Over the past few days, we’ve noticed a spike in traffic — sometimes so large that it crashes our site — to older posts about Judy Mikovits. It appears that Mikovits is once again in the news. Here’s a story from Vice that provides some context:
“We don’t need a vaccine,” proclaimed Dr. Judy Mikovits, a controversial former chronic fatigue researcher who now frequently makes anti-vaccine claims, in an April 15 YouTube video with more than 80,000 views. “All you have to do is have a healthy immune system.” (Mikovits has also been involved in the “Fire Fauci” campaign, claiming he sabotaged her research into a purported mouse virus that she says is the true cause of cancer.)
Mikovits first came to our attention in 2011, thanks to a paper — eventually retracted — in Science claiming a now-debunked link between a particular virus and chronic fatigue syndrome. She was fired from her position at the Whittemore Peterson Institute, and would soon spend several days in a California jail, with the charges dropped soon thereafter.
Mikovits would eventually — and unsuccessfully — file a suit against her former employer and others, and write a book. From the book’s teaser:
On this journey Dr. Mikovits would face the scientific prejudices against CFS, wander into the minefield that is autism, and through it all struggle to maintain her faith in God, the American justice system and the profession to which she had dedicated her life. This is a story for anybody interested in the promise and peril of science at the very highest levels in our country.
A hint of things to come also appeared in 2014, when Mikovits spoke at Autism One, an annual conference that typically features discussions of how vaccines cause autism and that was co-founded by her co-author Kent Heckenlively. Her talk: “Environmental Causes of Autism: Investigate If You Dare,” included a slide titled: “The best scientist in jail story since Galileo.”
She and Heckenlively published “Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science” last month. She has taken to the airwaves to promote the book — and “Plandemic,” a video since removed from YouTube — and air her grievances against Fauci, which appear groundless but have found a sympathetic ear in at least one interviewer whose Twitter account has since been suspended.
Here, in chronological order, are our posts on the Mikovits case:
- Why didn’t XMRV-chronic fatigue syndrome researcher Mikovits — now fired — share data with Science?
- Science asks authors to retract XMRV-chronic fatigue syndrome paper; when they refuse, issue Expression of Concern
- Chronic fatigue syndrome researcher Judy Mikovits arrested
- Chronic fatigue syndrome-XMRV paper retracted by Science, completely this time
- Charges against CFS-XMRV researcher Mikovits dropped
- New study “puts…speculation to rest” about link between XMRV and chronic fatigue syndrome
- Chronic fatigue syndrome researcher Mikovits, who championed link to XMRV, to publish book
- About-to-be-dismissed lawsuit reveals details of chronic fatigue syndrome-XMRV research fiasco
- Chronic fatigue syndrome-XMRV researcher scheduled to head to court today, alleging conspiracy
- Court dismisses lawsuit by XMRV-chronic fatigue syndrome researcher
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I always like to fact check. There is so much 1/2 truth to her story with Dr. Fouchi
I hate conspiracies I believe they do happen. But when things just don’t sound 100% accurate I double check make up my own mind.
I don’t always believe what I read on social media
Ms Rightmeyer,
I took tons of chemistry & biology classes in college Pre-Med, until I discovered helicopters were a ton more exciting, so I know a little more than the average person… that being said, I have a ton of questions, some of which are below, that might help me understand Ms Mikovits & her driving forces….
Not being a research scientist in the field of transmittable disease or viruses, I’m trying to read & understand. I watched her “Plandemic” video before it was taken down by YouTube-went back to watch it & poof, it was gone. I did watch another YouTube video where she is being interviewed by a female
?journalist? Or is this just another conspiracy theory video being paid for? Who would have the money to pay for these videos and for what purpose? To discredit Fauci & Redfield, for what purpose? To sow confusion among the uneducated public, which is the majority of US?
Redfield is already discredited, in my opinion, from his AIDS days in giving MICROGENSYS a $20M contract to study already discredited approach to AIDS. As an Army Colonel, he should have gone to jail for this, in my opinion, as an ex-Army Officer Helicopter Test Pilot/Contracting Officer, secondary specialty, with 10 years as Aerospace Program Manager in design, development & production, with Masters in Systems Enineering from USC.
If you are up on all this stuff she is spouting, are you able to explain where she diverges from acceptable scientific methods & lands into “conjecture land”? Hard for me to grasp why she is saying/doing these things about CFS & AIDS & CV?? What does she hope to gain, if her work is easily discredited? And has her work been discredited? By whom? Any references to articles discredidating her work?
Regarding the lawsuit (I’m still trying to research & understand) – just because you bring a lawsuit against a company/employer/private individuals, I do see where there should be a discovery period…
I guess I’ve just read so much that her ideas appear to hold water, but I can’t find (or maybe understand what has been presented to discredit her) enough solid information to discredit her.
Or, is she just a whacko running around? And has been a whacko since her days with Govt?
I also have found nothing that discredited her. She had scientific papers published but as she said you don’t get grant money and no one will publish your papers. There were no formal charges when she was arrested A lot of her statements about autoimmune diseases such as CFS are based on what she learned in her lab. For people to act like the government doesn’t do things like this is ridiculous
The issue is; “Gain of Function and Tranmutability”, enhancing Bat Viruses. just because you can, doesn’t mean you should!!
After Serving 23 years in the Military the conclusion of the matter is this; We are run by insane people for insane objectives!
Vaccines are dangerous! Fauci has his own, objectives will Bill Gates and they are not good. Follow the Money.
Wow vaccines are dangerous. So all those people that refuse to give their children mom’s measles and rubella vaccine and they had an outbreak that’s more deadly.
No conspiracy theories-
CIA – Project Day Lily: An American Biological Warfare Tragedy by Garth Nicolson PhD, et al. (Over 120 universities in the U.S. involved in Biological Defense projects – vaccines among them.)
‘Johns Hopkins, Bristol-Myers must face $1 billion syphilis infections suit’, JAN. 4, 2019
(Reuters) – A federal judge in Maryland said The Johns Hopkins University, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (BMY.N) and the Rockefeller Foundation must face a $1 billion lawsuit over their roles in a 1940’s U.S. government experiment that infected hundreds of Guatemalans with
‘Johns Hopkins, Bristol-Myers must face $1 billion syphilis infections suit’, JAN. 4, 2019
(Reuters) – A federal judge in Maryland said The Johns Hopkins University, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (BMY.N) and the Rockefeller Foundation must face a $1 billion lawsuit over their roles in a 1940’s U.S. government experiment that infected hundreds of Guatemalans with syphilis.
Many readers are interested in Full Disclosure, please update this article stating the truth, if in fact you read either books of Judy Mikovits, PhD., before publishing this article.
Forbus: If you don’t go looking, you certainly won’t find anything that discredits her. Where did you look?
Snopes has lots of credible documentation. Do you have credible documentation to refute?
She was formally charged. Her assistant reported/testified he gave her the documents she said were planted…etc, etc.
“What she learned in her lab” was discredited by several others trying to reproduce her exciting discovery. That is not conspiracy, that is what science always does. You can’t accept experimental findings unless you can reproduce them.
But she wasn’t fired for that –people usually aren’t fired for the process of scientific inquiry like this– but something else.
She was also getting in trouble for making completely unsubstantiated claims about autism.
As far as I can tell, she hasn’t worked for a reputable science organization since 2011, so she has no work on Covid or anything related.
snopes is a left leaning piece of bias garbage that I is the last place I would go to for the truth. When I was a democrat, I believed every word that they said, after voting for Obama 2X, I walked away from the lying liberal democrat party. If I am a democrat doing fact checking I go to snopes and if I want the truth I do not go to snopes.
No but she is a top scientist , And was gagged I guess you work for the other side
I agree! I can’t believe that you cannot watch the video anywhere. Something is fishy here!
I agree. From everything I have read in the last two months including the many emails from the government to my work email, dr. Judy makes the most sense. I am just an average citizen.
Yes, they will block something that is the truth but won’t want it known to others!
You put 2 & 2 together and make 5.
David Icke has been removed for inciting the burning of 5G masts, Tommy Robinson for inciting violence.
Twitter/Social Media companies can remove who they want.
Governments can bring curfews & confine certain people [eg Japanese as in WW2] without giving good reasons or appeals, in times of emergency.
Vaccines! Soo terrible! Your ancestors [&/or you] would have probably died if they hadn’t embraced Jenner’s 17th smallpox vaccinations, or indeed Fleming’s penicillin/anti-biotics break thru; would the skeptic-fools also refuse the latter or an ebola vaccine/cure if they were on death’s bed?
Thank you, Mark. I’ve been looking for that link to Plandemic.
Quite simply she ‘cooked the books’ to get a paper published in the prestigious journal Science. Scientific fraud is very real and unfortunately in the publish or perish /get funding or go home atmosphere of today it happens far too frequently. Given Dr. Mikovitz’ record everything she says is suspect. I am a Ph.D. molecular biologist with a M.S. in microbiology so I am somewhat familiar with the field.
You obviously have not read her book Corruption of Plague. You wrote “Given her record..”?? Her record is immaculate; she is a scientist of absolute incorruptible integrity and a women of passionate honesty and compassion.
You base your opinion of Mikovitz on what she wrote about herself?
If so, I recommend a course in ciritcal thinking. Otherwise, there are numerous web pages for your convenience that have lots of information about her, with references that were not written by her.
Sorry but you sound similar to a cult follower, no objectivity, bowing to a guru who can do no wrong, continual praises.
Her paper was retracted under pressure, her ME/CFS research was faulty, contaminated, not thorough, or else the researchers who re-created the same tests would have come up with her same [non factual] results — none could!
She made a name for herself for all the wrong reasons. Was there ever an apology to ME sufferers? A word of humility? Some already began taking the expensive anti-viral [anti-cancer, etc] treatment she proposed, and it was useless! Wasted hope, wasted $! All she did was blame everyone else: Pride!
Accusations against Fauci this year – motive: prior bitterness, unforgiveness.
Motive for her video & book: fame-status, power & money, just like Alex Jones et al. conspiracy theorists.
I am not sure she cooked the books, or just made an honest mistake and sloppy procedures.
Whts surprising is tht her bio on Wikipedia JUST GOT EDITED… twill b foolish fo anyone to believe she a crook.. Y would they do that… Exposed!! They cnt handle her..
You state your degrees (which, of course, I’m sure you would NEVER lie about), yet you give NO proof of her deception.
I am looking for truth. I need more than: “everything she says is suspect.”
IF you ARE a Molecular Biologist PhD, are you intimately familiar with HER work? Just to say your are a PhD in Molecular Biology doesn’t tell me that you know ANYTHING about her specific Field of Study in Molecular Biology.
Give me PROOF of your statements. I may not understand what you are saying (I have only had Organic Chemistry, Histology & Upper Division Genetics… enough to really get me in trouble.). Yet, I know people who DO understand.
Please give specific Information WHY you believe she is a fraud.
You can look her up on wikipedia, and then check the references therein. There are now plenty of well-referenced articles on her since she attracted attention recently. For allegations and cases heard on misconduct and theft regarding Mikovits, here are some articles I found rather easily.
Background, written at the time:
Follow up:
Affadavits from assistants at the institute she worked for stating that she gave her keys and key cards to one of them telling them to take things from the lab (that she later denied possessing), and to remove samples.
I’d consider that fairly good evidence – there is more if you’re interested in researching it – that Mikovits shouldn’t necessarily be trusted.
No cook, no cooked books. – You may be a microbiologist but you are out of your league here. MANY scientists and PhD’s said/say vaccines are OK, so check this out for starters:
‘Johns Hopkins, Bristol-Myers must face $1 billion syphilis infections suit’, JAN. 4, 2019
(Reuters) – A federal judge in Maryland said The Johns Hopkins University, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (BMY.N) and the Rockefeller Foundation must face a $1 billion lawsuit over their roles in a 1940’s U.S. government experiment that infected hundreds of Guatemalans with syphilis.
Many readers are interested in Full Disclosure, please update your opion in this article stating the truth, if in fact you read either books of Judy Mikovits, PhD., before publishing your opinion.
ALSO, you might review her most recent interview (May 15, 2020), with Harvard graduate Dr. Paul Cottrell, going deeper into the science of her findings; ‘Coronavirus War Room Ep19 (with Dr. Judy Mikovits) by Dr. Paul Cottrell’, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynCYggioBLc
Thank you so much for that link, as the only video I had seen up to now is the Plandemic video. I don’t know why but when I Google “Judy Mikovits”, I come up with page after page of websites discrediting her. So how much is truth and how much is false, in your opinion?
For-profit Big Pharma and Big Medicine are two of the largest political organizations in the nation. Their primary for-profit influencers control both the CDC and the FDA. They are The Establishment. To learn of their secular machinations, just follow their greed of money and the power and status of their politics.
Video disappeared……..
Big Pharma and Big Medicine apparently also control YouTube in addition to CDC and FDA.
She does not seem like a wacko to me I think anytime there’s a whistleblower or somebody that goes against what they want the people to believe this is what happens to them.
Susan Stewart, please read the articles on Snopes, which include photos of arrest warrant, and other dmsolid documentation. I think the destruction of what she initially believed was exciting, fame-making discovery seemed to send her over the edge…hid in boat to avoid being served, bankruptcy, loss of job (for another reason), hasn’t worked in field in 9 years. No creds.
PLEASE quit saying “Go to Snopes”. Let’s keep this OUT of Politics. They are about as far Left Wing as you can get, and they will not present fair information. Anything they quote OR want you to go read is SUSPECT! I, for one, have wasted enough time on Snopes.
Can we PLEASE get to TRUTH without Politics!
To Pat Rutherford: Obviously, for those right-wingers and others who live in the world of alternative facts, material from Snopes _must_ show a left-wing bias. In another one of your replies, you state “Give me the FACTS, and let ME make up my own mind”. It seems to me that your mind is already made up given that you so readily dismiss facts, some of which have been presented here, that don’t conform to your own preconceived (likely right-wing) views.
She isnt a whistle blower, she is a bitter narcisist who is now hell bent on taking revenge against those who hurt her;
Any evidence she admits to mistakes? The ME community was totally let down by her; apology? Yet she calims to be a Christian!
Another Trump cultic protege, like Alex Jones, they have a habit of taking of the character of Trump, himself, as Judy M. shows, creating smokescreens and chaos to promote themselves as the goodies the fake Robin Hood peoples’ champions, and men like long serving Dr Fauci [without blemish] as the villians
Plenty $$$ too in the snakeskin selling industry! A new mug is born every minute. Nice books sellers, as David Icke/A Jones knows; the more fame the better; every knock is another $. The more bad or good publicity, the more interest, another $ in the bank
I wanted to know about this woman, too. The discredited Science paper was in 2009. Lots of studies are not reproducible, and the scientist just goes back to work. So, where did Mikoviks go to work? A university? Research lab? What papers has she published in peer review journals? What is focus of research? Has she worked on Covid 19?
I can’t find that she has done anything within the scientific community. Perhaps I have missed it; has anyone else?
If I am correct, it appears she was shunned by the scientific community not because her research did not hold up, but because of her subsequent behavior.
True, charges were dropped–but it might be because the lab, perhaps under pressure, did not want to pursue, probably because any such story, no matter who is right, can damage fundraising.
So how does she support herself? Other than potential family support, it appears her only source of income may be from writing conspiracy-theory-themed books. There is a big market for that among our science-illiterate, science-phobic public; plenty of money available for videos (which btw can be produced on a high school student’s budget–hi quality, too.)
Therefore, her motivation for all of this appears to be money. There could be some vengeance, mental illness, need for attention in the mix, too.
As far as ideas holding water, if she has not worked directly on Covid-19–which she hasn’t–she has no credibility on it. If she hasn’t worked for a reputable science research lab on a closely related field in 11 years, that further degrades any credibility in any related field. The fact that she is aligned with long dis-credited anti-vax ideas, organizations, makes her, in my opinion (as one with science degree), not even worthy of title of armchair scientist or hobbyist.
Now, if someone can show me a fact checked resume indicating a progressive history of related employment, research and standing in science field, I would be happy to revisit this.
Non-scientific, but common sense conclusion: if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it is in fact a Quack
What I find SUSPECT is that amidst ALL the Conspiracy Theories out there, including the 911 Conspiracy Theories and the Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories, of which we can find a plethora on YouTube, they choose the Interviews with Judy Mikovitz to take down.
In my quest for Truth, THAT ALONE throws up Red Flags EVERYWHERE.
It NO LONGER is a Conspiracy Theory. Something is going on, that they want to silence it.
There is TRUTH out there somewhere. We need to find it.
The LOUDER “Conspiracy Theory” is yelled, the more I know we NEED to keep digging.
Funny, I was not so dogmatic about this UNTIL they took down the Interview.
Something is up. We need to find out what it is, as this affects ALL our lives.
Hey Pat it gets taken down because it is seen to be working against public safety.
Conspiracy theories on the moon landing, crop circles and the existence of an all powerful being we can’t see are considered harmless and even actively encouraging people to work against laws to keep the general public safe.
I think you hit the nail on the head!!
I haven’t fact checked it, but feel free.
Good Questions, Sunny One.
