Obesity Surgery won’t retract papers by weight loss surgeon who published fake data elsewhere

Earlier this week, we reported on the case of Edward Shang, a weight loss surgeon who was forced to retract a study after it became clear that he had enrolled only about a third as many patients as he claimed — if he enrolled any at all. In that post, the editor in chief of Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, who retracted the paper, told us he had flagged the issue for Obesity Surgery editors, who had also published Shang’s work.

Yesterday, we heard back from the editor of Obesity Surgery, Scott Shikora, who tells us that he’s reviewed Shang’s four publications in his journal:

He was only first author of one of them, however, on circular stapled gastro-jejunostomy. Even there, Shikora said:

We concluded that his role was minimal and there was no need to retract the paper.

Shikora wouldn’t say whether a strongly worded editorial he published last month was about Shang, but said we “can read between the lines.”

Please see an update on this post.

12 thoughts on “Obesity Surgery won’t retract papers by weight loss surgeon who published fake data elsewhere”

  1. THese people profess to accurately inform the public but now the readers have to
    “read between the lines”! I, for one, don’t appreciate having to be a detective
    when reading scientific reports.

    1. No, you are not confused, the editors and authors are. You see things as
      they should be,but how they really are is different.

    2. Typically, the asterisk next to a person’s name indicates the author who contributed the least to the published research. Strange but true.

      1. @ MT Orr: I have always wondered, if it takes that much to run A research program, how can those people publish 50 papers a year…

      2. I am not talking about running a research program but about doing actual research. Two different things. The bigger the fish, the less it has to do with research and more with “running things”.

    1. Ahh spam comments. How much you add to the scientific discourse we’ll never know, because clicking your link sets off my internet malware alarms like magic.

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