Seeing double in Pattern Recognition Letters leads to retraction

patterrecletcoverYou’d think this sort of thing would be, well, obvious to the editors of a journal called Pattern Recognition Letters — could a fox get away with publishing in Henhouse News? — but a group of Lithuanian researchers managed to get a duplicate article into the pages of PRL.

The paper, titled “Application of Bayes linear discriminant functions in image classification,” appeared in the February 2011 issue of PRL. But a very similar version already had been published in a special meeting issue of another journal, Procedia Environmental Sciences. Both are Elsevier titles.

According to the retraction notice:

This article has been retracted at the request of the Editors-in-Chief.

It has come to the attention of the Editors-in-Chief of Pattern Recognition Letters that this article has considerable overlap with the paper “Image Classification Based on Bayes Discriminant Functions”, Procedia Environmental Sciences, Volume 7, 2011, Pages 218–223,

It has been determined that the two papers contain extensive overlap and that this article cannot be termed as an extension of the proceedings article. The Editors have therefore decided to retract this article.

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