Now, let’s see if we can get more in depth answers than, “She is out to sell a book.” A LOT of people write books, yet in the videos, I did not see her hyping her book. If she was being interviewed in order to sell her book, her publisher needs to have a “heart to heart” with her, as the book was not shown in the videos, it was not mentioned more than once or twice, in passing, and I can’t even remember the name of it. I would have to listen back to the whole interview to find what the name of the book is.
Sounds to me like there are a LOT of people out to discredit her and her book, yet they give little in depth information as to WHY it should be discredited.
My career has been in Radio. I have worked many formats. I was a News Anchor in Southern California. I now own a couple Stations. You can’t work in News and not be curious.
Give me the FACTS, and let ME make up my own mind. If you don’t have SPECIFICS, don’t waste my time.
I can’t speak to most of her claims, but her background story isn’t true. Regarding her arrest and the documents she claimed to have been ‘planted’ on her, here is the actual affidavit of her assistant, Mas Pfost, who was instrumental in stealing the documents to begin with:
Exhibit 1: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/268451/exh-1-reply-iso-motion-for-preliminary-injunction.pdf
Exhibit 2: https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/268454/exh-2-reply-iso-motion-for-preliminary-injunction.pdf
So that part of her story is false, then there’s the claim that she was gagged for five years to keep her from talking about the connection between XMRV and chronic fatigue, but that ‘s not true either. A year after her arrest, she was the second author of a much larger study that found no connection between XMRV and CFS!
Yes, the two affidavits are damning. But after I read this blog entry at the website of her co-author Kent Heckinlively my opinion changed:
Max Post did not write the affidavits and was coerced into signing them.
Paula, the first few lines of that link you shared state:
Simple fact – the so-called “stolen” notebooks were, and are, Dr. Mikovits’s personal scientific notebooks from the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) study. They were never, and are not now, anyone else’s property. They are all in her own handwriting. Dr. Mikovits STILL wants them back”.
Frankly, I stopped reading after that first line. Why? Because of the simple well-known fact that investigators working for research institutions, universities, etc., do not own the data they collect nor the laboratory notebooks they keep as part of the research process. Anyone with a JD to their name would know that. That the notebooks were handwritten by Mikovits’ herself does not matter. It is the institution for which the individual works for that owns them. In most cases institutions grant individual investigators custody of these materials, but not ownership.
I suppose that notebooks are like our work email: We wrote those messages, we have access to them at home, etc., but ultimately these things are the property of the institution we work for, not our own.
What was that principle I had mentioned earlier?
“You can spend your life refuting nonsense, but the supply of nonsense will always outstrip your ability to dismiss it”.
Ugh … Why am I bothering?
This is a reply to a comment by “Guititio” who has managed to post a comment that has no reply button.
If what you say is true about the ownership of the notes in question one may presume that everyone involved would be well aware of that fact. Dr M and her assistant knew exactly what they were doing. This leads to two important questions. Why was Dr M willing to take the huge risk of appropriating the notes and why is it so important to her ex employers to deny her access. That is the real story here. The ownership issue is just a smokescreen.
As you say Guititio, “In most cases institutions grant individual investigators custody of these materials, but not ownership” Why didn’t that happen here?
This is a reply to the comment by “Corkie” who has also managed to post a comment that has no reply button.
Corkie, the post to which I had replied presented a link with ‘facts’ being used in defense of Dr. M., the first one of which concerned the ownership of the notes and is wrong.
I don’t know how many scientists are aware of the ownership status of the data, equipment, materials, etc., that are part of their day to day work, but based on the fact that these matters are often covered in research integrity training seminars, I sense that many scientists have an incomplete picture of these important issues.
At to your question: “ ‘In most cases institutions grant individual investigators custody of these materials, but not ownership’ Why didn’t that happen here?” Why didn’t what happen here? If you are asking why Dr. M. lost custody of the notebooks, the probable reason is because she was fired. Why should she keep something that did not belong to her in the first place? I take my work laptop home every day; the laptop given to me by my employer, but which has all sorts of work-related as well as some personal files. I assure you: If I were to get fired from my job and keep ‘my’ laptop, I’d be charged with theft. And rightly so! Those notebooks were likely valuable to the institution, but whatever reasons she may have had for keeping them: They are not hers to keep!!
I’m done with this thread!
See… you’re using your critical thinking skills to assess her claims and you’re using them correctly. Even without knowledge in science, one’s common sense cognition can see how she’s being put down and labeled. She’s absolutely right about us having innate immunity and adaptive immunity and being able to fight certain infections endogenously.
It’s FAUCI. And, he’s untrustworthy.
He has been thru 5 administrations.
You don’t lose your spot
If you are not making money
For the machine.
Govt creates depressions,recessions,inflation,deflation. Tests viruses and vaccines on the military.
Then why has the president still retained him?
On her video she said she is absolutely not anti vaccine. She talks about the importance of them. I don’t know her but seeing what is going on I do believe her. She has been under a gag order that has just been lifted.
she published not 1 but 2 anti-vaccine books
Agree. She doesn’t agree with how vaccines are being made and the research being done with animals. Coronaviruses come from animals
Agree with you. She has been recorded saying she is not an anti-vaxxer. I believe her gag order was for 5 years and was just lifted which explains why she is suddenly prominent on social media. Dr Mikovits is far too consistent and quick with her facts to be lying. Dr Fauci serves on at least one of Gates’ boards. Gates funds the CDC, WHO, and GAVI.
Sorry she is wrong about Italy. America has more deaths with a healthier younger population. That is just one area that she is wrong
Italy has more deaths then the U.S on a per capita basis.
You might review her most recent interview (May 15, 2020), with Harvard graduate Dr. Paul Cottrell, going deeper into the science of her findings; ‘Coronavirus War Room Ep19 (with Dr. Judy Mikovits) by Dr. Paul Cottrell’, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynCYggioBLc
Judy Mikovits addresses the Italy situation and why. She also covers many other points, being interviewed by a researcher instead of a social platform host. Most people do not know that the Northern region of Italy is center of the leather industry, having many Chinese owner factories full of Chinese workers, including workers in nationally owned companies. Many people came to and fro (China), prior to and after February 21st, the Chinese New Years. Boom, pandemic. Living conditions are very bad for these workers and these people were/are immune compromised. The NEWS does not cover these things but family living there do. There are too many “unseen, unreported” things going on. I am search for the truth too. After reading Mikovits books they will know what is going on behind the scenes and stop handing out unsubstantiated opinions.
Kathleen, con people are successful because they are consistent in their cons. U fortunately, court records, testimony etc, her own provide strong conflicting evidence. Yes, Fauci serves on just about every board that has anything to do with immunology, except maybe corporates.
And just because Gates is rich, and even if he has done some questionable things in computers, that does not take away from his philanthropy. I believe he first got involved in wanting to cure malaria, after seeing its devastating effects in person.
Btw, industrialist Rockefeller probably gave more to the National Parks than anyone else. The evil Kochs have given a lot to the arts. = not everything is in black and white.
Look at her motivation: she is getting more attention, respect (by some), and money from her non-scientific work than she has from the real science world in 9 years.
All of what you said, Crtclthnkng, is, to use Fauci’s word, anecdotal. It doesn’t make her right. It doesn’t make her wrong. It doesn’t convict Gates, yet it doesn’t absolve him. You showed your Bias when you added your own word “evil” to the Kochs. I don’t happen to like their Political beliefs, but calling someone “evil” is NOT a FACTUAL term. It is a DESCRIPTIVE word, which you attached to the Kochs… which now makes me suspect the “Critical Thinking” you espouse.
Can we PLEASE get to TRUTH without throwing “Bias”.
“Politics” or “Opinion” into the mix?
How could she get funding/money from the science world or for science in the last 9 years? she was under a court ordered gag order for 5 years and her medical license suspended/revoked permanently and was told she could not get back into the science field of any kind whatsoever (she has no legal rights as of now). Not to mention anyone caught doing business with her would be/ is more than likely on the radar. I’d have to bet that almost ALL capable party’s wouldn’t want to risk being involved with her after her name was drug through the legal swamp. I bet the poor women would be jailed if she tries to buy an at home science kit for kids!
I find it interesting that Geramy can be allowed to spread falsehoods here. He claims that Mikovits “medical license suspended/revoked” – but she never had any to suspend/revoke to begin with!
And a gag order? Got any evidence for that? If she had one, she’s been violating it for years!
I respect your opinion. However I decided to go check out ingredients in these vaccines and wow one of them was formaldehyde in a baby’s vaccine in the whopping cough. Go look up what formaldehyde causes in children. Those vaccines are making our population sick. Not to mention all the other crap that goes in them. Americans believe what CDC says which is not always the Truth.
