Weekend reads: Reading Nature and Science “very unpleasant,” how to spot fake journals

booksThe week at Retraction Watch featured revelations about the backstory of an expression of concern, and Office of Research Integrity findings in a case that had its beginnings in Retraction Watch comments. Here’s what was happening elsewhere:

Continue reading Weekend reads: Reading Nature and Science “very unpleasant,” how to spot fake journals

Weekend reads: A scientific impostor, Retraction Watch comments lead to retractions

booksHere at Retraction Watch, the week featured the revelations of the peer reviews of an early version of the STAP stem cell paper, and an announcement about a new partnership. Here’s what was happening elsewhere: Continue reading Weekend reads: A scientific impostor, Retraction Watch comments lead to retractions

Weekend reads: DIY peer review, wildly exaggerated breakthroughs, and how to commit fraud without being caught

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch. Here’s what was happening elsewhere: Continue reading Weekend reads: DIY peer review, wildly exaggerated breakthroughs, and how to commit fraud without being caught

Weekend reads: Peer review abuse, a journal that will print anything for $1,200, PubPeer faces legal threats

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch. Here’s what was happening elsewhere: Continue reading Weekend reads: Peer review abuse, a journal that will print anything for $1,200, PubPeer faces legal threats

Weekend reads: Publish a paper, get $10,000!; Lancet editor Horton under fire

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch. Here’s what was happening elsewhere:

Continue reading Weekend reads: Publish a paper, get $10,000!; Lancet editor Horton under fire

Weekend reads: Women in science, creative peer review, is civil discourse about science still possible?

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch. Here’s what was happening elsewhere: Continue reading Weekend reads: Women in science, creative peer review, is civil discourse about science still possible?

Weekend reads: Dope-addicted doctors running drug trials; jailed for copyright violation?

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch. Here’s what was happening elsewhere:

Weekend reads: Science News cites The Onion, bitterness over lack of credit in sixth grader’s project

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch. Here’s what was happening elsewhere: Continue reading Weekend reads: Science News cites The Onion, bitterness over lack of credit in sixth grader’s project

Weekend reads: How to fix “slow,” “unhelpful,” and “generally awful” peer review, where all the PhDs go

booksAnother busy week at Retraction Watch, but there was lots happening elsewhere, too: Continue reading Weekend reads: How to fix “slow,” “unhelpful,” and “generally awful” peer review, where all the PhDs go