Researcher attacks journal for retracting his paper on COVID-19 drug

A journal has retracted a paper reporting the results of a clinical trial in which a drug cut COVID-19 hospitalization for men by 90%.  The research group’s other work has attracted a lot of attention in Brazil – including praise from  president Jair Bolsonaro and criticism from research regulators – for their dramatic results. In … Continue reading Researcher attacks journal for retracting his paper on COVID-19 drug

A paper claimed to describe ‘the first potent and specific anti-COVID-19 drug.’ Now it’s retracted.

A paper about the discovery of “the first potent and specific anti-COVID-19 drug” has been retracted after it emerged that the compound wasn’t so novel after all.  The article, published in May 2021 in Chemical Papers has been cited seven times, according to Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science.  As the paper’s sole author, Amgad M. … Continue reading A paper claimed to describe ‘the first potent and specific anti-COVID-19 drug.’ Now it’s retracted.

Weekend reads: Researcher has paper retracted, then earns promotion; is peer review ‘more cavalier, self-serving, and ignorant?’; a ‘weird notice’ for all a publisher’s papers

Would you consider a donation to support Weekend Reads, and our daily work? Thanks in advance. The week at Retraction Watch featured: Want to know whether that journal is scamming you? Introducing the Retraction Watch Hijacked Journal Checker Cornell food marketing researcher who retired after misconduct finding is publishing again Urology researcher under investigation for double-dipping has … Continue reading Weekend reads: Researcher has paper retracted, then earns promotion; is peer review ‘more cavalier, self-serving, and ignorant?’; a ‘weird notice’ for all a publisher’s papers

Weekend reads: Female driver stereotypes; ‘stealth research’; AI comes to fake scientific images

Would you consider a donation to support Weekend Reads, and our daily work? Thanks in advance. The week at Retraction Watch featured: Journal about ‘ambient intelligence’ retracts more than 50 papers at once The “internet may be a challenging venue”: Biomedical engineering group up to four retractions Drug researchers in Russia have four papers subjected to expressions … Continue reading Weekend reads: Female driver stereotypes; ‘stealth research’; AI comes to fake scientific images

‘Inadvertently published’ paper by pharma employee retracted almost a year later

A Takeda employee has lost a 2021 paper that the journal says it “inadvertently published.”   The article, “Seasonal and Secular Periodicities Identified in the Dynamics of US FDA Medical Devices (1976–2020): Portends Intrinsic Industrial Transformation and Independence of Certain Crises,” appeared in Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science. It has yet to be cited, according to … Continue reading ‘Inadvertently published’ paper by pharma employee retracted almost a year later

After we tried to correct claims about ‘deadly’ water filters in Flint, we were accused of scientific misconduct—and that was just the beginning

The Sept. 10, 2019 PBS article accompanying the FRONTLINE documentary “Deadly Water” was topped by a provocative headline: “The EPA Says Flint’s Water is Safe — Scientists Aren’t So Sure.” The PBS story relied on a study of adverse health outcomes for people given point-of-use (POU) water filters during the Flint Federal Emergency. We were … Continue reading After we tried to correct claims about ‘deadly’ water filters in Flint, we were accused of scientific misconduct—and that was just the beginning

Journal retracts paper listed on authorship for sale site following Retraction Watch report

An Elsevier journal has retracted a paper that was listed by a firm claiming to sell authorships months after we reported on the site. On Sept. 7, 2021, we published a story about the company, Teziran. On Sept. 14, pseudonymous sleuth Artemisia Stricta wrote to Ioannis Ieropoulos, the editor of Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, … Continue reading Journal retracts paper listed on authorship for sale site following Retraction Watch report

Weekend reads: Why was a paper’s acceptance rescinded?; kinder peer review; plagiarism in a plagiarism atonement essay

Would you consider a donation to support Weekend Reads, and our daily work? Thanks in advance. The week at Retraction Watch featured: Journal retracts C-section paper with ‘impossible’ data ‘A terrifying experience’: A team of researchers does the right thing when they find an error Another ivermectin-COVID-19 paper is retracted A college that doesn’t exist. An email … Continue reading Weekend reads: Why was a paper’s acceptance rescinded?; kinder peer review; plagiarism in a plagiarism atonement essay

Journal retracts C-section paper with ‘impossible’ data

An ob-gyn journal has retracted a clinically influential 2016 paper on the use of steroids in women undergoing cesarean delivery, citing questions about the data.  The article, “Antenatal corticosteroid administration before elective caesarean section at term to prevent neonatal respiratory morbidity: a randomized controlled trial,” appeared in the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and … Continue reading Journal retracts C-section paper with ‘impossible’ data

Weekend reads: ‘The science crisis’; Peru president plagiarism probe; does a Nature cover help or hurt citations?

Would you consider a donation to support Weekend Reads, and our daily work? Thanks in advance. The week at Retraction Watch featured: Elsevier retracts papers when it realizes one of the authors hid fact he was guest editor of issue UPenn prof retracts three papers for ‘substantive questions’ Our list of retracted or withdrawn COVID-19 papers … Continue reading Weekend reads: ‘The science crisis’; Peru president plagiarism probe; does a Nature cover help or hurt citations?