Beam us up! Elsevier pulls 26 Covid-19 papers by researcher with a penchant for Star Trek

An Elsevier journal has retracted more than two dozen Covid-19 papers by a researcher in Malta with a fondness for Star Trek after determining that the articles did not meet its standards for publication.   The move comes several months after we reported that Hampton Gaddy, a student at the University of Oxford, had raised questions … Continue reading Beam us up! Elsevier pulls 26 Covid-19 papers by researcher with a penchant for Star Trek

Elsevier looking into “very serious concerns” after student calls out journal for fleet of Star Trek articles, other issues

An undergraduate student in the United Kingdom has taken to task the editors of a purportedly scholarly journal for having published more than 100 papers by a Maltese researcher with a deep affinity for Star Trek. In a Dec. 8, 2020, letter to the editors of Early Human Development (EHD), Hampton Gaddy, a BA student … Continue reading Elsevier looking into “very serious concerns” after student calls out journal for fleet of Star Trek articles, other issues

Meet the scientific sleuths: More than two dozen who’ve had an impact on the scientific literature

Over the years, we have written about a number of the sleuths who, on their own time and often at great risks to their careers or finances, have looked for issues in the scientific literature. Here’s a sampling: