Weekend reads: Surgeon on trial over experiments; hydroxychloroquine-promoting doctor reprimanded; questions about concussion research

Would you consider a donation to support Weekend Reads, and our daily work? Thanks in advance. The week at Retraction Watch featured: Authors retract second Majorana paper from Nature Dermatology journal calls for investigation into Bordeaux-INSERM work Nanotech group up to nine retractions Chemistry paper retracted from Science Journal issues 55 expressions of concern at once … Continue reading Weekend reads: Surgeon on trial over experiments; hydroxychloroquine-promoting doctor reprimanded; questions about concussion research

Weekend reads: Should ‘peer reviewers be paid?’; Kim Kardashian and conflicts of interest; scandal costs millions in grants

Would you consider a donation to support Weekend Reads, and our daily work? Thanks in advance. The week at Retraction Watch featured: COVID-19-vitamin D paper retracted by Springer Nature journal Study on reducing parents’ anxiety about children’s circumcision retracted More than 300 at once: Publisher retracts entire conference proceedings What we’ve learned from public records requests. … Continue reading Weekend reads: Should ‘peer reviewers be paid?’; Kim Kardashian and conflicts of interest; scandal costs millions in grants

What we’ve learned from public records requests. Please help us file more.

Dear Retraction Watch reader: You may have noticed an increasing number of posts over the past few years that contain the phrase “obtained through a public records request.” Some examples: It’s how we learned that a pharmacology researcher was demoted after a misconduct investigation – and then became chair at another school. That story led … Continue reading What we’ve learned from public records requests. Please help us file more.

8 years after three papers are flagged — and after losing original correspondence — PLOS ONE retracts

A group of nutrition researchers in Canada led by the prominent diabetes scientist Emile Levy has lost three papers in PLOS ONE over concerns about the integrity of the data.  The concerns were raised nearly eight years ago by Elisabeth Bik, early in her career as a data sleuth.   In May 2014, Bik told us, … Continue reading 8 years after three papers are flagged — and after losing original correspondence — PLOS ONE retracts

Weekend reads: White academic’s book about Black feminism pulled; retraction notices as a genre; forget the scientific paper?

Would you consider a donation to support Weekend Reads, and our daily work? Thanks in advance. The week at Retraction Watch featured: Misconduct, failure to supervise earn researchers years-long funding bans Is a “Wall of Shame” a good idea for journals? Researchers in China send a hospital “declaration” clearing them of fraud. A journal doesn’t buy … Continue reading Weekend reads: White academic’s book about Black feminism pulled; retraction notices as a genre; forget the scientific paper?

Triple sunrise, triple sunset: Science paper retracted when it turns out a planet is a star

When Kevin Wagner at the University of Arizona and colleagues published a paper in Science about their discovery of a new planet in 2016, it captured the attention of a lot of science writers. Finding the object – HD 131399 – meant that “astronomers have discovered a planet with an even more exotic sight on … Continue reading Triple sunrise, triple sunset: Science paper retracted when it turns out a planet is a star

Misconduct, failure to supervise earn researchers years-long funding bans

Two professors and two former graduate students are banned from funding by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) following findings by Nagoya University of misconduct and lack of supervision. As we reported last month, Nagoya found that Yuuta Yano, a graduate student in Kenichiro Itami’s lab, had forged large swaths of data … Continue reading Misconduct, failure to supervise earn researchers years-long funding bans

Weekend reads: Should open access advocates vilify publishers?; authorship for sale, $5,000; is economics just ‘bafflegab?’

Would you consider a donation to support Weekend Reads, and our daily work? Thanks in advance. The week at Retraction Watch featured: Cancer researcher faked data for 24 images in work funded by nine NIH grants: Federal watchdog The author of a retracted paper learns to be careful what he wishes for Journals acknowledge that a … Continue reading Weekend reads: Should open access advocates vilify publishers?; authorship for sale, $5,000; is economics just ‘bafflegab?’

Weekend reads: Plagiarism in biblical scholarship; revelations about publishing ‘lab leak’ preprint; publishing sanctions on Russia

Would you consider a donation to support Weekend Reads, and our daily work? Thanks in advance. The week at Retraction Watch featured: Einstein fired researcher in 2019, more than two years before ORI finding Firing, publishing ban, 15 retractions for author who ‘defrauded’ co-authors in pay-to-publish scheme Five studies linked to Cassava Sciences retracted Doing the … Continue reading Weekend reads: Plagiarism in biblical scholarship; revelations about publishing ‘lab leak’ preprint; publishing sanctions on Russia

Weekend reads: Concussion researcher faces more scrutiny; ‘Mendel the fraud?’; seeking redemption after misconduct finding

Would you consider a donation to support Weekend Reads, and our daily work? Thanks in advance. The week at Retraction Watch featured: The 21-year-old apology – and retraction from JAMA Harvard eye researchers have eight papers retracted for lack of ethical approval Einstein duo faked data in 16 federal grant applications: ORI So what happened with … Continue reading Weekend reads: Concussion researcher faces more scrutiny; ‘Mendel the fraud?’; seeking redemption after misconduct finding