Weekend reads: Why authors keep citing retracted studies; patients over papers; final ruling in Hwang case

booksHere’s our first post of 2016. The week at Retraction Watch featured a retraction from JAMA, and our list of most-cited retracted papers. Here’s what was happening elsewhere:

Retractions Outside of The Scientific Literature

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4 thoughts on “Weekend reads: Why authors keep citing retracted studies; patients over papers; final ruling in Hwang case”

  1. Happy new year to all of you…
    I’m the very first commenter for 2016! So, let me begin with a riddle:

    Who wrote, 25 years or so ago:

    “There are more scientist alive now than ever before. There are many who prostitute themselves, selling their skills for money regardless of what they do. There are many academics whose primary concern is the output of papers, which few will read. There is a great deal of very uninspired work going on. There are those who treat their science as a solemn secret, which somehow they must keep exclusive and apart from the world at large. And yet…”

    (Yes, after “And yet…”, a much more positive viewpoint about science is given!).

    No reward for giving the correct reference of the paper: this is just for fun and also to show that even Google has a short memory.

    1. Corrigendum: in the above comment, “the very first commenter” should read “the almost first commenter”.
      I acknowledge A.N.O.N.Y.M.O.U.S (aka JA…) for pointing out this inaccuracy. As usual, conclusions remain valid.

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