Exclusive: NIH researcher resigned amid retractions, including Nature paper

A tenure-track investigator at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), a division of the National Institutes of Health, resigned in March, as questions mounted about her work, Retraction Watch has learned.  Jennifer Martinez has retracted at least two papers, including a 2016 Nature paper with the chair of the immunology department at St. … Continue reading Exclusive: NIH researcher resigned amid retractions, including Nature paper

Nature paper adds non-reproducibility to its list of woes

Despite taking some serious hits, a 2006 letter in Nature isn’t going anywhere. Years ago, a university committee determined that two figures in the letter had been falsified. The journal chose to correct the paper, rather than retract it — and then, the next year, published a correction of that correction due to “an error … Continue reading Nature paper adds non-reproducibility to its list of woes

Nature corrects figures McGill committee found had been “intentionally contrived and falsified”

The second of two corrections by McGill researcher Maya Saleh for what a university committee called “intentionally contrived and falsified” figures has run in Nature. We reported in January that the McGill committee concluded that two figures in [a] Nature paper had been “intentionally contrived and falsified.” One of those figures was duplicated in a PNAS paper, … Continue reading Nature corrects figures McGill committee found had been “intentionally contrived and falsified”

Musical figures: PNAS paper corrected with version of “intentionally contrived and falsified” Nature figure

One of the two corrections recommended by a McGill committee for work by Maya Saleh and colleagues has appeared, in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). As we reported last month, the committee found that two figures in [a] Nature paper had been “intentionally contrived and falsified.” One of those figures was duplicated … Continue reading Musical figures: PNAS paper corrected with version of “intentionally contrived and falsified” Nature figure

McGill committee says Nature figures were “intentionally contrived and falsified”

An associate professor at Montreal’s McGill University is correcting two papers, one of them in Nature, after a university committee found evidence of falsification, Retraction Watch has learned. Concerns had been raised about four papers by Maya Saleh and colleagues: