Exclusive: University of Glasgow seeking retraction of multiple papers after findings of image manipulation

Miles Houslay

The University of Glasgow is requesting the retraction of multiple papers by a pharmacology researcher who held various positions there for more than a quarter century.

The story begins in December 2016, when biostatistician Steven McKinney posted on PubPeer about a paper by the researcher, Miles Houslay, in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. That paper was eventually retracted in August 2020, but not before McKinney posted a comment on Retraction Watch that caught the eye of the pseudonymous Clare Francis.

Francis pointed us to comments about a total of eight of Houslay’s papers at that time. And in August 2020, when the JBC retraction appeared, Francis forwarded those to the King’s College, London, where Houslay is listed as having a faculty position, and the University of Glasgow, which he left in 2011.

Yesterday, Amanda McKenna, the University of Glasgow’s research policy and integrity officer, thanked Francis for bringing the issues to the university’s attention, and wrote:

The investigating panel has upheld the allegations and we are seeking retraction of all papers involved.

It is unclear which papers the university will seek to have retracted — we have asked McKenna but it was already late in the day in Scotland, so have not heard back — but here are the papers that come up in the PubPeer search whose link Francis sent the university last year:

Houslay, who is listed as Principal Scientific Advisor and Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of Mironid, a biotech company, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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5 thoughts on “Exclusive: University of Glasgow seeking retraction of multiple papers after findings of image manipulation”

  1. Concerning a paper mentioned about where I am the senior and corresponding author: “Crosstalk between PI3-Kinase and cAMP-Protein Kinase A signaling pathways at the level of a Protein Kinase B/β-arrestin/cAMP phosphodiesterase-4 complex,” Molecular Cell and Biology, 2010 this is research done in my lab at University of Oslo and not at University of Glasgow.

    I was contacted by the MCB after University of Glasgow contacted the journal (of note University of Glasgow has not contacted me as the senior and corresponding author of the paper). I contacted the Medical Faculty at the University of Oslo about the allegations made and their Research Integrity Commission at the request of the Dean conducted an investigation and found the figure in question to be authentic.

    We have published a correction in MCB showing where splicing occurred in all panels and also a statement about author contributions. See: https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/mcb.00556-21?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%20%200pubmed

    See also my comment on PubPeer: https://pubpeer.com/publications/950D8FA42695F2F9595A3D8273CE81

    1. This paper was finally retracted in October 2022.


      “The corresponding author is retracting this article following an institutional investigation into the authenticity of the figures in the paper. The institution ultimately determined Figure 3 was not authentic and the scientific integrity of the article had been compromised.”

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