Baby’s, just like any human being, make more formaldehyde in their own body in a day than they will receive through a lifetime of vaccines. You are scared about something because of ignorance.
Just because our body produces formaldehyde, doesn’t mean getting a chemically engineered version of it, mixed with other pollutants/ chemicals won’t cause health issues.
Everybody’s body’s are different and react to things differently.
Your ignorance on the subject of a human body is very suspect.
Formaldehyde is formaldehyde. Whether it is produced in the human body or anywhere else, its chemical structure is exactly the same.
That it is mixed with other compounds does not mean it will cause health issues. As you may note, the person I reacted to was not concerned about that issue, but solely about the fact that vaccines contain formaldehyde. Likely she has read about the carcinogenity of formaldehyde, but missed that this is primarily related to inhalation and very long-term exposure.
I’ll let the issue of ignorance decided by those who have some standing in the field of human physiology, like people at the many regulatory agencies around the world, who have determined its use in vaccines is safe.
a chemically engineered version of it
Like Marco, I am wondering how a “chemically engineered version” of formaldehyde (CH2O) differs from the natural form of formaldehyde (CH2O). We are fortunate that an expert “on the subject of a human body” is here to explain!
Also, where does formaldejekyll fit into the picture?
Are you seriously stating that it’s perfectly fine to inject people with formaldehyde? You are ignorant about something because of ignorance.
From https://www.livescience.com/62261-saline-formaldehyde-intravenous.html … a woman was accidentally injected with formaldehyde and she died. Here is an excerpt:
Dr. Lewis Nelson, chairman of emergency medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School who was also not involved in the case, said that formalin in the body “is very dangerous to all living tissues and would disrupt the function of nearly every living organ.” If this case indeed happened, the outcome of death “is fully predictable,” Nelson told Live Science.
I agree. What concerns me is that opinions that go against the “establishment” are been removed. Of course politicians and elected appointees like Fauci .will squelch.people voice like Dr M.
Stop mentioning Snopes. It suggests you are uninformed about their biases and bad reputation. It reflects badly on you.
Vaccines aren’t 100% guaranteed effective either, nor are they 100% side effect free. Therefore, science is less than 100% accurate. All testimonies must be taken into account without enforced censorship.
It’s absolutely insane because we don’t know who to trust? Im going to put my faith in God because that’s the only one who will never fail his children. Good Lord please help us all.
GOD IS YOUR WITNESS! As a former federal government computer specialist whose 26+ years of federal service tenure ended abruptly due to supervisor bs, I feel for you but God never sleeps to end evil people ugliness. PLEASE INFORM YOUR FOLLOWERS WHEN YOU MEET WITH PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP TO IDENTIFY AN ALLEGED TRAITOR TO THE PEOPLE OF AMERICA!!!!
PHIL. 4-13
To Judy Mikovits, 1.4.1958
Dear Judy
First of all thank you so much for your courage, that’s true value!!!
I was very touched by your interview, it’s already banned now on YouTube.
My name is Carole Casali, born in April 13th 1982 in Switzerland.
I want to do something about all of this, we need to change the world with the truth of love not with money & fear.
I would love to speak to you and see what can be done. If we put all our forces together I’m sure we can change it!
Let’s be strong for the future.
Thanks & much love
“A hint of things to come also appeared in 2014, when Mikovits spoke at Autism One, an annual conference that typically features discussions of how vaccines cause autism and that was co-founded by her co-author Kent Heckenlively.”
It’s an interesting talk, notable (among among things) for her decision to blame her ex-collaborators for the fact that the samples she sent to the Silverman lab for analysis were spiked with the sought-after XMRV contaminant.
Mr Clyde (or anyone educated in this field of study who can take their valuable time to respond to a sincere request….)
Can you expound on these two charts? Are they DNA charts showing that her samples do contain XMRV? Does this mean that her samples were XMRV-free and subsequently contaminanted? If so, by whom & for what purpose would someone contaminate her samples. And what do her uncontaminated samples prove or mean? And what does it mean to me, a layman who took tons of chemistry & biology classes in college?
Not being a research scientist in the field of transmittable disease or viruses, I’m trying to read & understand. I watched her “Plandemic” video before it was taken down by YouTube-went back to watch it & poof, it was gone. I did watch another YouTube video where she is being interviewed by a female
?journalist? Or is this just another conspiracy theory video being paid for? Who would have the money to pay for these videos and for what purpose? To discredit Fauci & Redfield, for what purpose? To sow confusion among the uneducated public, which is the majority of US…
Redfield is already discredited, in my opinion, from his AIDS days in giving MICROGENSYS a $20M contract to study already discredited approach to AIDS. As an Army Colonel, he should have gone to jail for this, in my opinion as an ex-Army Officer Helicopter Test Pilot.
If you are up on all this stuff she is spouting, are you able to explain where she diverges from the scientific method & lands into “conjecture land”? Hard for me to grasp why she is saying/doing these things about CFS & AIDS & CV?? What does she hope to gain, if it is easily discredited? And is it easily discredited?
Regarding the lawsuit (I’m still trying to research & understand) – just because you bring a lawsuit against a company/employer/private individuals, I do see where there should be a discovery period…
I guess I’ve just read so much that her ideas seem to hold water, but I can’t find (or maybe understand what has been presented to discredit her) enough solid information to discredit her.
But, is she just a whacko running around? And has been a whacko since her days with Govt ?
Are they DNA charts showing that her samples do contain XMRV?
Does this mean that her samples were XMRV-free and subsequently contaminanted?
Yes. That is also the conclusion of the scientific community, and the reason why Mikovits’ 2009 paper was retracted.
If so, by whom & for what purpose would someone contaminate her samples.
Mikovits’ contention, when she presented the slides to the 2014 AutismOne meeting, was that the samples were spiked with XMRV plasmids after she sent them to her co-author Silverman for analysis. That is, she blamed Silverman. But only the samples of blood from donors with ME-CFS ended up being contaminated (not the six control samples), and only Mikovits knew which samples were which.
There is also the little problem that in 2011, Mikovits told the Daily Beast that the contamination occurred in her laboratory, by accident:
In the summer of 2011, Mikovits and her young lab assistant, Max Pfost, began poring through their notebooks, trying to find where such a contaminant might have entered their process.
In July, she says, she found it—an entry from March 2009 indicating that a culture of the XMRV virus had been placed into the same incubator with the rest of the lab’s blood samples. Mikovits says she was out of town the day this occurred.
Just to clarify: In 2011, Mikovits blamed her lab assistants for the very selective, very specific contamination, which happened to support the theory she was promoting. In 2014 she blamed Silverman.
Ok, her book Pandemic is beyond outstanding. I could not put the book down it was exciting and interesting. I couldn’t wait to turn the page. The woman has integrity and a heart for justice. Her whole life has been dedicated to serving others. Support the woman, buy her book, let her story be told. I’m buying more and passing them out to anyone who seeks truth.
“anyone who seeks truth” wouldn’t bother to read her book, since she is not truthful.
So many trolls here today. wow.
She sounds awfully credible and forthright to me. What really disturbs me is that the establishment is attacking her from all angles and not even allowing her a voice. Something’s fishy here, and if the devil is at work, I think she may be the victim- not the problem.
Totally agree. Isn’t it interesting that everyone who is against her is on the liberal side. Obviously, they don’t want her to speak as it is very damming. I believe every word she speaks.
Nope. Very conservative. This article explains how she lied, therefore I don’t believe her. She may have said she isn’t anti-vax , but she published 2 anti-vax books. And she’s till trying to spout the vaccine-autism link, although maybe she thinks if she promotes the work of another scientist who lied it will help her? Who knows. I just know I look at my 2 kids with autism who weren’t vaccinated & laugh every time someone brought gas that up.
You obviously have not read or listened attentively to her book or videos concerning her views on vaccines. She has clearly said and this is a proven fact, that the vaccines currently manufactured are not tested for safety and they are also contaminated. She is passionately against unsafe and toxic vaccines. This does not mean she is anti vaccine. She has also clearly said that it is perfectly possible to manufacture safe and effective non toxic vaccines.
Actually, her stating what she does, *does* make her anti-vaccine, because it’s incorrect – repetition of standard BS from anti-vaxxers.
1st I would like to start off by saying I’m sad to read and know your kids our autistic as I’m sure it’s very difficult to understand and deal with.
Secondly, since you’re claims of your children not being vaccinated I was wondering if this can be proven?
Hospitals all over the world are known for administrating newborns with (I’ll say “chemicals”) with in the time frame of birth till they leave the hospital especially newborns that have to stay longer due to medical problems.
3rd May I ask have you been or your partner been chemically cautious with your bodies prior to birth of your children?
