Tune in to Science Friday today to hear Retraction Watch

It’s a nice way to celebrate our first anniversary this week: Ivan will appear today on Science Friday, the nationally syndicated NPR program hosted by Ira Flatow.

The segment, “If Science Takes A Wrong Turn, Who Rights It,” is part of the show’s first hour, at 2 p.m. Eastern. It will also feature Grant Steen, whose work we’ve covered.

You can listen online, or find a station near you that carries it, if you’re in the U.S. It’s live, so call in — you know we love hearing from Retraction Watch readers. It will also be archived on the site, so you can listen later.

Update, 5:15 Eastern, 8/5/11: Here’s that archived audio (top left corner).

7 thoughts on “Tune in to Science Friday today to hear Retraction Watch”

    1. Sorry to hear that, Kathi — I ‘ll post a link to the archived segment when it goes live. Thanks for trying!

  1. Hi Guys,

    One of the next things you might consider retracting is your analogy about “outdated” research.

    The HepC example where you discuss that a HepC vaccination research obsoletes HepC treatment research is predicated on everyone having had the HepC vaccination.

    Until everyone is vaccinated for HepC and “no one” has it, you’ll still need treatment protocols.
    A “cure” to prevent obesity doesn’t help the people who are already fat.

    It’s a terrible example.

  2. Fascinating piece. Got me thinking of possible web mash-ups (apologies, Software Engineer here) with the goal of alerting researchers and practitioners.

    Ivan, et al, must do a lot of digging to connect the dots. Which online tools need to be “talking” to each other. Take http://clinicaltrials.gov as example with the goal of getting more eyeballs on the proposed trials. Which sites are in a position to alert qualified personnel?

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