue reading Weekend reads: How to rescue science, what “censorship” really means, worst paper of the year?

Weekend reads: Problems with a Science paper, how to cite properly (and improperly)

booksAnother super-busy week at Retraction Watch. Here’s what was happening in around the web in scientific publishing, misconduct, and related issues: Continue reading Weekend reads: Problems with a Science paper, how to cite properly (and improperly)