It’s known and proven that if the parents of new borns were chemically imbalanced at any point in their life ( high probability you were) and it affects the dna structure/ Gene structure with it the said person, it can and will be passed down too a fetus trough the conceiving process.
Jr; I feel for you if you have two kids with autism. You certainly know that autism has rocketed since the 1960’s from 1:10,000 to 1:80 kids. I work with these children. If neither parent has been vaccinated nor the children (super rare) , I have them get a genome sequence like 23AndMe and look at SNPs. Also have a look at copper:zinc and other factors, such as a heavy metal array. It depends on the severity of the condition. You probably know about http://www.pubmed.gov to say up on research findings. Blessings.
Just curious, how did you get away with not having your kids vaccinated after birth? Parents don’t have a say in the injection of Hep B vaccines (given directly after birth) that only drug addicts and prostitutes (for the most part) get. Did your kids possibly receive some sort of drug or antibiotic when they were younger? It’s an extreme rarity for non-vaccinated kids to develop autism.
I can’t even find any studies or info on this because all articles are too busy claiming millions of studies showing no link between MMR vaccine and autism. Yet, the drug mfgr inserts clearly state “autism” as a possible side effect. Why? Is that just in case? You know they wouldn’t put that in there if they didn’t absolutely have to. Drug manufacturers have no worries because they can no longer be sued for injecting us with poisons in the hopes we’ll need their drugs forever.
Also, I heard Dr Mikovits state that she believes there is no such thing as a safe vaccine. Vaccines CAN be made to be safe, but how would they make the world dependent on big pharma then?
Michelle, would you please clarify the following statement?: “Yet, the drug mfgr inserts clearly state ‘autism’ as a possible side effect”. What specific drug or specific vaccine’s insert states that autism may be a side effect of using the product?
Parents don’t have a say in the injection of Hep B vaccines (given directly after birth)
Michelle is lying.
If Judy Mikovits clearly lacks credibility, the question naturally arises why is there an obvious orchestrated effort to silence her? Fascinating.
How about the fact that she is spreading false information that is a direct health hazard? She lacks credibility to those who have a reasonably understanding of science – but clearly she feeds into the apparent paranoia of others.
She’s crying “fire” in a crowded room, even though there absolutely is no fire at all.
So you are part of the problem . Covering up big pharms and trying to discredit anyone who speaks the truth ?
Sorry, I don’t believe the hit piece. I have read the evidence and research, and I have seen the government medical institutions lie through their teeth (not to mention experimentation on minors and individuals without consent).
What I want to know what is the motivation for her selling books generally if you dig into conspiracy theorist at the end of it they are making money off people who are gullible enough to believe them. This is also the case with UFO community you will find lot of behind the scene networking going on where an interviewer is actually paying someone like Mikovits to be interviewed. The only thing I agree with her is scientist who receive public funds should not be able to personally gain from it. Fauci has claimed he only received less then 100k a year for his patents while working at the NIH still should not be legal. Our for profit medical health system is full of this sort of thing.
God Bless Judy Mikovits for bringing these scientific
truths to us ….. In spite of all the fake news !!!!! Shame
on you tube for removing this invaluable info she
has dedicated her life to !! A- men !
quite so not hard to smell corruption-read ostlers web
How to get judy mikovits email, i like to email to her
My disclaimer, I don’t know the whole story, however, there are two sides to this story and ever other story in my opinion. The truth lies somewhere in the middle so to speak. It appears that RW only presents the side against Dr. Mikovits, which I find highly biased and problematic. Personally, I have no way of confirming or denying the findings she argues about in certain studies and I laud RW for pointing out the issues in her Science paper. However, I must caution against making sweeping statements or conclusions about all of her work. I am not completely sure there isn’t considerable blame to go around in these studies including hers. One major oversight in the commentaries or blogs on RW site is that “Dr. Mitovitis claims that vaccines cause autism,” she has never made that claim, this is something that has been taken out of context, she has always clearly stated like the study on CFS, every patient that has the disease should and would have to have a vaccine, in order to implicate vaccines as the cause for the autism, i.e, the vaccine has to be the causative factor for autism in young children. However, she stated that vaccines and their ingredients can contribute in some populations albeit relatively small to the incidence of autism, and there is evidence supporting this assertion. However, vaccines alone do not cause autism, why is it so hard for the media, RW, and various organizations both for and against vaccines to understand this. It clearly shows that someone’s body of work, no matter how flawed or precise can be on or off the right tract. In other words, she is not saying autism is caused by vaccines, she saying in certain groups (something we have to understand) are more susceptible to developing autism (I am not advocating or supporting this theory-however it needs to be properly addressed and not with opinion, conflict of interest, or bias). I originally took the dogmatic view regarding vaccines, and felt all of the press about vaccine deniers was true (I support vaccines as I do believe Dr. Mikovits does as well, however they are not full proof, and the scientific community knows this-but I would not want to risk the health of my own children’s lives regarding a vaccines-meaning I want them to be vaccinated, however there needs to be rigorous guidelines and a second critical look at risk populations for these developmental diseases like autism with respect to vaccines- no harm to explore this idea). Therefore, there is a misconception given to her talks and interviews that is flat wrong. Also, the fact the You Tube has censored her video, doesn’t reinforce the argument. You tube and many other so-called open mediums, e.g, Twitter, censors anyone that goes against a narrative supported by these organizations. This is not based upon facts or science, it’s strictly political!!! This is problematic and another issue. Thus, I return to my original assertion, due to all of the conflicting arguments it’s not clear where the truth actual lies. It certainly doesn’t lie on the side of the highly flawed social media organization or any so called, open medium, nor does it lie solely with the individual in question. Accuracy matters!! Both sides have their flaws and their axes to grind, don’t forget that!!
It appears that RW only presents the side against Dr. Mikovits, which I find highly biased and problematic.
A site called “Retraction Watch”, focused on retractions of papers from the scientific record, only presents episodes of Dr Mikovits’ life related to the retraction of her paper. Problematic indeed.
Well said!!
Well said! In response to sal Stella only!
This disgraced nutcase’s acolytes are spamming literally every honest description of her online, somehow thinking that helps their (dumb) case.
Being easily duped must be incredibly fun for the non-science crowd, considering how they’re always looking for the next fix, no matter how ridiculous.
I am a molecular biologist. Mikovits is plausible. The truth is that there are very dirty games played in the biosciences. Money trumps debate everywhere. The public is exactly right to be suspicious. And you are rude 🙂
Youre a molecular biologist, not a medical doctor, Tony. Just because something is possible in theory does not mean it’s remotely plausible in reality.
I think a teapot orbiting the earth is indeed possible!
Where are the documents showing “what” she was actually “arrested for”? She said they had no real charges.
How easy is it to have “…all charges dropped…” ?
Who benefitted from her having a 5 yr. gag order on her?
Where is the evidence, in documentation, showing her research had absolutely no merit?
If her research had no merit, why arrest her? Why search her home without a warrant? Why search her friends home without a warrant? Why put a gag order on her?
Who has come forward to say that they have documents proving she is lying?
Who has the most to gain to shut her up? To discredit her?
What if she is telling the truth, and there is a real conspiracy?
What is the answer then?
Who has come forward to say that they have documents proving she is lying?
Who has come forward to say that they have documents proving she is telling the truth?
Smut: The scientific community, including her own lab, could not reproduce her work. Plenty on that, including in Science journal. Snopes has documents showing her subsequent history of lies. She even contradicted the video in her own book. She has NO scientific background in vaccines. She started saying cancer and autism were caused by virus, without documentation. On and on.
Hear, Hear!!!
> Who has the most to gain to shut her up? To discredit her?
Well, humanity, for one. Her claims have been proven false and dangerous. First clue is her claim that the flu shot caused covid-19. zero evidence whatsoever. (for example, the black community has low flu shot numbers, but very high rates of covid-19. that alone disproves her claims.)
> What if she is telling the truth, and there is a real conspiracy?
She is not. There is not.
> What is the answer then?
People wise up and quit listening to crackpots, hopefully.
as you do, people should trust the govt for truth !! right ?? right ???
Interesting questions. Especially this one:
“Why search her home without a warrant?”
I have two counter-questions:
Why did she claim in her 2014 book “Plague” that three officers came *with a search warrant*?
Why did she also write in that book that her attorney asked “why Mikovits was arrested on a no bail warrant”?
I guess the actual question is: why believe anything she says when she so obviously changes her story, meaning she either lied in 2014, or is lying now?
Miranda, the documents are on Snopes. Arrest warrant, testimony, her own contradictory words etc.
She wasn’t arrested for her debunked paper, but for stealing university property. A witness who gave her some of the materials testified.
I can find no evidence there was a gag order.
There is no evidence she was threatened with arrest at NIH. I doubt there are even protocols for such.
