The Retraction Watch 2015 review: A year of gratitude and expansion

RW logoIt’s been a great 12 months for Retraction Watch.

We took some major steps as an organization. Some highlights:






  • We hired our first full-time researcher, Alison Abritis, who helps out with a variety of projects, ranging from the database of retractions we’re building, to scholarly research, and a book on scientific fraud.



Now, some numbers:

  • Cumulative page views since our launch in August 2010: More than 20 million
  • Subscribers to our email alerts: More than 11,000
  • Facebook likes: More than 5,000
  • Twitter followers: Nearly 10,000

And the numbers we’re most grateful for: 39 individual donors made gifts to The Center For Scientific Integrity, totaling just shy of $10,000. That unrestricted funding will allow us to grow even more in 2016. It’s not too late to make an end-of-year tax-deductible donation, either. Here’s how.

As we say frequently, but not often enough, we couldn’t have done any of this without our readers. Thank you, and all the best in 2016!

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