Coming soon to a city nowhere near you: The Conference of Universal Rejection

JofURBannerAbout three years ago, we brought Retraction Watch readers news of our new favorite journal, the Journal of Universal Rejection. In a post titled “No retractions necessary” that featured an interview with the editor, Caleb Emmons, we quoted the journal:

The founding principle of the Journal of Universal Rejection (JofUR) is rejection. Universal rejection. That is to say, all submissions, regardless of quality, will be rejected.

So we’re thrilled to learn that the JofUR has now moved into the lucrative conference market, with their Conference of Universal Rejection scheduled for August of this year:

Tired of conferences where everyone talks and no one listens? Conferences full of dull, technical presentations that are way over your head? Our conference is different. No one talks and no one listens, and all presentations are both ground-breaking and accessible to an idiot.

There are a number of can’t-miss — or maybe that’s can’t-attend? — sessions, including “Me, My Research, and I:”

Topic : your research, whatever it is. Preferably in science or poetry. Policy : – papers must present incremental results. At least 90% of the paper must have already been published elsewhere. – the bibliography must include at least 50% of autocitations. PhD students who may not be able to fulfill this condition are allowed to replace autocitations by citations of their advisors articles. – each paper must come with a list of at least referees who are in conflict of interest on the paper, or simply in conflict with the authors. The list can include personal ennemies, bad neighbours, or students who failed the exams in the authors’ courses. – to ensure an efficient rejection process, reviewers will be chosen in the list above.

If you’re planning to attend, probably best to get started on hotel reservations. Here’s how:

Please contact any local hotel and ask for the “Conference of Universal Rejection” group rate. After that, maybe you can email me [email protected] and tell me what they said. It might be a good laugh for both of us.

And of course, don’t forget to register starting on April 1. Find out more here.

9 thoughts on “Coming soon to a city nowhere near you: The Conference of Universal Rejection”

  1. So how long until we start (not) having Prizes offered by this organization? Best/most rejected young researcher, best/most rejected researcher in interdisciplinary research…

      1. ”Why would professionals actually have themselves listed on such a board?”

        Because they have a sense of humour?

        I mean people don’t always find the same things funny, and if you don’t think the JofUR is funny that’s fine, but it gave me a good chuckle.

  2. The journal sounds great. Finally a journal with a degree of predictability about the outcome of a submission!

    Now, if they only have a fast turnaround time from submission to decision, they may have a winner.

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