You forgot to ask, what does She have to gain? Money (quack books), fame/followers, and some measure of vengeance against the community that professionally discarded her.
Every unpleasant thing in life is not a conspiracy.
Crtclthnkng I have to disagree here as the researcher who was the final nail in the coffin of “her study” says:
“She must have copies of the records of her work. Every scientist must have those. Otherwise, you can’t answer any questions that might come up,” says Ian Lipkin, an epidemiologist at Columbia University (https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-research-into-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-turned-into-an-ugly-fight)
There was a bit more going on than just the labbooks (and yes, you can have copies, but you cannot take the originals – those belong to your employer).
@Marco of course there was way more than just that going on. It’s interesting that one part of the narrative to discredit her is because she is a criminal. That seems categorically false, yet I’ve seen it widely propagated.
I really hope if I lose my job as a scientific researcher that I do not “pull a Mikovits”: talking “out of my ass” (meaning, making stuff up without basis in fact) things that a paying group wants to hear to keep me from poverty, as no one else would want to hire me (for old age) or her (discredited work). I’ll take poverty to live in the truth.
Now, I don’t think all of work is bad: some of the stuff she didn’t with Ruscetti I am referring to in my own work. But her XMRV hypothesis appears to be wrong.
I would be please if they allow the Dr. Judy Mikovit to speak freely, without the injections, you can put in your injections about her but let her speak, if you strive you only make us John Public more believing of her story, stop participating in the so called cover up by blocking what she has to say, let us decide what is truth and what is lie, because as far as I am concern, the damage has already been done, if what she is saying is unfounded the truth will be revealed, again if what she is saying prove to be true again the so called hidden agenda will be revealed, I am please that this site is trying to do that.
Troy, she was blocked because she has no credibility, and these false information –like Trumps miracle cure hydroquinone, his encouragement of protests, his burying of CDC guidance (see AP story), his insane remarks about injecting disinfectants, and all the antivaxer falsehoods–HAS and/or WILL harm others. Private businesses do not have any obligation to give every nut job, a platform, but they do have to protect themselves from liability if they do give them a platform, and someone is hurt or dies.
Btw, if anyone may have financial motivation to promote vaccines, it would be Trump and his friends. But he is Pandering to his science-illiterate base….
For other comments in this I’ll women’s defense, please see my other comments–and read the 2 articles on Snopes. Maybe look up the court records.
I’m sorry but after reading all of your comments on here, they were are completely discredited after your outrages claim that trump made remarks “To inject Disinfectants” do you actually watch and listen to what he actually said or did you just read or watch some anti-trump BS?
What he said was that he wished that there was some type of Disinfectant/chemical that we could safely inject that would eradicate viruses, bacteria etc. and frankly I’m sure everyone wished this too.
not one time did he say that we need to inject ourselves with disinfectants.
“Everyone here who has read anything you posted is now dumber for having read it” especially on the comment at which I responded.
I agree. The male chauvinism in the scientific world toward females has been well documented and if you add the government influence it multiplies in tens. One has only to watch the movie about the female mathematician based on fact . Do I believe vaccines are safe ? No . I’ve read enough about the fraud in the government studies and have no doubt that the pharmaceutical industry s drive to make money from vaccines . As long as they exert their influence over our government then we ll never get to the truth and what is best for humanity . I believe this woman has the good of humanity in her heart. She has nothing more to gain than this and to restore her good name that had been destroyed.
WTH? … I seem to have stepped into a 1960s episode of the Twilight Zone.
We’re doomed …
As an aside to the topic itself, it sure would be interesting to see how many actual separate individuals are in favor of her on here. Especially with the mask-off copypasted message.
There’s all the hallmarks of standard conspiracy theory woo as well: the classic false dichotomy between trusting some clearly discredited source or the “guvmint”, empty “yes I agree” astroturfing messages, “this is the one true conspiracy! That’s why only it gets deleted!” (in fact you have no clue how many conspiracy videos youtube removes each day for dangerous messages), repeating arguments over without any of the counter arguments ever seeming to actually register, etc. I wonder if I googled some key phrases from the above astroturfing, would they appear in the comment sections of other blogs discussing the same topic?
Get a grip man.
It’s so good Pat to see someone digging for the truth. Please let us know what else you have done to uncover the truth, other than leave comments on this site.
I did manage to verify that Ms. Mikovits’s claim of a warrantless search and arrest was false. See https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6884828-Ex-2-3-Warrant-Lacking-Signatures.html
And that California search warrant references an earlier Nevada arrest warrant. So in fact there were at least two warrants issues against her.
It seems to me that based on the facts we can verify easily, Ms. Mikovits has been guilty of science fraud or error, and factually untrue statements.
Nevertheless I, for one, would be very happy to see you provide the time and energy needed to verify or disprove any other claims by her or against her. Go for it!
Proponents of Mikovitz may want to ignore the following article from Science Magazine (official publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science) published on May 8th and titled “Fact-checking Judy Mikovits, the controversial virologist attacking Anthony Fauci in a viral conspiracy video”:
But, wait, that short piece was published in Science Magazine, that same rag that retracted her paper. Again, please just ignore it.
Thank you, Tony. Rudeness shows a particular bias, doesn’t it?
I disagree with your statement, as much as I disagree with the statement that “ignorance an/or refusal to accept the predominance of facts for largely unsubstantiated claims has a particular bias”.
It’s telling how the author of this finds it not in the least bit concerning when he reports the rampant censorship (removed from Twitter etc.) that is going. Fine if you believe the information is false but consider ‘who decides?’ and that ‘one day, it could be your views that are removed’. We either have free speech or not. You can’t have it both ways.
Would you mind if I come into your house and start screaming there’s a fire? Oh, and don’t mind me spreading some stories about you being a criminal. Remember, free speech and all that!
Reality is that there is zero censorship going on. Private platforms like Twitter, Youtube, and Facebook have no obligation to let people just say anything they want, especially if it goes against their ToS. Just like you have every right, without being accused of censorship, to kick me out of your house if I start yelling and throwing out false accusations.
“Poodle Stomper” called it in 2011.
She will end up being the next Wakefield, pushing crap “science” and making money off of her followers. It’s really sad.
Someone should tell Ivan Oransky, co-founder of Retraction Watch, that the word is MARTYRDOM, not ”martyrhood”. “They tend to coalesce around certain kinds of subjects, then the trajectory turns to martyrhood.” — https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/09/technology/plandemic-judy-mikovitz-coronavirus-disinformation.html
Just like others before me, I also have an urge to comment.
Comments based on subjective truth is a reflection of manipulated data without a real context. Many would agree that data, on its own, cannot support by objective truth.
In sharing our comments, some may feel compelled to inject their belief in the data they have seen, heard, or read. The data at that point appears to others as valid information. The information may be true or false.
However, it depends on whether a person reading the posted comment shares the same belief with the originator of the comment. Only an objective truth can validate the trustworthiness of the information we see, hear, or read.
I have a feeling all of us believe that we will bleed when cut by a sharp object. If you don’t, check it out on yourself.
I feel invested with your comment, but how do we get an objective truth? Objects are always analysed by a subject.
I see our collective problem as being in general ‘us’. Most people are biased and want to believe one way or the other.
Can we achieve truth?
What i’d like to know.. is it standard practice for someone like Fauci to get personally involved with someone’s test data like this. What exactly happened when her research was published, was her data confiscated and then millions given to produce what turned out to be conflicting data?
I like to believe that those in power like fauci are there because they like power, not because they are dedicated to their work and a selfless belief system of helping others. My subjective response is to not trust them. I want inquests.. I want truth!
How many and who funded the opposing research and can we talk to all the scientists involved. When people just come out with loud, angry, and usually offensive comments on either side it doesn’t help and its FEAR. What we need is to figure out and agree on is what happened and does that make sense. We need a government-led, ‘by the people for the people’ research centers to test concerns of the public… not wasting time arguing and passively slagging each other off…
The UN Genome Project is now being led by former eugenicists. Is that true?
There is no “UN Genome Project”, so I feel I can safely ask “WTF are you on about?”
No, vaccines are not dangerous because they are part of immune therapy. However, they can be made to be dangerous, whether by accident or deliberately.
Vaccines pioneered a breakthrough in science. How can someone be called an anti-vaxxer because he or she knows something that alarmed them, even if they think they know, but in reality, they don’t? Wouldn’t you think they’d be pro-vaccines if they were convinced that these were true to the promise of science? Of course, they would.
Debate, don’t debunk.
