Correction restores confidence in results of confidence study

Strategic Management JournalA study that looked at how entrepreneurs’ confidence levels change depending on market conditions has been corrected to fix an error that flipped the results of one of the experiments.

The paper was published in 2013 by the Strategic Management Journaland explored how entrepreneurs stay confident in difficult marketplaces by studying how people reacted to tasks of varying difficulty. In one experiment, participants were asked how well they thought they did on an easy quiz and how well they did on a hard quiz. Results showed that “participants underestimated their scores on the easy quiz” and “overestimated their performance on the difficult quiz.” However, authors wrote the opposite in the final paper.

Here’s the correction notice for “Making Sense of Overconfidence in Market Entry”:

Continue reading Correction restores confidence in results of confidence study

Retraction four appears for management professor Ulrich Lichtenthaler

Ulrich Lichtenthaler, a management professor at the University of Mannheim who has retracted three papers for statistical irregularities, has another retraction for his CV, this one in the Strategic Management Journal.

There’s no notice yet; all that appears for the January 2012 paper is this: Continue reading Retraction four appears for management professor Ulrich Lichtenthaler