Come see Retraction Watch in Calgary, Fort Collins, Montreal, New York, and Seattle

logoThe next several weeks are shaping up as busy ones for Retraction Watch, as we make appearances in three cities:

First up, on April 27, Adam is giving a keynote at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Research Ethics Boards (CAREB) in Calgary.

Then, on April 30, “Envy: Does Scientific Competition Corrupt Science?” at the New York Academy of Sciences in New York, featuring Ivan, Scientific American editor in chief Mariette DiChristina, Skip Garner, and Morton Meyers. Use code ENVIOUS to save $10. (We don’t get any proceeds, regardless of how much you pay.)

Then, Ivan will be in Montreal from May 2 through 7. On the 3rd, he’ll be at Concordia University at 11 a.m. (room details to come). On the 5th, he’s part of a panel at the annual Council of Science Editors meeting, “The Life of A Retraction,” and then on the 7th he’ll be speaking at the Third World Conference on Scientific Integrity.

Meanwhile, Adam will be on the other North American coast on May 6. In Seattle,  he’s on a panel, “From Stolen Ideas to False Data: Shining a Light on Scientific Misconduct,” at the annual meeting of ARVO (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology).

And on the 8th, he’s participating in a plagiarism workshop at Colorado State University in Fort Collins.

Come on out to say hello, or to heckle. You can keep up with all of our appearances — and request one of your own — here.

3 thoughts on “Come see Retraction Watch in Calgary, Fort Collins, Montreal, New York, and Seattle”

  1. Kinda bummed at the WCRI thing in Montreal. No one-day registration, and CDN$750 (US$730) for 3 days is highway robbery for an academic conference. If they want to get academics engaged in the discussion (as opposed to just univ. administrators and RIOs who have a budget for this type of thing), the price needs to be more agreeable. The ORI is a sponsor, so they could have lobbied for cheaper registration for scientists (i.e., the ones able to actually DO something about research integrity).

    1. Surely the RetractionWatch Team can make an excuse to come the UK to taste the best beer in the world, ahem, I mean, to persuade the scientific community to get our act in order.

      And the UK is cheap!

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