My wife and I just watched Plandemic. It certainly sounds legit and questionable at the same time. We are curious what her motivation is (besides money) to report this information. Besides supposedly being antivax, what is her recommendation what we(as a country, people) should do to correct /recommend her accusations. I feel no matter what the subject, we as Americans should be allowed to freely make decisions on what we read. It disturbs me that Facebook et al, have continually removed this article. If in fact we assume her accusations are correct, what needs to be done??? It is no secret that certain forms/depts. of our government are corrupt. (Would rather not say why) Still looking at what is the “real story”. It is a shame we the people have to stoop to this level of inconsistent information. Truth is all that matters!! BTW- nothing bothers me more to see someone make several comments and then use there credentials ( Ph D in molecular biology or President of Disease ??????! ) as a reason that makes them an authority on the subject. Facts always win.
She is NOT anti vaccination! This garbage, along with all the other is to sully her name. Watch an interview from one year ago with Dr Mercola on noobtube. There is also another one on London Real which is a private platform that cannot be censored. She is a very brave woman indeed.
There are two indepth interviews you can see, one with Dr Marcola which was done a year ago, before this “pandemic” the second is with Brian Rose on London Real, an independent platform that relies on public donations to remain uncensored. I did note that this very website has interesting information on its two founders, one of which has ties to Johns Hopkins which, in turn is tied up with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation so conflict of interest, right there! It’s in their best interests to shut her down.
A full and accurate account of Mikovits’ action-packed career would include the time in 2012 when she was a supplements pimp and Lyme Doctor, peddling worthless scammy products for a multilevel-marketing company “Pharmanex / Nu-Skin”. Antioxidants and a “Biophotonic” prescription machine designed to tell suckers that they need to buy more Pharmanex antioxidants. Peddling them, more specifically, to treat Chronic Lyme Disease.
Dr. Judy Mikovitz will be discussing about a new Bio-Energetic Test called Pharmenex BioPhotonic. This test can inform each patient what their levels of anti-oxidants are and their levels of Oxidative Stress, what they are deficient in and what to supplement with to return levels to normal ranges. This is cutting edge technology.
We are privileged to hear her speak and she will have this new technology with her. A nationally known LLMD, will be speaking on inflammation and ways to control the cytokine storms of these illnesses.
She is bringing the new FDA APPROVED scanner for measurements of anti oxidants…she is bring this with her to scan some people to show how it works…
“We are curious what her motivation is (besides money) to report this information. ”
SHE’S A GRIFTER. Is that really so difficult to understand?
Keep in mind that there are a lot of people in the US who believe 1.) the moon landings never happened, and 2.) the US government brought down the twin towers by demolition on 9-11, and 3.) a plane never hit the pentagon on 9-11.
There is a lot of distrust of the government, and that will never change. COVID 19 will be under suspicion as some kind of plot to do whatever until you have plenty of dead people in red states, which could very well happen in some states (like GA).
A person who engages in petty or small-scale swindling, that’s what a grifter is. Smut Clyde, you don’t know her… I mean “really know her” and neither do I. Calling her a grifter is your opinion so it basically isn’t accurate. Opinions are just that, opinions, not factual based. Example: I watched and read everything I could on this woman and what she says because I too want to know what’s going on from all sources, not just one. My opinion is I believe her 110%. The government has always tried to mislead society and “they” only let the people know what they think is best for us or what “they” think we can handle. I wish the American people wouldn’t be so naive and NOT let the government strike fear in everyone’s mind. Ok, yes the covid19 is real but it’s just the flu without a vaccine. Watch this, maybe it would clear some doubts for those who are confused – Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blu4IehWzt4
have a wonderful day everyone!
Calling her a grifter is your opinion so it basically isn’t accurate.
She has repeatedly taken part in scams. Objectively she’s a grifter.
“Well, that’s just your opinion, man!”
I’m completely against Youtube, Facebook, etc. taking down the Pandemic documentary. If she is wrong, prove the errors, with links to reputable Scientific articles, etc (as you’ve apparently done here), and let that go “viral” (ironic term). We don’t need Youtube and Facebook etc. “protecting” us from “dangerous” information. Who decides what is “dangerous” or so erroneous that it has to be taken down? Who are the gait keepers accountable to if they get it wrong? I don’t trust them to be completely apolitical or free of other motivations that aren’t entirely “fact based”. I don’t want or need a “nanny state”, or nanny social media gait keepers. BTW, I believe in vaccinations – had my “double dose” Flu vaccine (since 65) , 2 Shingles vaccines, and 1st pneumonia Vaccine last fall. I’ve never had a negative reaction from a vaccine. I’m sure others have, but the principle of stimulating the immune system to make antibiotics by exposure to antigens makes perfect sense, and has prevented millions of deaths around the world, that otherwise would have occurred, due to a dozen diseases that have now mostly been controlled, thanks to modern science.
Correction to my post above: “….immune system to make antibodies”, not antibiotics.
Sorry Al, but because something makes sense doesn’t make it right. There are a lot of Theories and Practices that at one time made sense or seemed logical and today are considered nothing more than rubbish. Your personal experience is only scientifically important when it matches the conclusions of one or more proper done studies.
There are people that smoked for decades who died from old age……..
Al Miller
You might do yourself a favor and at least briefly look into the genuine issues of safety and effectiveness of vaccines. Dr. Judy Mikovits sheds light on the issues very well
and addresses the problem of a law passed by Congress in 1986 hat effectively frees manufacturers from any liability for harm resulting from their vaccines. Much of the harm, caused by toxic substances in the vaccines and from potentially pathological contaminants esp. of retroviruses and mycoplasmas, do not manifest for years. They take up residence inside cells, sometimes inside organelles in cells and are in effect stealth pathogen which can be triggered into activity by some trauma to the body or alteration in immune function and if there are multiple such ‘stealth’ microbes with pathological potential concurrently manifesting the myriad of symptoms and difficulty of discovering the microbes through standard blood tests
may well lead to the medical establishment sending you to a psychiatrist and saying ‘it’s all in your head’. Chronic fatigue and autoimmune illnesses are likely outcomes.
Efficacy of vaccines for viruses is something to look into; esp. data on numbers or percentages of people who develop an illness after getting vaccinated against it.
Robert Kennedy Jr. [RFK Jr.] is a strong advocate for safe vaccines and wrote an intro to Ms Mikovits recent book [pub.April 14, 2020] For questions about people blackened by the corporate consolidated cartel national news media or the Medical Establishment -controlled by BIG PHARMA which creates the ‘standards of care’;
or for anyone even Donald Trump, fiercely criticized by the the establishment media, look to see what the target has to say or actually did and compare what you find to the media assertions. Often it is easy enough to do with the internet. Anyone wanting to know about Mikovits can find lots of interviews with her online from recent to a few years ago with her first book “Plague”. She was a TOP virus researcher at the NIH for 20 years; in he lab not behind a big desk.
An interview or 2 I highly recommend as fact-rich are by a podcaster of “Thomas Paine Podcast”, name of Moore, who interviewed Mikovits episode #19 [I belive that is the number but it is easy to find; and a shorter interview with RFK episode #18
where he mentions some chilling outcomes from a corona virus SARS-1 patented vaccine. And on the BILLION dollar guaranteed profit for any manufacturer who gets it’s vaccine put on the US. gov. recommended list.
The production of antibodies as a result of vaccines is not what one would assume it to be. Mikovits somewhere explains this as do others.
She did both… her lab was contaminated with the XMRV, which is why it showed up in the samples she tested. That was probably down to sloppiness, not malice.
However, she has also “cooked the books”, since sections of her paper were shown to have been manipulated to give false results, and earlier results were changed so that they appeared to be positive.
Why does anyone want to stop an opinion? We all have an opinion, right or wrong. Some PHDs’ are quacks, some Dr. are quacks. Some got credentials sleeping with their professors and breaking up marriages. Autism most likely is a result of thirty or so yrs of Genetically Modified Food, or perhaps Dads who are getting up there in age as in close to 50 or so, or Vitamin deficiency…who knows. What is a fact is the Pharma and Food Agriculture Corp make billions on what Consumers spend, along with Subsidies from Tax dollars and Grants from who knows who…When Financial is used over Moral, that is the Problem. (if the videos from Epoch Times are watched it sure seemed plausible that Mikovits is on to something, and I at 68 am not very trusting of sources…especially in today’s climate…)
if the videos from Epoch Times
Trusting videos from Epoch Times is evidence of gullibility… more specifically, the Dunning-Kruger form of gullibility, convinced that everyone else is gullible.
And herein is exactly what’s wrong with this country at this point in time. Even a simple assumption that the person in question is either correct or incorrect results in extreme responses. Even when sources are quoted and can be looked up, it is much easier to just ignore them and inject personal opinions. And does any of it really matter? If she’s correct, how will that personally affect you? If she’s not correct, how will that personally affect you? Effectively, you will continue to live your life the same as it has been, and will be. All this discussion does is to inject more stress and controversy in peoples’ lives. And life is too short to be worrying about this. Step back everybody and take a deep breath (either with or without your mask on, whichever you prefer). You are not going to solve this issue, and you are not going to influence anyone else’s opinion. Try to stay safe and sane.
Read her book Plague of Corruption. I just finished it. Very compelling!
Judy’s character and fight with Fauci are of secondary importance. Search for how many scientists and doctors (more or less) agree with her scientific views and standpoints. Take very good note of their education, training, track record, experience, publications, etc. You will notice that some of them are pro vaccine and still believe something fishy and unjust happened and is still going on regarding epidemics, pandemics, (alternative) cures and vaccines. And it really matters because we all need to know if vaccines are SAFE, EFFECTIVE and NEEDED! For sure, if there is a push to make them MANDATORY. PLEASE find me well conducted studies that confirm without a doubt that vaccines are OK. I found at least 4000 that establishes the contrary.
In another forum in which the claims of Mikovits and of others are being discussed, someone who I prefer not to name wrote the following: “You can spend your life refuting nonsense, but the supply of nonsense will always outstrip your ability to dismiss it”. Add to the supply of nonsense the supply of people, real or through sock puppetry, who promote such rubbish and you have the current situation in which a casual uninformed reader may start to wonder whether there is some degree of legitimacy to such crap.
We ARE doomed …
In the Plandemic video, Dr. Mikovits made two statements that I believe are false without having to do much research. First, she claims to have taught Ebola to infect humans in a lab in 1999. (12 minute into video). However, there was an Ebola outbreak in Sudan and Congo (near Ebola River) in 1976. How do reconcile that? Second, she said the AMA threatened to revoke doctor’s licenses. The AMA does not issue or revoke licenses.
So with these two blatant false statements, I find it hard to believe the other things she claims.
Bob, please….
Of all the things she said or wrote about you decided to pick those two items? Why don’t you make an effort to research the rest?
If the rest happens to be true than we must ACT quickly instead informing each other of all the latest fake news or secrets we’ve uncovered. Because when we all are standing in a queue to get the world wide mandatory vaccine, it might be too late!
If not, than she would be busted.
By the way, stop believing, do your own research. Go and find studies that proof that vaccines are safe, secure and needed, for example.. Knowledge is power, Believe is just wishful thinking
Ah, but Alberto, so much else has *also* been found to be false, like her claim there was no warrant (there were *several*).
There’s a lot more to read here on this reddit-thread:
And studies that show vaccines are safe, secure, and needed are a-plenty. There is a list of many such studies here:
« Trust in God and keep your powder dry. »
Seems as though there are reasons to be skeptical of Dr. Mikovits’ motivation and research. However, it’s important to use respectful language, especially in light of her professional and academic bona fides, if only to avoid the crude, polarizing rhetoric that dominates discussion these days.
It’s clear that those on both sides of the political /scientific divide are prone to « confirmation bias, », which allows individuals to ignore evidence (which can and should be corroborated using good critical thinking and method) because study findings are inconsistent with their preconceived beliefs, no matter how irreproducible the study findings may be.
This goes for research design, which can be shaped to make conclusions fit an overarching ideology. It’s not hard to get a good sense of the trustworthiness of a piece of research.
As previously stated, one asks « what is the researcher’s training and education, history, list of publications ? Do her research studies have validity, reliability, under what institution were they carried out, who stood to gain ? What’s the researcher’s track record, over all methodology, ethical commitment to accurately reporting data?
Importantly, an above comment inquires » in what way does this affect you personally? «
If you don’t actually have much skin in the game ; and are not going to have much agency in the situation anyway, how are you served by thinking and speaking in the language of polarization, unnuanced assumption, unexamined prejudices ?
A crucial question is that of the source of our information.
We’re all guilty to some extent of shaping our opinions and reactions to fit our beliefs, but isn’t scientific method ideally used to avoid that kind of bias? What sources provide us with what we can authentically trust? I’ve yet to find a far right publication (for example)with a tolerance for ambiguity, top drawer writing, good syntax, and respectful language. I find fear mongering, shrill accusation, often outright hysteria and paranoid thinking. My bias.
At any rate, another critical question is « in what way is any research used towards political ends? Or how are findings co-opted to strengthen extremist views? «
I’ve read thoughtful articles in typically moderate publications carefully examining several sides of an issue and have appreciated that they were thought provoking, and allowed me to see the issue through other eyes. How often does that occur with right wing publications?
What I find troubling is that some of Dr Markovit’s adherents, (many of whom promote anti-Semitic tropes), point to her reportedly Jewish background as proof that they aren’t in fact anti-Semites.
The through- line among these adherents unfortunately seems to consist of those who revile Bob Gates, George Soros, Dr Fauchi, Hillary Clinton. The usual cohort of evildoers. Those who believe that Satan is at work as a pizzz-producing , child blood draining minion of the Democratic Party.
When a controversial figure attracts so many haters, white supremacists, and ultra right wingers, her credibility suffers. These people can undoubtedly be dangerous- their fanaticism allows them to promote or countenance acts of violence and destruction.
As to what’s motivating her: revenge, financial gain, altruistic ends- who knows ?
My own bias against users of such terms as Deep State, Fake News, QAnon, etc. feels lacking in compassion and a wish to understand. It’s uncomfortable to have such antipathy towards half of my fellow countrymen. This black and white thinking is intensifying the divide, and we’re increasingly called upon to step up in order to « save democracy. »
From whom? Pizzagaters, thé Deep State, right wing nationalists hoping to make American into an all white Christian nation? A country where women again die in back alleys, assault weapons slaughter school children, people are forced back in the closet, people of color are fair game for law enforcement ?
I’ve strayed from the issue of Markovit’s credibility. She may be an admirable scientist and thinker, but I don’t like the company she keeps.
If Judy Mikovits is so wrong and actually making up stories as all the big and honorable newspapers are saying, why isn’t she being sued? She names names and gives details. As far as I know, slander and defamation of character are still crimes in the U.S. If everything that she is saying is a lie, where are all the lawsuits? Or is what she saying true and they CAN’T go after her?
People have called Judy Mikovits a liar, a grifter a fraudster. Even in this thread! Yet she has not sued anyone for defamation. Is this an admission that the descriptions are accurate?
Nope. Despite her reasonable earnings as an anti-vaxer conspiracy theorist, she is probably not quite rich enough to afford lawyers, which are quite expensive. She’s trying to make as much money as she can being an anti-vaxer/anti-Fauci, and save as much money as she can. I don’t think she’s going away anytime soon.
If you check out her history, she tried to sue her employers the trust who fired her when her ME/CFS research paper was thrown out [she failed to hand back a cell phone & ended up arrested], and her court case failed because it read like a novel and was a mess.
The judge asked several times to clarify her case and she failed to present it clearly [I have read]; its all on the internet.
As for no-one sues her, people in the public spotlight rarely bother to sue; Fauci etc would be taking thousands of people on Twitter, etc to court. It would only provide this failed researcher with more oxygen and rally her cult-guru following support followers
A research publication from 2015 states that:
“Using the SARS-CoV reverse genetics system2,
we generated and characterized a chimeric virus expressing
the spike of bat coronavirus SHC014 in a mouse-adapted
SARS-CoV backbone. The results indicate that group 2b
viruses encoding the SHC014 spike in a wild-type backbone
can efficiently use multiple orthologs of the SARS receptor
human angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2), replicate
efficiently in primary human airway cells and achieve in vitro
titers equivalent to epidemic strains of SARS-CoV. Additionally,
in vivo experiments demonstrate replication of the chimeric
virus in mouse lung with notable pathogenesis”.
This means that a bat corona virus was genetically modified to become contagious for humans in Wuhans P4 lab already in 2015.
Experts say that it is not the same virus, so what, they had all the time to improve it in the following 5 years, and no it was not the same virus anymore; They also insist the virus was not created in a lab. That is true, it was modified genetically and added spike proteins to make it contagious for human cells.
I’ve read a lot of conflicting reports here, my comment is if this is fake news then no worries, but if true bend over and kiss our collective asses ByeBye! Greed is rampant in this country and has been forever
Was it Barnum who said a mug is born every minute?
Where there’s a market for anything – inc snakeskin oil, there’s always a seller, be it Alex Jones, David Icke, Donald T. or Judy M. Education, qualifications, morals, ethics, mean nothing; fame, revenge, power & money does to the ones waiting to fill the void: books, videos, products, N. bunkers, to get you through the supposed coming Apocalypse is advertised aplenty.
It’s absolutely insane because we don’t know who to trust? Im going to put my faith in God because that’s the only one who will never fail his children. Good Lord please help us all. Amen to that