PubPeer Selections: From “this comment is clearly unfounded” to “happy to elaborate,” a range of responses

pubpeerLate last week, Nature reported some details of PubPeer’s fight against a subpoena from a researcher who claims to have lost a job because of comments on the site. (Background here.) Here’s another installment of PubPeer Selections: Continue reading PubPeer Selections: From “this comment is clearly unfounded” to “happy to elaborate,” a range of responses

PubPeer Selections: Authors respond to critiques; motorcycling meets photonics; soda and aging

pubpeerThis week we learned that Fazlul Sarkar, who is suing PubPeer commenters, claiming he lost a job offer at the University of Mississippi because of their critiques, declined an opportunity to respond to said comments. Here’s another installment of PubPeer Selections: Continue reading PubPeer Selections: Authors respond to critiques; motorcycling meets photonics; soda and aging

PubPeer Selections: Was a Nature correction adequate?; Use of samples from patients with COPD questioned

pubpeerHere’s another installment of PubPeer Selections: Continue reading PubPeer Selections: Was a Nature correction adequate?; Use of samples from patients with COPD questioned