Duke’s Anil Potti resigns

Duke’s Anil Potti, the Duke cancer researcher who falsely claimed to be a Rhodes Scholar and may have faked several analyses of chemotherapy and cancer, has resigned from the university. The Duke Chronicle reports that Potti …stepped down from his position at Duke’s Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy Friday and took responsibility for the … Continue reading Duke’s Anil Potti resigns

Another site hit with DMCA takedown notice for post about Anil Potti

Retraction Watch readers may recall that earlier this month, WordPress removed ten of our posts about Anil Potti — the former Duke oncology researcher who has retracted or corrected 19 papers — after a false DMCA copyright claim against us. The site which claimed the copyright violations — and which no longer exists — actually plagiarized … Continue reading Another site hit with DMCA takedown notice for post about Anil Potti

Another retraction for Anil Potti, with an inscrutable notice

We’ve seen a lot of retraction notices for work by Anil Potti — 10, to be precise, along with 7 corrections and one partial retraction notice. As notices go, they tend to be pretty complete. So when we saw one in CHEST for this 2008 abstract, we were expecting something similar. Instead, we were confused. … Continue reading Another retraction for Anil Potti, with an inscrutable notice

Lead author of major breast cancer study announced at ASCO co-authored two corrected papers with Anil Potti

One of the biggest stories so far out of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) meeting that just ended in Chicago was that of T-DM1, which, according to Ivan’s Reuters colleagues, “extended the length of time breast cancer patients lived without their disease getting worse.” (The news was even the subject of an embargo … Continue reading Lead author of major breast cancer study announced at ASCO co-authored two corrected papers with Anil Potti

Missouri medical board reprimands Anil Potti

Anil Potti, the former Duke oncology researcher who has now retracted ten papers amid continuing investigations into his work, has been reprimanded by the Missouri medical board. The reprimand, which was first reported by DukeCheck, became effective on March 6. In it, the Missouri State Board of Registration for the Healing Arts noted that the … Continue reading Missouri medical board reprimands Anil Potti

Update on Anil Potti: A patient in a trial based on retracted research speaks out; Baggerly on how to prevent the next fiasco

A quick post this Sunday morning to draw your attention to two must-read items for anyone interested in the Anil Potti case or in how one goes about checking data. (A second paper by Potti et al was officially retracted on Friday.) First, a terrific profile of Joyce Shoffner in the Charlotte News & Observer. … Continue reading Update on Anil Potti: A patient in a trial based on retracted research speaks out; Baggerly on how to prevent the next fiasco

More on Anil Potti: Two other papers worth keeping an eye on

It’s fair to say that we haven’t heard the last of Anil Potti, the Duke cancer researcher who resigned last month following revelations that he had faked some of his results. Duke is still investigating the situation, and has also asked the Institute of Medicine to conduct its own study into the case and its … Continue reading More on Anil Potti: Two other papers worth keeping an eye on

Another update on Anil Potti: Co-author asks Nature Medicine to retract paper

Anil Potti, who resigned from his post at Duke today during an investigation into faked results, will likely have another retraction to his credit shortly. According to a Duke statement: Dr. Potti’s collaborator, Joseph Nevins, Ph.D., has initiated a process intended to lead to a retraction request regarding a paper previously published in Nature Medicine.  … Continue reading Another update on Anil Potti: Co-author asks Nature Medicine to retract paper

JCO makes it official, retracting paper co-authored by Anil Potti

We have a follow-up to our post two weeks ago about a possible retraction in the case of Anil Potti, the Duke cancer researcher who falsely claimed to be a Rhodes Scholar and may have also faked an analysis of how breast cancer responds to chemotherapy. In that post, we noted that the Raleigh News … Continue reading JCO makes it official, retracting paper co-authored by Anil Potti