Retraction count for gynecologic cancer researcher Takai grows to seven

Noriyuki Takai, a gynecologic cancer researcher at Oita University in Japan who retracted three papers last October, has four more retractions, these in Cancer Letters. All but one of the notices reads as follows:

Journal flags duplicated text by gynecologic cancer researcher with 13 retractions

When journals discover duplicated material, many choose to retract — but a cancer journal recently faced with the same dilemma involving a researcher with multiple retractions under his belt has instead decided to flag the paper with an expression of concern. An editor told us that Cancers considered retracting the paper, by gynecologic cancer researcher Noriyuki Takai, … Continue reading Journal flags duplicated text by gynecologic cancer researcher with 13 retractions

Gynecologic cancer researcher up to 13 retractions

Noriyuki Takai, a gynecologic cancer researcher at Oita University in Japan, has lost another five papers. With a new total of 13, that means he’s now on our leaderboard. Three of the retractions are from the journal Tumor Biology, one is from the International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, and one from Anticancer Research. Takai is the first author on all … Continue reading Gynecologic cancer researcher up to 13 retractions

Gynecologic cancer researcher earns eighth retraction

Noriyuki Takai, a gynecologic cancer researcher in Japan, has notched one more retraction — bringing the total to eight — due to figures that were “processed inappropriately” and did “not accurately report the original data.” According to the notice, Takai alone put the figures together in the 2006 Oncology paper, which tested a histone deacetylase … Continue reading Gynecologic cancer researcher earns eighth retraction

Three gynecologic cancer studies retracted for figure duplication, image manipulation

A gynecologic cancer researcher at Oita University in Japan has retracted three papers by his group after the discovery of duplicated figures and manipulated images. The three papers by Noriyuki Takai and colleagues all appeared in Gynecologic Oncology: